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Sky Drops lot priority

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  • Sky Drops lot priority


    First off, sry if this has already been posted somewhere and I didn't see it.

    I'm just curious on a "which job should have priority over others on this item".

    For example:
    Zenith Hands: BLM > RDM > WHM/SMN/BRD like that.

    I'm interessted on this for all items in sky from Seiryu, Byakko, Suzaku, Genbu and Kirin.

    Thank you in advance!

    ---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------

    Here is a itemlist so you can just quote my post and delete the quotes...

    Byakko's Axe:
    Byakko's Haidate:
    Zenith Head:
    Shura Legs:
    Adaman Feet:
    Heca Hands:

    Seiryu's Kote:
    Seiryu's Sword:
    Zenith Legs:
    Shura Head:
    Koenig Head:
    Crimson Hands:

    Suzaku's Scythe:
    Suzaku's Sune-Ate:
    Zenith Legs:
    Shura Hands:
    Adaman Head:
    Heca Feet:

    Genbu's Shield:
    Genbu's Kabuto:
    Zenith Hands:
    Zenith Head:
    Koenig Hands:
    Crimson Feet:

    Kirin's Osode:
    Kirin's Pole:
    Shura Body:
    Heca Body:
    Crimson Legs:

    Hope this helps!

  • #2
    Re: Sky Drops lot priority

    It really depends on whether or not your LS is even going to enforce such a concept, most of the time in sky if there is priority, its for things like Crimson legs, Kirin's Osode and Byakko's Haidate.

    Crim legs seem to go to PLD first, then RDM (though I don't ever see RDMs kiting anything) and down from there. Osode generally goes to RNGs first, as they draw the most benefit all around, its also hard to argue any other job making better use of Crimson Finger Gauntlets (with the exception of COR) or Seiryu's Kote.

    Osodes are a touchy point after RNG. Many LSes will hold them for sale (though these days that could change as its lost some value to SAM and MNK over the years (thanks to ZNM and Salvage). Most people just like it as a status symbol more than to use it effectively, which can be annoying. BRDs really don't need it.

    The rest I've not seen priority be a large concern. Most long running linkshells will have already had a lot of people covered on things like Zenith, so I don't imagine there being lots of competition for sky drops these days.


    • #3
      Re: Sky Drops lot priority

      Also, it depends on the system for the ls. Some ls's go with points and if you have the points you get to lot. Some have rules with their point system stating the job has to be the right level in order to lot plus have the points, etc. Then there are ls's where the leadership decides who gets to lot. With that type of system you may have a person that has the job to lot the item but received another big ticket item recently so the drop may go to another person with a job thats not "ideal" but hasn't received an item in a while. There are so many variables really when it comes to lotting. May I ask if this is question is brought about by being a member of an ls and you feel short changed because someone got to lot something instead of you? Or is this because you are thinking of forming an ls and would like to know some information so you can lay out guidelines for it?
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • #4
        Re: Sky Drops lot priority


        Thank you for the answers!
        I'm a ls member, not leader.
        We got a little team in our ls that will discuss the drops and say who can lot.
        I'm mainly asking because I experienced it a few times now where i would have given some items to another jobs then they did.
        For example:
        Heca Body to THF first where I would give it to jobs that get more benefit from the str+.
        Jobs like WAR.

        So that is the reason behind me asking.

        Thank you!
        Last edited by MC1987; 01-26-2010, 03:28 AM.


        • #5
          Re: Sky Drops lot priority

          No more opinions?
          I really would be happy to get a list together on which item is more important for which job.



          • #6
            Re: Sky Drops lot priority

            Our LS drop system is pretty arbitrary since it's a small group(we're actually not super active anymore, but when we were it worked as such), I based our drops off of usefulness for said a disclaimer this only works if the majority if not all of your shell shares your views on various jobs' roles in the game. Anyways, my opinions:

            Byakko's Axe: Junk, but WAR obviously
            Byakko's Haidate: WAR = SAM = NIN > BST/BRD
            Zenith Head: Zenith Head/Legs are mainly good for HP latent sets, usually BLM = BRD > RDM/WHM/other
            Shura Legs: SAM > NIN/MNK
            Adaman Feet: Junk
            Heca Hands: WAR/THF > DRK > BRD/others - If the majority of your shell does not have Sea, DRK should be even with the other two, otherwise your DRKs should be using Chaos Gauntlets +1 over Heca anyways.

