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SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

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  • #16
    Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

    Sorry OP, I disagree. Now what...

    They don't want their game to be like what you envision, just gotta deal with that.
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #17
      Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

      Originally posted by Kailea View Post
      now this is not true ...blah, blah, blah
      Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
      Imo, ...
      IMO = In My Opinion....and I am allowed to have one.
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • #18
        Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

        Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
        IMO = In My Opinion....and I am allowed to have one.
        I know its your opinion, I understand by your experience, its how you feel, I was just saying that not all people that want to PvP are like that.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #19
          Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

          Originally posted by Kailea View Post
          I know its your opinion, I understand by your experience, its how you feel, I was just saying that not all people that want to PvP are like that.

          From my experience... EVERYONE is.


          • #20
            Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

            Originally posted by Kailea View Post
            I know its your opinion, I understand by your experience, its how you feel, I was just saying that not all people that want to PvP are like that.
            No, not all people are like that but the majority are, IMO. It's just like the douchebags on XBL, they ruin the experience for people with maturity.
            Originally posted by Feba
            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
            Originally posted by Taskmage
            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
            Originally posted by DakAttack
            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


            • #21
              Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

              Originally posted by Takelli View Post
              From my experience... EVERYONE is.
              Correct. The REASON to pvp is to prove you are better than someone else, or some other group of players. No one plays to lose unless you are a masochist.
              Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


              This is why I J9:



              • #22
                Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

                Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
                Correct. The REASON to pvp is to prove you are better than someone else, or some other group of players.
                Just like how everyone that has ever played sports is a douchenozzle.


                • #23
                  Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

                  SE can definitely figure a way to completely separate PvP and PvE, and balance jobs a certain way during PvP only so that it doesn't effect PvE, at all. I mean, obviously a lot of people don't like PvP, and obviously a lot do. It's a fact that humans are competitive, it's been that way since the beginning, I'm not trying to "add credibility" to my argument. Humans are competitive, and humans play MMOs (for the most part), therefore adding player versus play combat is logical. Adding a well-thought out PvP combat system that is entirely separate from PvE is viable, it's logical, it would be a nice idea for those player who are interested, the rest of you can start scraping the sand out of your vagina because no one is asking for you to participate.

                  I can reasonably see the argument that it might change the player community, I highly doubt that, FFXI isn't one of the "most played" MMOs out there, it takes time to develop a character (time ADHD kids who usually ruin communities-like WoW- don't have). Especially now when the level 99 cap is released.
                  In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
                  And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
                  Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
                  Yeah, It’s true.
                  It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

                  [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


                  • #24
                    Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

                    Originally posted by Tipsy View Post
                    SE can definitely figure a way to completely separate PvP and PvE, and balance jobs a certain way during PvP only so that it doesn't effect PvE, at all. I mean, obviously a lot of people don't like PvP, and obviously a lot do. It's a fact that humans are competitive, it's been that way since the beginning, I'm not trying to "add credibility" to my argument. Humans are competitive, and humans play MMOs (for the most part), therefore adding player versus play combat is logical. Adding a well-thought out PvP combat system that is entirely separate from PvE is viable, it's logical, it would be a nice idea for those player who are interested, the rest of you can start scraping the sand out of your vagina because no one is asking for you to participate.

                    I can reasonably see the argument that it might change the player community, I highly doubt that, FFXI isn't one of the "most played" MMOs out there, it takes time to develop a character (time ADHD kids who usually ruin communities-like WoW- don't have). Especially now when the level 99 cap is released.
                    FYI, there is plenty of competition in FFXI without PvP. People measure their epeen by completing the most quests/missions or among the first to do them so that they can look down their noses at others. They strut around in their expensive or hard to obtain gear as if to say you don't measure up to their standards. They change their titles to one more deserving so that when you check them it shows how accomplished they are and you are not...and those are just a few examples. So there is plenty of opportunity in the game to stroke your epeen if you are skilled enough to achieve it. But I guess for some they need to be able to turn their attentions to doing something that basically accomplishes nothing because they may not have the skill to accomplish a truly challenging goal in the game.
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • #25
                      Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

                      Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                      FYI, there is plenty of competition in FFXI without PvP. People measure their epeen by completing the most quests/missions or among the first to do them so that they can look down their noses at others. They strut around in their expensive or hard to obtain gear as if to say you don't measure up to their standards. They change their titles to one more deserving so that when you check them it shows how accomplished they are and you are not...and those are just a few examples. So there is plenty of opportunity in the game to stroke your epeen if you are skilled enough to achieve it. But I guess for some they need to be able to turn their attentions to doing something that basically accomplishes nothing because they may not have the skill to accomplish a truly challenging goal in the game.
                      I led two groups to See before the mega-nerf to CoP in 2010.
                      I helped and mentored other players.
                      Took my favorite jobs to the current max level.

                      That's all the "winning FFXI" I'll need. I'm done.

