Re: Merrit Parties...
They may be the weakest, but there could be something better out there that doesn't use pecking flurry, and can be biod to reduce its damage out put. What most of the monsters you are talking about are in Aht Urgan. But, what about the non Aht Urgan monsters? The ones in the orginal area, that people used to Merit off of? Why not use them instead of the pitiful weak monsters people use now, that they have to sub ninja on to even stay alive? If they are so god damned weak, then why should they sub ninja, if they are THAT weak!
There are creatures who have a stronger attack, but they don't have a multi hit liek Pecking Flurry that the DDs don't need to worry about. And they could just have Bio put on them, because they don't mimic your spells in Pre-Aht Urgan. Everyone got so used to having a safety net under them after Aht Urgan came out, no one wants to Merit off other monsters that are "Stronger" in areas other than Aht Urgan. They can be enfeebled if they are too strong. Attack too fast? Slow, Too hard, Bio, high def? Dia. And you know what? The people can nuke the hell out of them if the Melee DD cant hit hard enough.
Originally posted by Icemage
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There are creatures who have a stronger attack, but they don't have a multi hit liek Pecking Flurry that the DDs don't need to worry about. And they could just have Bio put on them, because they don't mimic your spells in Pre-Aht Urgan. Everyone got so used to having a safety net under them after Aht Urgan came out, no one wants to Merit off other monsters that are "Stronger" in areas other than Aht Urgan. They can be enfeebled if they are too strong. Attack too fast? Slow, Too hard, Bio, high def? Dia. And you know what? The people can nuke the hell out of them if the Melee DD cant hit hard enough.