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RT: party locations and level sync

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  • RT: party locations and level sync

    i hope i dont get in trouble for this one O.o but i searched and after reading quite a few threads and alot of pages i didnt see this particular issue. RT: is random thought cuz it popped in my head a few mins ago.

    im sure there ahve been other posts/threads of thise/these issues and a link to them if u can remember it would be nice (please dont go out of your way to come 50+ threads for this >.> id kill myself if i knew i put peeps through that torture.

    HERE TIS: recently i became awakened at the thought that leveling is so dull now. why? could ti be level sync? why yes grind through qufim from level 20-40 does get boring O.o but lets say for a higher level job. hitting 70 in qufim is great. yea... but the downside is its not as "fun" as doing the old school camps.

    if you asked me before level sync i could tell you where to camp at what levels with what jobs. now i for the life of me i cant remember what goes after yhoater jungle. because now its east ronfaure S. not saying theres anything wrong with east ronfaure S the exp is great but....

    I believe level sync is making us gimp (skill ups and jst overall dumb since we dunno how to use new abilitiesdue to being synced and nto being able o use them ahlf the time) and lazy. astral burns...if u ask me this si the easy way out. msot of the time ppl who burn their smn to 75 have no clue wtf smn can do. sorry if i upset you with that comment

    my main concern is that i have never i repeat NEVER have been to a party post level 58 that hasnt been wajaom woodlands. and call me crazy but id like the old camps back.(my buddy Khalus cant stand leveling pld cuz they jsut wanna kill birds all the time) id like to be able to level on something else besides birds and crabs as SE seems to hate crabs since you spend like 20+ levels killing...crabs... so i guess to the root of this thread is this.

    what do you all think about level sync?
    do you like leveling in low level zones more than high level zones?
    why is this prefered?
    how do we go back to the epic leet parties where i hear of legendary 600 chains. frankly i think thats BS >.> no offense ive just never seen anything past a chain 8 in exp parties except in a smn burn and i dont count that as a real party. feel free to get mad at me for bringing back stupid topics =D and i dont mind if u get mad but plz dont make me

    EDIT: if by posting random questions like i did about official vs forum info is bad plz lemme knwo and ill stop making question threads or atleast try and make em fresh and not about stuff im sure have already been tlaked about >.<

  • #2
    Re: RT: party locations and level sync

    Firstly... Please spell our your words. It was really hard for me to read this post, and not pull out my hair...

    Originally posted by joufes View Post
    what do you all think about level sync?
    do you like leveling in low level zones more than high level zones?
    why is this prefered?
    how do we go back to the epic leet parties where i hear of legendary 600 chains. frankly i think thats BS >.> no offense ive just never seen anything past a chain 8 in exp parties
    Level sync is great, but it gimps peoples abilities/skills.

    I hate leveling in lower level zones. My skills suck after I go leveling, and so do others. It also helps avoid those "annoying" levels though. ((Such as lvl 49-54))

    I don't prefer it, but others do because you can go onto the stupid birds. They are weak ass monsters that die too easily with out any thought.

    Those chains are hard to get with out being in a merit party. Out of those, its hard. The longest I had was chain 10, but that was when people did use their 2 hours.


    • #3
      Re: RT: party locations and level sync

      I hate level sync. I level up, but my skills don't. By far and wide the worst part of this game is skilling up, and SE doesn't want to make it any easier for us.


      • #4
        Re: RT: party locations and level sync

        sorry about my spelling i have a very old sticky keyboard and english isnt my first language but ill take the time to run a spell check


        • #5
          Re: RT: party locations and level sync

          I sympathize with the disgruntlement over endlessly syncing to the same areas. If you're absolutely dead-set against doing birds, you can always refuse to sync to those levels. It takes longer to get invites that way, but I think it's worth it. Partying in a variety of areas is fun, so you might as well hold out for the good times rather than have a miserable party.
          Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
          Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
          Name: Drjones
          Blog: Mediocre Mage


          • #6
            Re: RT: party locations and level sync

            I had a level 60 PT the other day, and they wanted to do Colibri. The camps were taken, so I checked campsitarus and found a few nice Puk camps, they worked out very well. It's quite a good camp so long as you have shadows and aren't afraid to use them, and it bridges the gap between Lesser Colibri and the next ones quite well.


            • #7
              Re: RT: party locations and level sync

              Beginning areas >> Dunes >> Qufim >> Delkfutts >> Yuhtunga >> Yhoator >> Weapons in Sauromauge/E. Ron >> Garbage Sh!tadel **and then it gets fuzzy** >> W. Altepa hill or one of tunels, idr which >> then I really don't know anymore ... cuz I campaigned when not doing bird parties.

              Totally get where you're coming from on the OP (lil difficult to read, lol) ... someone in LS asks where to party at such and such level... and silence falls. Yeah... level-synch has gimped our familiarity with the world we play in.
              FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
              FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

              Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
              aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


              • #8
                Re: RT: party locations and level sync

                After Altepa you head for Quicksand Caves, I think that's around 45 or so but I forget. It's a pretty smooth transition once the beetles stop giving good exp and the ants down there are rather fun despite being tough. After that I think I had a few parties in the Garliage basement. Sometime in the early 50s you can try out Kuftal Tunnel if you can find people willing to deal with it, because crabs are obnoxious and that place is a maze.

                I don't really know where to head after that though. There are no birds in my immediate future and I hope to keep it that way, but the only level appropriate invites I get are for Aht Urgan areas I don't really have access to yet. It's annoying.
                Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                Name: Drjones
                Blog: Mediocre Mage


                • #9
                  Re: RT: party locations and level sync

                  I'll fill in some of the rest:

                  Garliage (top floor) till 37 > W. Altepa Desert till 46 > Quicksand Caves till 50 > Garliage (basement) till 54 > Wajaom Woodlands/Bhaflau Thickets till 65 > Mount Zhaylom till 72ish > Bhaflau Thickets till 75 (Bird camp)

                  There's lot of diff combos/zones for leveling, just what I normally do
                  | 90 SMN | 90 BRD | 90 BLM | 90 THF | 90 WAR |

                  5/5 BST +2
                  2/5 WAR +2