                      Sticking around to collect gear from endgame unlocks a special achievement:

                      "I deserve this because I stood in this zone longer than you did.."

                      Makes people sound like real winners, doesn't it?


                      • #26
                        Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

                        Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                        FYI, there is plenty of competition in FFXI without PvP. People measure their epeen by completing the most quests/missions or among the first to do them so that they can look down their noses at others. They strut around in their expensive or hard to obtain gear as if to say you don't measure up to their standards. They change their titles to one more deserving so that when you check them it shows how accomplished they are and you are not...and those are just a few examples. So there is plenty of opportunity in the game to stroke your epeen if you are skilled enough to achieve it. But I guess for some they need to be able to turn their attentions to doing something that basically accomplishes nothing because they may not have the skill to accomplish a truly challenging goal in the game.

                        I agree with the competition part, and that's part of the reason adding some more friendly PvP won't change the player community, competition exists already. The part about "accomplishing nothing," regarding PvP, I don't know about how you look at the game, or anyone else for that matter, but from my perspective, above any gear, above any title, is to have fun. That's priority number one. And what better (or more challenging) goal is there then to outwhit someone of equal skill/equipment? It's easy to beat an environmental aspect of the game, for the most part we have it mapped out for us on websites like XIclopedia, and it's mostly predictable and/or redundant. Go up against a human though, someone who you can match whits with, someone who will try to outsmart you at every corner, someone with a creative play style, it's a lot more thrilling than some AI HNM that 18 people bash on (which is still pretty fun).

                        Either way, I'm not trying to sway anyone's opinion, but there are those of us out here who would enjoy more exciting PvP, case and point.

                        And also, adding equipment rewards for PvP would also give it some accomplishment players can work toward. And so it doesn't effect the precious PvE make it, "In Ballista: + x attack, +x STR, etc." Just a suggestion, is all.

                        EDIT: inb4 "gear will make things unbalanced-", or anything synonymous; I personally love playing with a handicap. For example, in Gears of War, I can remember when a match started, and 2-4 people on your team DC (or perhaps a split-screener), or just leave, and it's you and someone else versus 5 others, there's nothing more exciting than that, nothing more accomplishing (for a video game) if you actually win. So yeah, some people might have epic gear, but what more incentive to succeed in PvE than to be able to use it to your advantage in PvP; or what more incentive to beat someone of the same job, and has entirely better gear?

                        I guess I'm alone here..
                        Last edited by Tipsy; 04-25-2010, 12:49 AM.
                        In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
                        And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
                        Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
                        Yeah, It’s true.
                        It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

                        [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


                        • #27
                          Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

                          You're missing the point completely. Only a handful of jobs in FFXI would be viable in PvP and would dominate all others. Forums would fill with complaints about how X job needs to be nerfed and job Y needs to be boosted. Blizzard have tried to balance PvP and PvE since their game launched and to this day with their billions of dollars and much larger developer base they've failed miserably so the chances of S-E doing it when they've historically had zero interest or experience of PvP are slim to none. That and the fact most people would have a serious issue with developer time being wasted on an aspect of the game very few people give a shit about. If you want PvP there are games better designed to it out there, FFXI isn't one of them.


                          • #28
                            Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

                            Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
                            You're missing the point completely. Only a handful of jobs in FFXI would be viable in PvP and would dominate all others. Forums would fill with complaints about how X job needs to be nerfed and job Y needs to be boosted. Blizzard have tried to balance PvP and PvE since their game launched and to this day with their billions of dollars and much larger developer base they've failed miserably so the chances of S-E doing it when they've historically had zero interest or experience of PvP are slim to none. That and the fact most people would have a serious issue with developer time being wasted on an aspect of the game very few people give a shit about. If you want PvP there are games better designed to it out there, FFXI isn't one of them.
                            1. ", very few people give a shit about." I'm sorry, but when did you poll the player community to find this out?
                            2. "If you want PvP there are games better designed to it out there, FFXI isn't one of them." You're missing the point completely. I'm posting here at, no? Nothing more needs to be said.
                            3. This was a friendly suggestion, if you disagree with it please, stay out of the thread.
                            4. Blizzard != Square Enix; FFXI has different designers, if any one can pull off a balanced PvP system, it's SE. And I'm not suggesting a complete and utter reconstruction of PvP, just a few more additions for those of us who are interested, or to interest a few others so it's actually playable again.

                            Seriously, if you're not interested in PvP, why post in a PvP discussion board?
                            In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
                            And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
                            Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
                            Yeah, It’s true.
                            It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

                            [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


                            • #29
                              Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

                              ... didn't realize we have a pvp board until you mentioned... lol
                              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                              - Pablo Picasso


                              • #30
                                Re: SE needs to put more into the PVP aspect of the game

                                Originally posted by Tipsy View Post
                                What are your opinions?
                                Originally posted by Tipsy View Post
                                if you disagree with it please, stay out of the thread.
                                You seem to have a problem comprehending your own posts.

