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A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

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  • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

    Originally posted by Ziero View Post
    Name one mission fight that can not be won by a balanced party of 6 people with different jobs besides the last ACP fight.

    It was already shown that every single major storyline final boss fight forces you to take a balanced party of melee and magic damage to win. ACP is the *only* one that forces you to stack a party with one of four specific jobs. How you somehow or another related that to people complaining that some jobs do better in some things then others is a leap of logic only a troll of great leg strength can make. Especially when we take your examples of Diabolos, which is neither a mission fight, nor impossible to do with a basic party, Steamed Sprouts, which actually relies on having a fairly balanced party despite not being a mission, soloing 5-1 with Monk, which has absolutely nothing to do with having a balanced party because a balanced party can beat that fight as well, and soloing Genbu. Which is out right ridiculous. It's that kind of thinking, in combination with your ability to ignore important points while twisting others in the most bizarre of fashions, which leads me to believe you're a troll.

    It's not about some jobs shining more then others at certain things, that's going to happen regardless. It's about some jobs being outright usless in a MAJOR STORYLINE BOSS FIGHT (catch that last part? It's important and you keep ignoring it). If ACP was supposed to be made for casuals, then how come casuals aren't allowed to beat it? Why do they have to level an entirely new job(which is just another trolltastic solution you spouted) just to have a chance to win?

    As mentioned, the MKT final fight is hard, but doable with a balanced party (it's just the rest of MKT that sucks). I'll give them credit about that one, it's why no one is really complaining about it, or the first MKT fight, or even the first ACP fight (that one's almost kinda fun). But the final ACP fight? It's a singularly broken and poorly planned boss fight that stands out so much because it was the first of this little series and is just so glaringly horrible. Especially since it's preceded by easily the worst mission based time sinks in the entire game. There is no defense, there is no excuse, the whole of ACP is just an incredibly poor and lack luster Add-on that I hope we won't see more like once these three are finished.

    If by some way or somehow ASA turns out to be incredible and fun, devoid of time sinks and fetch quests, yet filled with numerous fun, interesting and unique boss fights, framed around a story that's both engaging and entertaining, you bet your ass I'd buy it. Regardless of my dislike of that heinous bitch. But they're 0/2 so far and chances are SE will be whiffing again on this one.

    Oh crap, almost missed this gem.

    I didn't pay a dime for Diabolos. I spent 30 bucks on new zones, new missions and new events. I've gotten my money's worth out of CoP a thousand times over with all the stuff I've been able to do in places like Lufiase and Molapolos. Hell, the story alone would be worth 30 bucks to me, it was some kind of epic. Even to this day I find myself getting lots of use from my little investment, with plenty of zones to visit, missions to help friends through and events I can play over and over. But once I get that stupid body from ACP, it's pretty much done with no reason to even look at it again. I mean, having that less then 1% chance that I might actually get an earring that my job can get use out of AND the 1% chance it'll have a helpful stat on it that's better then what I already have is no where near enough to get me to repeat that garbage again.
    You're failing to see my meaning. Reference this..

    My question is, if we know for a fact Square has historically been job favoring from the begining, what makes us think it's going to change now at the theoretical life-end of FFXI? Unless there was some big out-pouring of discontent with job favoring, Square would have done something. Maybe there was, I don't have initial fact.
    I won't repeat what else I've said, you're obviously intelligent enough to read, though you keep missing the meaning of my post. It's there.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"



    • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

      When I see the term ‘job favoring’, I think…Job A will have a much easier time then job B. But job B can still accomplish the task (though it will be difficult)

      Not so much…job A and only job A can accomplish the task. If your job B consider leveling job A or gtfo.

      I think your confusing “job favored’ with ‘job required’. Though I mildly enjoyed the add-ons, I think it’s horrible that some people purchased the content only to find out they have no hopes of finishing with their current jobs. I’m not saying I want easy missions that can be won with a party of 6 Brds…I’m just saying I don’t want missions that pretty much require 4-5 slots to be specific jobs.

