Yeah, that's right, people are getting hacked with the security tokens at work. I understand how it works but not well enough to explain it, so I'll quote BG:
And the thread: The sky is falling: player with token hacked? (lolIE) - Order of the Blue Gartr
Apparently it's been reported on sites like slashdot and a few others (forgot which) that this is a new token exploit for much more secure companies like banks, government agencies, etc., and the RMT have found their new niche.
So yeah, no one's safe anymore. Not that we assumed security tokens were 100% secure, but we sure didn't expect a new hacking method to come about so soon. Apparently there's a stink about it on Alla as well, but I really can't stand to go there anymore to read about it. I'd suggest watching your shit closely.
Originally posted by Valient from BG
Apparently it's been reported on sites like slashdot and a few others (forgot which) that this is a new token exploit for much more secure companies like banks, government agencies, etc., and the RMT have found their new niche.
So yeah, no one's safe anymore. Not that we assumed security tokens were 100% secure, but we sure didn't expect a new hacking method to come about so soon. Apparently there's a stink about it on Alla as well, but I really can't stand to go there anymore to read about it. I'd suggest watching your shit closely.