            Seiryu's Kote: RNG > Other
            Seiryu's Sword: Junk
            Zenith Legs: BRD/BLM > Other
            Shura Head: SAM/NIN/MNK(semi-junk)
            Koenig Head: PLD > Other
            Crimson Hands: COR > RNG > RDM > DRK > other

            Suzaku's Scythe: Junk
            Suzaku's Sune-Ate: semi-junk, BRD > RNG > other if there's a line, which is rare
            Zenith Legs: BRD/BLM > other
            Shura Hands: Junk
            Adaman Head: Junk
            Heca Feet: WAR/THF/DRK > Other

            Genbu's Shield: RDM > WHM/SCH > Other
            Genbu's Kabuto: Doesn't matter, usually BRD for HP latent sets
            Zenith Hands: BLM > RDM > other
            Zenith Head: BRD/BLM > other
            Koenig Hands: PLD > other
            Crimson Feet: semi-junk, COR > Other

            Kirin's Osode: RNG/SAM > BRD > Other
            Kirin's Pole: BLM(Stoneskin piece) > Other
            Shura Body: MNK > other
            Heca Body: DRK/THF > Other
            Crimson Legs: This slot is difficult, for actual LS purposes PLD > Other, anything other than PLD is only using it to get from place to place faster unless you utilize RDM tanks(I tank Kirin as RDM typically, so it's not like that doesn't pop up)
            Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

            Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

            Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


            • #7
              Re: Sky Drops lot priority


              God Armor:

              Genbu's Kaboto: MNK,ummmm....MNK? (macro piece only)
              Kirin Osode: RNG, SAM, WAR
              Seriyu's Kote: RNG
              Byakko Haidate: Every single job that can wear these should have a pair if only for utsusemi Recast but least useful on RNG
              Suzaku Sun-Ate: umm....RNG(holy bolt spam) SAM fire resist set...

              Crimson Armor:

              Hands: COR,RNG,RDM
              Legs: PLD,RDM (presonally think they're useful on either, neither should get priority over the other) then RNG, COR
              Feet: PLD resist set

              Shura Togi armor:
              Legs: SAM, mnk and nin are better of WS in byakko's
              Body: MNK good for TP
              Rest is meh

              Zenith gear:

              1st, BLM with Sorcerror's ring, 2nd RDM's who ride their convert, 3rd BLM's and RDM's, 4th SMN who aren't Taru, 5th Whm's

              Heca tomb gear:
              All pieces should go: THF, DRG, WAR,DRK,rest all are equal

              Think that's it, and again this is all in my opinon, plenty of arguments to push for priority over someone else, like every aspect of this game lol
              Last edited by ShepardG; 01-26-2010, 07:52 AM. Reason: DAMN YOU CALLISTO!!!!


              • #8
                Re: Sky Drops lot priority

                I actually forgot that Genbu's Kabuto is pretty much the best Steel Cyclone piece for WAR, I'd put them in front for that.
                Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                • #9
                  Re: Sky Drops lot priority

                  From my experience, nin/war surpasses pld/war and pld/nin on Kirin kiting(assuming if you fight him like that). If the sky linkshell in question has decent ninjas in it, crimson pants should not be a priority for any job. The unfortunate part about pld on this is pld/nin lacks the voke and pld/war lacks the shadows. I'm sure pld/nin can hold hate just fine, but it would take a bit longer than nin/war, which has access to voke, many abilities, and enfeeble spells. Also, pld/war has to deal with getting bound sometimes, which could be deadly.

                  It's unfortunate because so many people are pro pld and forget about nin nowadays, but if you have good ninjas in your group, don't make crimson pants a priority. However, if your group lacks good ninjas and you only have plds, then do make it a priority. The pants help a lot for kirin.

                  Also, from my experience, it's not a good idea to give a high-ticket Kirin item such as this pld priority. I've seen quite a few people level pld just for the sake of being able to lot it and leave the linkshell, when they had less than half the points of the person who could have gotten this. Keep this is mind if you do priority on this.

                  As for zenith hands, always blm > every other job. They get the most use out of it.

                  Kirins osode, I would say any job that could wear it. I don't know why any one job should get priority over another.

                  Byakko's Haidate should go to any job that benefits from haste. If a ranger wants that, he's gimping on arrows. ;;
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Sky Drops lot priority

                    Originally posted by Mog View Post
                    From my experience, nin/war surpasses pld/war and pld/nin on Kirin kiting(assuming if you fight him like that). If the sky linkshell in question has decent ninjas in it, crimson pants should not be a priority for any job. The unfortunate part about pld on this is pld/nin lacks the voke and pld/war lacks the shadows. I'm sure pld/nin can hold hate just fine, but it would take a bit longer than nin/war, which has access to voke, many abilities, and enfeeble spells.