      -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
      -Farsha (90) Completed!!
      -Verth (90) Completed!!
      -Guttler (95) Completed!
      -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
      -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
      -Aegis just started

      ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


      • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        I'm still addressing your claims of "no MMO has done what SE is doing" and "SE is selling players gear."
        Here, I'll bold it for you.

        Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
        No other MMO company to my knowledge has ever sold an addon/expansion and said, "Your money is buying this item!"
        Now read it slowly. Did I say no MMO is doing what SE is doing? Yep, thought not. I mean, you already quoted me on it but it's apparent either the sentence was too complex or you're desperately flailing around to try and undermine my statement by making things up. So, once again, in the hope it'll sink in, microtransactions =/= addon/expansion.


        • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

          Originally posted by Romyro View Post
          When I see the term ‘job favoring’, I think…Job A will have a much easier time then job B. But job B can still accomplish the task (though it will be difficult)

          Not so much…job A and only job A can accomplish the task. If your job B consider leveling job A or gtfo.

          I think your confusing “job favored’ with ‘job required’. Though I mildly enjoyed the add-ons, I think it’s horrible that some people purchased the content only to find out they have no hopes of finishing with their current jobs. I’m not saying I want easy missions that can be won with a party of 6 Brds…I’m just saying I don’t want missions that pretty much require 4-5 slots to be specific jobs.
          I could not get a PT for the life of me, untill my LS let me go with them as DRG/BLU, my job was to help heal with healing breath, and kill the "shadows" of the PT members that popped up.... was fun killing my PT's tank shadow ;p

          But thats all I did, the 2 rangers and BLM attacked the crystal, the PLD kept its atention, and the RDM kept the tank alive.
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

            To be fair, this discussion has strayed so far off topic due to a number of people, myself included, and as it appears neither side is going to ever agree with the other it would probably be prudent to just lock the thread and save another five pages of post dissection, twisted meanings, and endless back and forth bickering.


            • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

              Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
              save another five pages of post dissection, twisted meanings, and endless back and forth bickering.
              That's okay, it will make its way into another thread soon enough. :D
              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
              ~I has a blog~~
              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


              • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

                Hey guys, remember that time BBQ posted all this medical problems on the board, then went batshit insane and kinda went crazy at Murphie? These 2 topics reminded me of those times.

                Honestly, you(and a few others) are just arguing to get the last word in at this point cause of your egos, its fucking pathetic. Just accept that people have DIFFERENT OPINIONS THAN YOU(hard concept, I know) and drop this stupid argument. And I'm not even sure if it deserves to be called an argument, a penis measuring match would be more accurate.
                Cleverness - Hades
                DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

                  Holy shit, I come back to this thread looking for more pre-sale discussion and it's one big fight. Just drop the argument and let's talk about the original topic. > _>
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                  • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

                    Was my group was on the few who did final ACP and MKD fights with a regular PT? lol

                    and I dunno what to put on my legs ; ;

                    Can a mod make a new bickering thread and remove the crap from this one :D
                    (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ====【†】 BIBLE FIGHT !


                    • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

                      Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
                      To be fair, this discussion has strayed so far off topic due to a number of people, myself included, and as it appears neither side is going to ever agree with the other it would probably be prudent to just lock the thread and save another five pages of post dissection, twisted meanings, and endless back and forth bickering.
                      Remember that topic where you asked people why they thought COR/DNC was so good. Remember when people came in and gave you really good reasons why and then you started waving around a parser based on your personal performance as COR/WAR in part of one party to refute it.

                      When one writes a guide or makes a roll calculator or what have you, I think you can take what they say at their word because they've had a bit of experience and they want to share it. You don't have to agree with them, but you can show some respect when they take time to answer your questions.

                      Since then, your posts have degenerated into "My way is the best way" for everything you post in, with nothing buthearsay to support your claims. When other people provide actual data, you treat them like they're making shit up.

