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Why wont people do this?

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  • #16
    Re: Why wont people do this?

    I agree with the general sentiment that, in lieu of a Paladin, more jobs should try to tank. In addition to the jobs listed, how about Red Mage: Blink, Stoneskin, Phalanx (all at subbable levels mind you) for survivability, Dispel for hate, the ability to cure, access to a few Size 3 Shields along with . . . native Shield skill (it may be an F, but it's still native! ), oh, and of course, Refresh. Not to mention that Ice Spikes are arguably our strongest form of Paralyze.

    In the right get-up and with proper skill, any of the jobs mentioned could tank competently. But no matter what you do, you're just not going to out-tank a half-decent Paladin. Period.

    Now, if you tried out-tanking a Ninja, then you just might get somewhere. Maybe.
    Originally posted by Armando
    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
    Originally posted by Armando
    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
    Originally posted by Taskmage



    Originally posted by Taskmage
    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
    Matthew 16:15


    • #17
      Re: Why wont people do this?

      Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
      I agree with the general sentiment that, in lieu of a Paladin, more jobs should try to tank. In addition to the jobs listed, how about Red Mage: Blink, Stoneskin, Phalanx (all at subbable levels mind you) for survivability, Dispel for hate, the ability to cure, access to a few Size 3 Shields along with . . . native Shield skill (it may be an F, but it's still native! ), oh, and of course, Refresh. Not to mention that Ice Spikes are arguably our strongest form of Paralyze.

      In the right get-up and with proper skill, any of the jobs mentioned could tank competently. But no matter what you do, you're just not going to out-tank a half-decent Paladin. Period.

      Now, if you tried out-tanking a Ninja, then you just might get somewhere. Maybe.
      *Slaps self*

      How could I have forgotten rdm. FFS, I'm doing a melee rdm atm. Solo and Party lol. (My dmg is actually fairly decent. I can hit up to 100 Dmg per attack round Food + Good Gear + Bard's songs). I have yet to try tanking as Rdm, but that will change when I can convince my ls to help me test rdm's tanking potential lol. I do use Dual Swords for Rdm in parties though to increase my damage out put, and I should level my shield skill so that I can test it out lol

      Originally posted by Armando View Post
      PLD is just as good for fast kill parties, but most PLDs suck and don't know how to do anything beyond strapping themselves with as much Defense and VIT as possible. But if you're going with the average PLD, then yes.
      That is exactly what I was going with. the average player. Most do Def and Vit. But there are the few who actually focus on attack, and acc as well. Those are the Plds that I'd liek to party with as they help with damage as well other than just tank.


      • #18
        Re: Why wont people do this?

        Originally posted by Armando View Post
        Believe me, it still counts for a lot even if your skill isn't capped, and that goes double after Reprisal which causes shielding rates to skyrocket.PLD is just as good for fast kill parties, but most PLDs suck and don't know how to do anything beyond strapping themselves with as much Defense and VIT as possible. But if you're going with the average PLD, then yes.

        Aye, this is so true, a lot of PLDs nowadays dont carry a DD set with them to macro in for Vorpal Blade and the like, pisses me off so damn much. Come on! Strap on that hauby, throw on those accuracy and STR rings! Eat sushi ffs!

        /end rant
        Originally posted by Van Wilder
        Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
        Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
        I'M BACK BABY!


        • #19
          Re: Why wont people do this?

          Originally posted by hexx View Post
          Aye, this is so true, a lot of PLDs nowadays dont carry a DD set with them to macro in for Vorpal Blade and the like, pisses me off so damn much. Come on! Strap on that hauby, throw on those accuracy and STR rings! Eat sushi ffs!

          /end rant
          ah ok so going full DEF/VIT, and swapping for ATT/STR and (alittle ACC if I can) for WS, means I was doing it right? ;p really, I want to know, my PLD is only... uumm 40 I think, and I want to do ti right ;p
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #20
            Re: Why wont people do this?

            If you're at 40 you should be fulltiming acc rings and tilt belt over VIT accessories. And Tiger Stole/Spice Necklace over Medieval Gorget. All things considered your WS set probably wouldn't be much different from the TP set.


            • #21
              Re: Why wont people do this?

              Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
              I agree with the general sentiment that, in lieu of a Paladin, more jobs should try to tank. In addition to the jobs listed, how about Red Mage: Blink, Stoneskin, Phalanx (all at subbable levels mind you) for survivability, Dispel for hate, the ability to cure, access to a few Size 3 Shields along with . . . native Shield skill (it may be an F, but it's still native! ), oh, and of course, Refresh. Not to mention that Ice Spikes are arguably our strongest form of Paralyze.
              Dispel is nice, but it's 320CE and 320VE for 25 MP,which doesn't compare with the 180CE and 1280VE for Flash at 25MP. (With its spell list, RDM is probably better at building CE than PLD, but no one can really keep CE when getting hit.)

              And, if tanking exp targets, Stoneskin won't last long, so a tanking RDM will lose CE. Putting up SS under pressurefrom IT creatures isn't reliable w/out Ususemi, but going /NIN means losing /WAR and its dependable and efficient 1800VE Provoke. Plus, SS takes a bit of time to cast--during which, a RDM can't do anything else to generate enmity. Worse, if hit out of SS attempt, one would lose (more) CE and still be w/out SS and the benefit it provides.

              Not sure if Phalanx on RDM with shield is better than size three shield for PLD with Reprisal or not; it depends on how hard a creature hits, I suppose; shield's damage mitigation scales with damage from attack but is chancy, and Reprisal's timer is a bit long; in the mean while, Phalanx is a constant, so declining in utility the harder a monster hits.

              Ice Spikes is really nice. However, reduction in damage taken thanks to Ice Spikes doesn't directly translate into sufficient enmity generation.

              RDM/NIN can be a terrific endgame tank, but neither RDM/NIN nor RDM/WAR seem very appealing for exp tanking, mid levels and higher.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #22
                Re: Why wont people do this?

                I've levelled blu to 75 and Ive solod plenty of T mobs. withough /nin your dead, blue is squishy simple as that. The majority of the damage mitigation spells take a while to cast and dont last long soon as the shadows drop. The spells that you'd have us using to pull hate consistently are expensive mp wise and no amount of brd songs are gonna keep mp up if your using spells all the time, 1-2 fights and your out of mp.

                Blu only gets auto refresh at 58 and I wouldnt tank on blu at that level if I was getting paid to do it. People go with what works, blus dont get many party invites as it is. imagine how quick people would drop your party when they asked we need a tank and you say I'm blu and I'm going to tank. Its people attitude thats the problem. If something works why change it, save the experiments for ls parties when they dont mind if you get them all killed.

                But tbh the state of high level parties at the minute is a joke. too much level sync and rapid progression to 75 = people with no idea to play there job forming merit parties and wasting everyones time. Ive not had a good party on sam for 6 months and Ive been 75 for 4 months.
                Barsha: Sam 85 Blm 85 Blu 85 Drg 75 Rdm 78 Whm 49 Thf 49 War 49 Dnc 42 Nin 49 Drk 33
                Alchemy 23 Cooking 23
                Bastok 6-1 COP complete AU complete ZM complete WotG Wings Of Glory


                • #23
                  Re: Why wont people do this?

                  The above post is a good example of why people don't ask BLUs to tank - you might get him.

                  It's a good point about NINs being bad tanks under 37 though. I think you would see more people willing to try an alternative tank like WAR, BLU, or DNC at lower levels partly because NINs can't really tank well at that level and partly because the DEF difference between other jobs and PLD won't be as serious.

                  Well, actually, WARs can keep up with PLDs in DEF all the way to 75 and have only slightly less shield skill, plus Retaliation, stronger weapons and WS for more hate generation, and free choice of SJ. But DNC is likely to fall significantly behind in DEF, although BLU can keep up with Cocoon.

                  And now that I think about it, DNC can fulltime Defender without hurting their hate that much, because they still get the same TP, which they put into waltzes and Animated Flourish for hate.
                  Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                  RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                  All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                  • #24
                    Re: Why wont people do this?

                    Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                    But a Blu can hold hate just as well as a Nin, even close to a Pld. They have self heals, and can dish out dmg. They can even dominate hate if they wanted too.

                    Also... Nin tanks suck at lower levels. I've had 5 nin tanks in my last few parties. 15-33. All of them kept loosing hate.

                    As for the lazy-ness thing. Thats just plain stupid though, I'd rather tank than wait for an invite for 3 hours. The last party I had, I asked a blu to tank, and they shot it down instantly. Three hours later and two levels, the same blu was STILL seeking. I think its more that they are stubburn. But its more to what you guys think than what I think.
                    Level is an extremely important factor in deciding how good a tank's potential can be, and things are *much* different at low levels then they are at high levels. As such, comparing a lvl 15-33 Nin tank to a 75ish Blu is retarded. Which is what's being done here. In the lower levels, any melee job can tank. I've tanked as every single job I've taken through the Jungles, including Thf, Drk and Mnk. But at 75, those jobs would get eaten alive if they tried to be a traditional Exp tank.

