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going out for a year or so but wana stay

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  • going out for a year or so but wana stay

    In June I'm going to be leaveing for about a year or so maybe 2 years before I'm going to be able to find a way back on.
    Heres my Queastion,
    I see SE will delete my account if I'm inactive for more then 3 months, How do I keep my character and ALL the items/gear I got?

    for just have this account for 6 months I did alot I really dont wana loss all my gear.
    I'm your God/King

  • #2
    Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

    Just because yor account is inactive for a long period does not mean they will delete it. After 3 months they could but it really is the luck of the draw. There are plenty of people that quit years ago but have recently reactivated their account.

    If you want to guarantee that your character will be there, then every 3 months you can reactivate your account for one month and then cancel the content ID before the month is up. Do this every 3 months and your character will be there when you are ready to play.
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


    • #3
      Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

      if only I'm able to get on I'll be in boot camp, so I guess I'll have to see what happens then
      I'm your God/King


      • #4
        Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

        Well you could call them and play on their sympathies by telling them you are in the military. lol

        Phone Support:
        PlayOnline Information Center
        (858) 790-7529 (PLAY)
        Monday - Friday
        9:00 am - 6:00 pm Pacific Time (excluding weekends and holidays)

        Have your personal info, credit card info, POL info user name and password, and possibly your registration codes.
        Originally posted by Feba
        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
        Originally posted by DakAttack
        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


        • #5
          Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

          Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
          Well you could call them and play on their sympathies
          Emotions? We're talking about PlayOnline here.

          But really, if you're so attached to your character in a video game, you may want to reconsider joining the military. You have to let go of things which should be far more important to you than that, especially if you're going to serve in the middle east. Other than that, I would say to either have a trusted friend look after your account, and that you generally can leave it unactivated for over a year without repercussions. Just remember that you cancel your content ID, and never delete a character.


          • #6
            Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

            I always assumed SE meant that they will delete your account if you canceled your POL account -- not the content IDs. Content IDs are left untouched if you deactivate them, but if you cancel your POL account (why would you?), it's gonna go bye-bye.

            Or I may just be misunderstanding this... but after having about 5 accounts and each of them having their content IDs deactivated for a year+ (One of them for 4 years) and the characters still being there... Yeah.
            Last edited by Etra; 04-26-2010, 02:30 PM. Reason: wording


            • #7
              Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

              If you cancel your POL account, then after 3 months, your account will be deleted. So then you would not be able to access your characters. But if you leave your POL account active, and why not?, it's free, then there is only a possibility that after 3 months your characters could be deleted. This is the way it works as far as I know.
              Originally posted by Feba
              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
              Originally posted by Taskmage
              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
              Originally posted by DakAttack
              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


              • #8
                Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

                Anime king your going to boot camp? Me too! When are you leaving and what branch are you going into? Also what job did you get?


                • #9
                  Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

                  if you yunguns have a laptop you'll be able to play after basic, lol you won't be in prision all the time^^

                  on that note:

                  I wouldn't recomend it. your first couple of years in any branch of the military is pretty important for learning self responsibility as well as self worth. MMO's can easily take away from the things in RL that you probably should be focusing on. Take it from me. I didn't touch an MMO until after I was done with EOD school. I would have failed out if I had. When I did start playing it was such an amazing thing, that I lost focus my 1st 6 months at my 1st duty station, and wasn't a shit bag, but clearly wasn't as productive as I could have been. It took me a while to get to the point where I could tell my MMO buddies that I was leaving a 8th day Nidhogg camp with 2 windows left because I had to go Running. And It wasn't group PT that made me have to go run. It was needing to be a healthy person.

                  as far as your account. De-activate your content ID and leave your POL ID alone. You'll be good through Basic and your job school. heck, I had my account de-activated for about 1 1/2 years and i came back and it was still there.

                  And good luck with Basic ^^ GOD DAMN IT DON'T GO TO BASIC OPEN GENERAL. IF there's one thing you do before you leave MEPS, it's make sure you have a garunteed job before you get to basic. I'm not even fucking joking. Choose your own path now.

                  p.s. Also choose EOD.


                  • #10
                    Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

                    EOD? I can see why you would not want to loose focus for that, one mistake in the field and game over with no reraise. Had a friend of mine finish SAR school last week, boy is a born fish I tell you. As for the POL account staying around its hit or miss, mine was inactive for 4 months and BAM, they deleted it. But dont take it to heart, I'm hoping they will start up another Return to VanaDiel soon, either way MMO's should be low on th priority list if your going to boot camp, Steer your life first then worry about having extra fun


                    • #11
                      Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

                      Originally posted by Doops0 View Post
                      Anime king your going to boot camp? Me too! When are you leaving and what branch are you going into? Also what job did you get?
                      Yes, I'm going in June as a GM for the Navy.

                      FYI. GM wasn't my idea, it was the only job left.
                      I'm your God/King


                      • #12
                        Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

                        As much as I hate to suggest this you could just pay for the account the entire time. You're going to have plenty of disposable income. If the Navy is anything like the Army (and I'm pretty sure it is) you can blow your pay the day you get it and still have everything you need, provided you don't want to leave post and you bought a lot of alcohol, and remembered your MMO sub. Still I'd try talking to the company and seeing if they'll just hold your account for you while you're out. Seems like a reasonable request. Otherwise you just need to ask yourself how much you want it.

                        Good luck and remember to have fun with your time in. If you hate what you're doing you'll hate life, but if you like what you're doing then it's going to be 4 years of fun. Was for me!


                        • #13
                          Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

                          Originally posted by myfingid View Post
                          You're going to have plenty of disposable income.
                          This. If FFXI is the worst thing you spend (or waste, depending on how you look at it) your money on, you're doing quite well. Especially if you deploy, I went on a five month deployment and I had more money than what I knew what to do with when I came back.

                          And then I got married and my dick ex depleted my account because he (the working one, I was being full-time mommy) would spend the money he was making on stupid bullshit, and I had to dip into my savings to pay our bills. (Pro tip, just FYI: A lot of military get back from deployments and instead of saving or at least putting some of that money aside, they blow it all on really useless crap. And then when they get out, they regret buying that huge screen HDTV and six gaming consoles when they have nothing really saved up and can't find a job. So if you do deploy, put some of that money away when you get home. Trust me.) Yeah, I'm still bitter. I was smart and actually put money away in savings - and a money market account - and because my ex was completely irresponsible, my money was swiftly gone.

                          To be honest, I wouldn't bother with SE. They're not really governed by US laws as far as I'm aware, and they won't really give a rat's ass that you're in the military. I've never really noticed SE to be overly sympathetic in the first place, so I doubt military service would be any different. Hell, getting companies like electric companies and cell phone companies to care that you're in the military was a huge ordeal. I highly doubt that they're going to really change the way they do anything for someone in the military. I've dealt with them before, and asking them to do anything outside the "norm" is incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

                          You're going to be spending what, $13 a month? You'll hardly miss that, and if you're really wanting to be certain that you won't be losing your account, I'd say it's worth it for that peace of mind.
                          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                          ~I has a blog~~
                          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                          • #14
                            Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

                            Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                            Well you could call them and play on their sympathies by telling them you are in the military. lol


                            • #15
                              Re: going out for a year or so but wana stay

                              Originally posted by Grimfyre View Post
                              Come on! At least make the effort if your gonna do this Grim! Your all over the front page ya goof!

