Re: .dat mining results - EPIC NEW STUFF!
...I have never seen a Whm get laughed out of any party, especially good Whms. As long as you can cure, haste and keep your MP up, you're gold. But I guess when the only thing you care about is Colibri merit camps, things can look a little skewed.
5 to 6 fights? That's a pretty decent rate to solo mobs compared to many other jobs. Considering you have access to not only the strongest one handed weapons, but the strongest one handed weaponskill, your fights will be much faster then most solo jobs. Though I wasn't aware utsu cost that much MP.
Again, I don't really follow Whm specific gear, but I think a +15% curing Staff would be a pretty good item to have. Better then any other curing staff and absolutely free. There's also the fact that the Magian Clubs are Whm only, but everyone gets something from the Magian Trials, so they don't count mirite?
You're going to have to do your own research about the stuff you could use from last update though, the Evolith system is pretty in depth and expansive, but some of the potential magic bonuses for the Ebon/Ebur/Furia stuff look pretty nice. I know it's not "WHMONRY" and doesn't count to you, but there just might be some nice pieces you could make up with a little effort.
You said the staff "wasn't for WHM" because other classes could use it. What other context is there when you don't consider something your class could use as for your class, just because other jobs could use it? I don't know about you, but to just about everyone I know, Whm is still the best healing class in game, especially now with it's new spells and abilities, and a +15% healing staff will only make them better. You're crying that "WHM didn't get anything this update" when you got at least two very nice weapons (Highest dps club and highest cure+% staff). But you don't count the staff because other jobs can use it and you don't count the club since you apparently can't...well...count.
Only THREE specific monsters resist blunt only and anything else that resists it also resists every other weapon type. And of those mobs that resist all weapon types, only three of them have slightly more resistance to blunt damage then other weapons (Ghosts, Slimes and Flans). So out of the entire game all of SIX monster types have a specifically high resistance to blunt damage. While it may be 'most common' (by two mob types), there's still more then enough different families of mobs that you could beat the crap out of and never see any kind of resistance. You're making a mountain out of a molehill with your complaints about mobs resisting blunt damage, because while it may be 'most' common, it's still not all that common.
Originally posted by Firewind
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That must be an April Fools joke
. WHMs are up down there with PUPs, BSTs and SMNs with jobs that you laughed at if you want to bring them to any sort of party. Heck before I stopped bothering to log into the game anymore (due to going a 6 month stretch without a single WHM invite) I was the only person in my LS left who was still a WHM main. All the others had moved on to RDM, SCh or picked up another job as a main.

You also seem to forget that WHM/NIN has a considerable amount of downtime due to the lack of native MP regeneration. You tend to have to rest every 5 or 6 mobs because of the whole "Buffs and debuffs costing MP" thing.
You didn't listen to my point. Why would even an average geared WHM take some of the gear from the last few updates over what they already have? The only useful things I can think of are the campaign only accessories since it's the only way WHMs can get merits anymore but even then they usually aren't worth the effort to obtain.
You're going to have to do your own research about the stuff you could use from last update though, the Evolith system is pretty in depth and expansive, but some of the potential magic bonuses for the Ebon/Ebur/Furia stuff look pretty nice. I know it's not "WHMONRY" and doesn't count to you, but there just might be some nice pieces you could make up with a little effort.
I love it when people constantly take things out of context because they can't come up with a decent retort. Micheal Moore would be proud. Though now you mention it WHMs having exclusive access to that +15% staff might make the playerbase actually look at a WHM a little longer before laughing them out of a party for a RDM or SCH.
And your point is? Other than taking a comment completely out of context? Blunt is still the most common resistance and the damage modifiers for blunt damage against most targets in the game are much lower than other damage types: Damage Types - FFXIclopedia, the Final Fantasy XI wiki - Characters, items, jobs, and more