                    It's unfortunate because so many people are pro pld and forget about nin nowadays, but if you have good ninjas in your group, don't make crimson pants a priority. However, if your group lacks good ninjas and you only have plds, then do make it a priority. The pants help a lot for kirin.

                    Also, from my experience, it's not a good idea to give a high-ticket Kirin item such as this pld priority. I've seen quite a few people level pld just for the sake of being able to lot it and leave the linkshell, when they had less than half the points of the person who could have gotten this. Keep this is mind if you do priority on this.

                    As for zenith hands, always blm > every other job. They get the most use out of it.

                    Kirins osode, I would say any job that could wear it. I don't know why any one job should get priority over another.

                    Byakko's Haidate should go to any job that benefits from haste. If a ranger wants that, he's gimping on arrows. ;;
                    If you're doing a standard kiting strategy(kite while minis pop, kill once minis are all dead) whoever is kiting should have solid hate built up by the time you start in on Kirin(I would do /DRK or /RDM if doing it as NIN to have greater CE-building capability).

                    For Osode, it definitely does RNG and SAM much more good than other jobs. For RNG there's just nothing comparable at all in terms of WS pieces, it's essentially 5+ base D(depending on which WS) 5 RAtk 5 RAcc, for SAM there's nothing with as much STR, outside of very high level monsters where WS Acc may come uncapped it's the best Y/G/K piece you can get.

                    It's also a nice debuffing piece for BRD but doesn't do anything that Errant/Mahtma or Choral+1 bodies do just as well. Aside from that it's a decent nuking piece for NIN or Charm for BST, but yeahhh, I wouldn't really make either of those a 'priority' job for it.
                    Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                    Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                    Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                    • #11
                      Re: Sky Drops lot priority

                      Originally posted by Callisto View Post
                      If you're doing a standard kiting strategy(kite while minis pop, kill once minis are all dead) whoever is kiting should have solid hate built up by the time you start in on Kirin
                      In theory yes. However, whenever I'm kiting with another pld/nin, I always seem to hold more hate overall. With full enmity merits, full enmity gear, yonin, and voke + other spells, I can grab hate from somebody else a bit easier than a pld/nin with flash + cures. I'm just speaking from experience though, maybe the pld/nin's that i've kited with weren't that great. But it just seems easier to not only get hate but keep it with nin/war.

                      Originally posted by Callisto View Post
                      (I would do /DRK or /RDM if doing it as NIN to have greater CE-building capability).
                      I would do nin/drk or nin/rdm, but this also assumes you have a good refresher while you're kiting around, which my ls kinda lacked. ;; nin/war is the best option for me.
                      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                      • #12
                        Re: Sky Drops lot priority

                        Thank you for all the replies!

                        I don't really get the thing with Heca gear...
                        the most parts got more str+ then dex+ and body only got str+ so why are THF's first line too?
                        Don't WAR/DRK/DRG get more benefit from them then a THF? Atleast the Body should be WAR/DRK/DRG first because it only got STR+ I thought.

                        Where am I wrong? What am I thinking wrong about?

                        Thank you!


                        • #13
                          Re: Sky Drops lot priority

                          Originally posted by MC1987 View Post
                          Thank you for all the replies!

                          I don't really get the thing with Heca gear...
                          the most parts got more str+ then dex+ and body only got str+ so why are THF's first line too?
                          Don't WAR/DRK/DRG get more benefit from them then a THF? Atleast the Body should be WAR/DRK/DRG first because it only got STR+ I thought.

                          Where am I wrong? What am I thinking wrong about?

                          Thank you!
                          WAR and DRK typically see more use from Haubergeon/Hauberk(+1), making Hecatomb Harness less useful to them. It's a solid DRG WS piece still though for those who don't have Zahak's Mail, more it's just about a lack of other solid WS pieces for THF that are easily available, their top two are generally Antares Harness which runs like 4-5m or Enkidu's Harness which is from Tier 4 ZNM. I wouldn't neccesarily put any of those jobs way ahead of the other for the body since it's a somewhat outdated piece if they have access to other things, but I wouldn't have BRDs lotting ahead of the DDs.
                          Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                          Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                          Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                          • #14
                            Re: Sky Drops lot priority

                            THF also got ACP Body or Dragon Harness, and don't they benefit more from DEX+?
                            They could stack acc+ everywhere else but I don't see them that much benefiting from str+ as WAR/DRG/DRK.


                            • #15
                              Re: Sky Drops lot priority

                              tl;dr answer

                              The short story is that it's ok to put THF even with the other main jobs on it, not so much due to it being great for THF, but more because it's not an ideal piece for any of the jobs on it. If you want to be really technical it's a better increase for BRD than any of the other jobs on it, but that's not really what you should base the decision on.
                              Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                              Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                              Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia

