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So i'm now a Sack Holder

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  • So i'm now a Sack Holder

    A bit of background,

    I server hop'd, found a new shell, and was in there for aprox 3 months before things started to go sour.
    The shell leader, basically got tired of the game and pushed it onto the back burner. Now that's fine, RL>vana'diel, but this person didn't want to admit that they were losing interest in the game, and didn't want to change any of the shells ways.

    The main focus of the Shell was Events, and occasionally HNM camping, but without a bot, it was pretty pointless and not often attempted.
    So the shell did all sort of events, Dynamis/ZNM/SCNM/einherjar/etc. Now for whatever reason, the shell did everything with a "merc" mentality. So if you wanted W. legs, or A Gnadbod's helm, you farmed up your 4 god seals, or you farmed up your 8 boxes and went about ...waiting...for the shell to schedule you.

    Well I pushed and pushed for a points system to be introduced, and for the members that are dedicated to be rewarded not with spending their gil on buy pop items, (only to never use them) but for the shell to farm the pops, and people with points (I.E. the dedicated members who can/want to show up)be able to lot them.

    Well, a point system get's instituted, and shortly there after, i'm asked to leave because "My goals aren't coenciding with the shells goals" With no further argument, I say yeah, and I'm outtie.
    (Not really dramatic or anything, I didn't argue, because I wasn't happy with his leadershiping anyway)

    Now a monthish goes by, and I've bounced around looking for a dedicated group of folks to do events with, because HNM camping is the stupidest aspect of this game, IMHO. It was tought though, I won't lie, I even started my own shell and 2 days into shouting for members, i get orders to baghdad ><.

    So i put that on hold, and bided my time, did some assaults, pickup dynamis, merited a bunch, and then 2 days ago, The leader of my old shell announced he was quiting for good. Sold all his gear, some to members, a black thalum to me actually, and passed on leadership to one of the other dedicated members.
    They immedietly invited me back, and he asked me to be a shell holder, which i was exsctatic with, as I loved the folks in the Shell and had missed the shit out of them when there was nothing going on in game.


    I came back, talked with the other sacks, and decided that we would not do any merc pops outside, or inside the shell, except for KS99,BS60 etc. This upset a few members, who had been collecting pop items, to eventually use to try and get some gear, and I was one of those members.

    At the time, I currently have 3 Kirin sets, 22 Ghrah M Chips, 1x 3rd virtue, 6x HQ Euvhi organ, 4 tier III Zeni pops, 5 Tier II zeni pops, 4 Tier 1's, 2 KS99's, oh and a Byakko pop.
    (I even said I would donate them to the shell WITHOUT getting points for them, see below)

    I probably have 2-3 other items that I'm not even accounting for, but my point is that I'm not the only one in this situation. There are 3-4 other members, who have Pop items that want the shell to kill, and they get 1st choice of gear, the rest freelot...which basically puts a huge boot in the face of the points system.

    We had a LS meeting in the Hostel, (Taru child costume FTW) and talked about the situation. It came to this:

    -KS,BS orbs are YOYD, to be scheduled into the weekly schedule

    -If you bring a pop item for the shell to use, you'll be given points for it based on difficulty to obtain:
    (I.E. You get a Byakko pop, that's 1 point for the autumstone, 1 point for the Gem of the west, and 1 point for being there to help kill) (Farming points will also be awarded to members who help that person obtain pop, unless said items were bought from bazaar)
    Kirin would be worth 6 points, Jailor of Love would be worth 15-20 points, Tier 1 zeni = 1, Tier II = 2 Tier 3 = 3, tier IV = 5-10points.

    -Einherjar we go with another shell and team up, so it has it's own lotting system, we basically take turns on odins, using their feather mule, our feather mule, etc.

    -Dynamis are open to the public with glass paid for by attendance {I.E. 500k/however many show up} for members on Wensdays Focus on Dream land rotation, 4 categories: Artifact, Artifact-1, Artifact Accesories, and 100 pieces. You chose 3 of those 4 categories : Lot 2 Win 1

    Now some members are upset about this I think, especially when they have so many pop items, and have either spent alot of gil buying pops, or farmed for so long to earn the pops. I said that you could use your pops and get points for them, or you could sell them in your bazzar with no penalty, but from now on, we would be doing only points lotable items. The way a points based shell should be basically.

    Please critique me, give me a different view, I'm not trying to be an ass to my shell, I just want the people that show up regularly to be able to get the items that they want, in the most fair manner possible. Thanks ahead of time ya'll ^^

  • #2
    Re: So i'm now a Sack Holder

    Maybe take inventory of who has what and burn through those via the old system before switching gears?
    I don't know much about how all that endgame stuff works or how long it would take to burn through all the pop items though, so that might not even be a realistic solution.
    Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
    Name: Drjones
    Blog: Mediocre Mage


    • #3
      Re: So i'm now a Sack Holder

      We actually talked about this in the meeting, and I was fine with taking 2 weeks to do that. And then starting out, mercless. It's just that between myself, and the other people that have pop items we probably won't be done in 2 weeks >< not with dynamis and einherjar and limbus. This is still an option though.


      • #4
        Re: So i'm now a Sack Holder

        So my first reaction (and remember I haven't even read your post yet) was.......................


        Ok...I'll go read it now...

        EDIT: Ok read it, sorry Shepard I really don't have any advice. I was never in a points based shell and it sounds like a LOT of work! Only thing I can think of is maybe take the names of people who have these pops that are causing the issue and a list of all they have and then say that the shell will do only these and then change the rules.

        And I laughed because I've been a leader more than a few times and its a f**king job. To me it takes the fun out of the game most of the time so the first thought that went through my head was "oh lord another sucker! hahahahahahaha". /comfort
        Last edited by TheGrandMom; 10-29-2009, 10:53 PM.
        Originally posted by Feba
        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
        Originally posted by DakAttack
        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


        • #5
          Re: So i'm now a Sack Holder

          Wow man seems like the LS is just complicated lol... I don't know about you but I like things simple. I am glad you have a working order of things. I am a leader of a social linkshell and get invited for dynamis often from two of my friends but wow seams like to many rules for me lol...
          Odin Server - Transplanted from Ifrit Server
          95 DRK, 95 BST
          Bastok Rank 10



          • #6
            Re: So i'm now a Sack Holder

            Lol, older post, but yeah that LS died shortly after I became a sack, god if i didn't try to salvage what was left of it though, but yeah it was dying when I got handed the reigns and it was to far gone to re-cesetate.... i spelled that wrong.


            • #7
              Re: So i'm now a Sack Holder

              So, you in the Army? I read that you mentioned going to Iraq? I am a SGT in the Army so its always nice to meet military people on the game. I find it hard to be a leader of a LS because of the Army but I let ppl know up front my situation.
              Odin Server - Transplanted from Ifrit Server
              95 DRK, 95 BST
              Bastok Rank 10



              • #8
                Re: So i'm now a Sack Holder

                I'm actually a SSgt in the Air Force, but I'm EOD so I might as well be army. Don't do much "real" work with the airforce, hell, last deployment, didn't do much work with US forces ><. Spent most of my 6months with Brit Marines, and Canadian special forces. (no i do not consider myself special forces, just.... special lmao)


                • #9
                  Re: So i'm now a Sack Holder

                  Nice I like that so we are both E-5's yeah when I was in Iraq back in 2003 to 2004 EOD for us was the Air Force most of the time. I am 11B infantry for the Army so yeah worked with specail forces too fun stuff man... Nice to meet you.
                  Odin Server - Transplanted from Ifrit Server
                  95 DRK, 95 BST
                  Bastok Rank 10


