Hey all, most recently my LS started farming Dynamis-Tavnazia more recently for the awesome -1 drops and great relic there. I'm like the only THF in LS still w/o TH4 and I was wondering just one thing, how common a drop would you THINK Assassin's Armlets is vs the droprate in Xarcabard?
We will start farming Tav at least once/week, with the occasional Xarcabard/DL. Do you think I have a good shot at a drop from Tav? Way we do it is, best attendance = Tav alliance, the spillover goes to farm a city dynamis, ie: sandy/bastok/windy
Everyone always says Xarcabard is the best for TH4, but then against not as many do Tav (I would think?) Possible that both have equalish droprates? In Tav it drops off Kindred mobs...
Any opinions would be appreciated, esp those saying where you got ur TH4 for comparison
We will start farming Tav at least once/week, with the occasional Xarcabard/DL. Do you think I have a good shot at a drop from Tav? Way we do it is, best attendance = Tav alliance, the spillover goes to farm a city dynamis, ie: sandy/bastok/windy
Everyone always says Xarcabard is the best for TH4, but then against not as many do Tav (I would think?) Possible that both have equalish droprates? In Tav it drops off Kindred mobs...
Any opinions would be appreciated, esp those saying where you got ur TH4 for comparison