                    Blu is a good soloer, but only when they conserve MP and focus on targets that die fast (hi2UImps). Against an IT Mob where a traditional tank would be needed, for them to hold hate and keep themselves alive they would have to burn through their limited MP pools absurdly fast. As a tank, a Blu can not maintain a high level of activity when it comes to casting spells because their best ones eat up Exp and the strongest defensive spells are slow casting and long recast.

                    Dnc tanks work great at lower levels, they're not really at a disadvantage when it comes to Def, they have self cures, a mini-voke, and can do decent dmg. At higher levels, they're riding their recasts, squishy as any mage and barely able to put a dent into a Mob seeing as their biggest weakness is a lack of Att. And if you keep Defender up 24/7, you'll notice a lot more donuts on those IT mobs meaning you're not doing Dmg or getting TP, meaning you're not building hate.

                    And War tanks have absolutely no native survivability. At all. Defender is the only defensive ability they get and massive defense alone will not save them. They could go Axe+Shield, but then they'd be losing the only good hate building tool they have, damage (p.s. Voke sucks). And it would just get worse if they turtled it up and went full Def/Vit build. Something even Plds get mocked for. And yes they have their "choice" of subs, but for War tanking, that "choice" is only Nin and even then it only works so well. Once those shadows go down, and they do go down fast, you won't be getting them up until your Ni timer is back up. There's no chance a War can get Ichi up without Ni or Ichi already up and it's usually back down again as soon as you finish casting. And of course there's that little issue where if you're casting spells you cut into your Damage output, lowing your hate gain even further. And with only two tools to get hate, that becomes a massive problem. Also, Retaliate sucks for anything not /Dnc.

                    I agree this game needs more tanks, because Nin and Pld for 90% of the game is just boring. Bring back War/Mnk tanking and I'd absolutely be in love with the class again. I tanked my way to 37 on War/Mnk because it was damn fun, and I would have no problem doing it at 75.
                    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                    • #25
                      Re: Why wont people do this?

                      Originally posted by Armando View Post
                      If you're at 40 you should be fulltiming acc rings and tilt belt over VIT accessories. And Tiger Stole/Spice Necklace over Medieval Gorget. All things considered your WS set probably wouldn't be much different from the TP set.
                      ah ok, I need to check my gear... its been.... way to long ;p I think my setup was similar to what you talking about, or at least I was planning on going that rout.

                      I do remember that I had got that enimity + ring macroed into my vokes ;p
                      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                      • #26
                        Re: Why wont people do this?

                        Originally posted by Karinya View Post
                        The above post is a good example of why people don't ask BLUs to tank - you might get him.
                        I've mostly tanked in a static trio (BLU/WAR, BLU/WHM, RNG/NIN) to Lv.40. It was not easy; even targetting T's to low VT's, we had a few deaths and quite a few more close calls. The BLU/WHM was a career WHM so very used to curing, and I think we were both packing juices, but MP was still tight. (This was long before FoV.)

                        Lv.18 to ~Lv.30 or so seemed to be the prime for BLU/WAR tanking, IIRC. The last few levels were real struggles to keep myself and/or the RNG in safe HP.

                        I like tanking, but I'd likely refuse invitation to tank in a pickup group (Lv.30+) if on BLU. Well, Lv.41+ with RDM for Refresh, maybe...

                        Originally posted by Karinya View Post
                        It's a good point about NINs being bad tanks under 37 though. I think you would see more people willing to try an alternative tank like WAR, BLU, or DNC at lower levels partly because NINs can't really tank well at that level and partly because the DEF difference between other jobs and PLD won't be as serious.
                        Don't see why people keep making NINs solo tank before Lv.40. I find it painful to even watch.

                        At Lv.37, with SATA, maybe, but I'm having trouble recall the last time I had a THF, tank, and first provoker in a party that worked well enough to land SATA consistently (and correctly) in the first 20 seconds of every battle. (SATA is definitely one skill that deteriorated badly in the playerbase over the last few years.)

                        Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                        I agree this game needs more tanks, because Nin and Pld for 90% of the game is just boring. Bring back War/Mnk tanking and I'd absolutely be in love with the class again. I tanked my way to 37 on War/Mnk because it was damn fun, and I would have no problem doing it at 75.
                        Bring back? How far back is is WAR/MNK tank? I've been playing FFXI since shortly after NA PS2 release, and in all that time I've rarely seen WAR/MNK tank above Lv.40 in a 6/6 party.

                        No doubt one can use WAR/MNK as exp tank, but would likely need 2.5 healer in every party to keep such a tank alive at mid to high levels, and still need down time to recharge MP. (That would be a WHM, RDM, and a curing BLM who also MB on SC.)

                        * * *

                        Celeal's Lv.58 WAR/MNK experience, as a reference.
                        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                        leaving no trace in the water.

                        - Mugaku


                        • #27
                          Re: Why wont people do this?