                      I mean, just look at your previous post:

                      Now read it slowly. Did I say no MMO is doing what SE is doing? Yep, thought not. I mean, you already quoted me on it but it's apparent either the sentence was too complex or you're desperately flailing around to try and undermine my statement by making things up. So, once again, in the hope it'll sink in, microtransactions =/= addon/expansion.
                      You say this even though all your prior claims imply SE was selling players gear, you keep modifying your argument every time something comes along that will prove it wrong. COR/DNC will provide everyone more damage, that's going to get in the way of your COR/WAR epeen, so you'll make any effort to defend it and feel good about yourself.

                      Even though you stomp on the notion these are "real" expansions deny them because they lack new zones and project the end reward, you run to use the" expansion" bit when it becomes useful to your argument. I'm sorry, sir, but you can't do that. You should have left that behind instead of picking it back up to try and use it. I took the whole of your statements and simply showed you other games are selling gear, which was your whole original premise since they weren't "real" expansions.

                      Thus, microtransactions are entirely fair game for discussion.

                      Originally posted by Clever Ninja
                      Hey guys, remember that time BBQ posted all this medical problems on the board, then went batshit insane and kinda went crazy at Murphie? These 2 topics reminded me of those times.
                      Yeah, I'm totally off my meds here, flying off the handle with a series of personal attacks on everyone I come across. There are some things that are better left unspoken or addressed in private - this was one of them. You are far from being the one that should be addressing anyone's mental stability.

                      Really, what this thread and the Job Adjustment one have become is BG's Absolute Virtue Thread.

                      Simply put - if you don't like it, don't buy it. I'm amazed it ever had to go beyond that statement right there. That's all you have do to make your point to SE if you don't like something. Its a silent way of doing it and requires self-control, but the moment you send them money and you object to it, you've sent them a mixed miessage.
                      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-02-2009, 09:48 PM.


                      • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

                        Last I checked, the topic title had to do with the mini expansion rewards, not the stupid conversation you started/took part of involving whether they were worth the money, so no, try again. Also, I like how you totally AVOID the part where grizzle called you out just now on your inability to read correctly, and you just bring up some pointless BS that has nothing to do with that. Where did you learn to argue, the 2nd grade?

                        You are far from being the one that should be addressing anyone's mental stability.
                        Laughed tons at this IRL, keep telling yourself that buddy. I wasn't the one sending mass PM's harassing people, threatening them with their IP address, and then went over the edge when I believe it was that he told you to die in a fire, get run over by a truck, something along those lines. You obviously have personal issues that you bring on to these forums, either control yourself or be responsible and get out

                        Also, last word.
                        Cleverness - Hades
                        DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                        • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

                          Now what does any of this have to do with the topic? You're going to take a skeleton out of the closet that was two and half years old and try to somehow make that relevant when all involved have changed or moved on?

                          You can go ask YM if I have tried to ban him over on LBR because of his SMN opinions here, you will find such is not the case. He just feels strongly about jobs he likes, but that doesn't mean I won't challenge his opinions. Even if I have been aggressive with Armando and Lmnop, they know that I respect them otherwise.

                          No one in this thread - not even Grizzlebeard - has stooped to attacks as low and dirty as yours and you think that's somehow clever. Congrats for pulling this even further off-topic. Like we can't see what you're trying to do here - which is just get this topic locked. Why not do us all a favor and try to get yourself banned while you're at it?


                          • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

                            That's quite enough bickering. Next person I see throw even a phantom virtual punch in this thread gets hit with the moderator's hammer.

                            Fair warning given. Disregard it at your peril.

                            FFXIOnline Forum Super Moderator


                            • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

                              Wow.. This thread got 192 posts quick.. And of course 180 of them are arguing.
                              A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

                              it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

                              R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

                              Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


                              • Re: A Shantotto Ascension Rewards... Pre-Sale Going on Now

                                Kinda sad that there's a mission arc focusing entirely on Shantotto comes along and people aren't even allowed to enjoy that.

                                This should be all about all things Shantotto related and the cool things we can do with the gear, of which there are a lot. Since others seem to want this topic locked whittled down to its original premise or locked, can we all agree to keep the politics out so they can trim this topic down to accomplish the former?