                          Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                          And War tanks have absolutely no native survivability. At all. Defender is the only defensive ability they get and massive defense alone will not save them. They could go Axe+Shield, but then they'd be losing the only good hate building tool they have, damage (p.s. Voke sucks). And it would just get worse if they turtled it up and went full Def/Vit build. Something even Plds get mocked for. And yes they have their "choice" of subs, but for War tanking, that "choice" is only Nin and even then it only works so well. Once those shadows go down, and they do go down fast, you won't be getting them up until your Ni timer is back up. There's no chance a War can get Ichi up without Ni or Ichi already up and it's usually back down again as soon as you finish casting. And of course there's that little issue where if you're casting spells you cut into your Damage output, lowing your hate gain even further. And with only two tools to get hate, that becomes a massive problem. Also, Retaliate sucks for anything not /Dnc.
                          WAR works well in the 24+ range as part of a tanking duo, I think, and may rival NIN until NIN gets Ni at 37. As for WAR and using Ni to get shadows up, that means you're 74 already and in meripo range, where there really IS no tank per se ... so there's only Ichi to use in XP.


                          • #28
                            Re: Why wont people do this?

                            Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                            Bring back? How far back is is WAR/MNK tank? I've been playing FFXI since shortly after NA PS2 release, and in all that time I've rarely seen WAR/MNK tank above Lv.40 in a 6/6 party.

                            No doubt one can use WAR/MNK as exp tank, but would likely need 2.5 healer in every party to keep such a tank alive at mid to high levels, and still need down time to recharge MP. (That would be a WHM, RDM, and a curing BLM who also MB on SC.)
                            It was technically the first tank, but I don't think it really counts as tanking pre RotZ. I more meant bring it back as to how effective it was in the lower levels. Add some low level JAs to mnk and high lvl JAs to War to make the combo shine like it used it. It'll never happen, but it's nice to dream.

                            Originally posted by Nuriko View Post
                            WAR works well in the 24+ range as part of a tanking duo, I think, and may rival NIN until NIN gets Ni at 37. As for WAR and using Ni to get shadows up, that means you're 74 already and in meripo range, where there really IS no tank per se ... so there's only Ichi to use in XP.
                            There's a lot more to tank in this game then Exp pts.
                            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                            • #29
                              Re: Why wont people do this?

                              Here are some tables I came up with for blood tanking job combinations based on available skills, spells, and gear. These tables are how I'd rank the combinations when the player is trying very hard to make it a good tank in an xp party.

                              Please examine the legends and third table to try to understand why I chose the ratings. I know there are some more combinations which work (PLD/NIN, PLD/RDM, WAR/NIN), but I was focusing on those with Provoke. The tables looked a lot better with color in Excel

                              Keeping Hate Legend
                              F Rating = Normal Damage
                              E Rating = Mini Hate Generator (Boost, Blind, Bind, Cures, Good WS, Shield Bash, Weapon Bash, Ninjitsu, Retaliation)
                              D Rating = Provoke Only
                              C Rating = Provoke & Mini Hate Generator
                              B Rating = Provoke & Multiple Mini Hate Generators or Reliable Shadows
                              A Rating = Provoke & Multiple Mini Hate Generators & Good Hate Generator (Flash, Stun, Sentinel, Last Resort, Souleater, Counterstance)
                              or Reliable Shadows

                              Even an A rated tank will struggle to keep hate in the high level parties with stong weapon skills being used.

                              Keeping Hate Table

                              Damage Mitigation through MP or Abilities Legend
                              F Rating = Low Defense or Counterstance
                              E Rating = Low Defense & Some Cures or Light Damage Mitigation (Third Eye, Round Shield, Counter)
                              D Rating = Good Defense & Some Cures & Round Shield or Utsusemi: Ichi
                              C Rating = Good Defense & Medium Damage Mitigation (Kite Shield, Earth Staff, Flash) & Cures or Heavy Damage Mitigation (Seigan+Third Eye)
                              B Rating = Great Defense, Damage Mitigation, & Cures
                              A Rating = Reliable Shadows

                              Damage Mitigation through MP or Abilities Table

                              Major Gear, Abilities, and Spells Legend

                              These are the gear, abilities, and spells I thought important for tanking and took into consideration. I also considered food, weapons, defense, and +enmity gear silently.

                              Major Gear, Abilities, and Spells Table

                              I'm curious to hear everyone's comments.

                              P.S. - Not sure why the headings for WHM/WAR and DRG/WAR are messed up.
                              Last edited by Ryoii/Nonomii; 07-01-2009, 08:31 PM.


                              • #30
                                Re: Why wont people do this?

                                ...those charts need some work.
                                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater

