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Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

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  • Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

    Hi all

    I have made a social linkshell which has been quite successful in the number of players. However in the last couple of months some of our most valued members have left my server to try out another. Now i am trying to find new members of any level to join us as we are a friendly bunch that like a nice chat and help eachother out with all sorts such as obtaining advanced jobs party invites, questing and currently the prommy runs.

    I find that more often than not i will go to any town and /shout out saying new social linkshell looking for members all are welcome etc... and though there are some responses many come on the 1st time but then are never seen again, which is a shame. The linkshell is even starting up weekly events within the next couple of weeks and to make the most of it, it would be nice to grab a few more regulars for our Linkshell.

    At the moment we haven't enough players to do any end game stuff, but that's fine as the regulars do have seperate pearls for their 1-2 day a week endgame event.

    Any advice would be nice.

  • #2
    Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

    Don't know if they can help, but three concepts to keep in mind:

    Stepping Stone
    A lot of people view each LS they join as a group to join until they can get a better deal (i.e. more help, chances at gears, 'endgame', etc.) The best way to deal with this is to avoid those kind of people as much as possible to begin with, instead of finding yourself all sudden relying on that one single high level tank/healer/whoever in the LS who rather much be in HNM LS or something else. (Underselling your LS is a good way to deter them; "We're just bunch of newb-ish friends who like doing stuff together" will attract shy people looking for friends, while "We'll help you with any mission and NM!" is just asking for sharks looking for eager, too friendly people to take advantage of.)

    Friends like Friends
    The more a player feels a sense of connection with other players in the LS, the more likely he will want to stay with the group. That means you want to recruit primarily from friends of people already in the group--it means more incentives for the existing members to stay, and makes the LS appealing to the new members from the moment they are in.

    An LS that plays together, stays together
    Make regular group activities, whatever the level/schedule of people allow. Weekly exp perma, mission groups, "event day" which rotate between BCNM and other activities, Assault nights, etc. Don't leave everything to the whim of the moment; give people something to count on every week at regular times, and you'll find that progressing together will build group cohesion in the long run.

    A bigger LS is not always a better LS; it may not be a bad idea to spend the energy to make the LS better for the existing members instead of looking to expand.
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #3
      Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

      All of the ones I have gotten I got through partying. Offer a pearl to members of parties that you like.


      • #4
        Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

        Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
        Don't know if they can help, but three concepts to keep in mind:

        Stepping Stone
        A lot of people view each LS they join as a group to join until they can get a better deal (i.e. more help, chances at gears, 'endgame', etc.) The best way to deal with this is to avoid those kind of people as much as possible to begin with, instead of finding yourself all sudden relying on that one single high level tank/healer/whoever in the LS who rather much be in HNM LS or something else. (Underselling your LS is a good way to deter them; "We're just bunch of newb-ish friends who like doing stuff together" will attract shy people looking for friends, while "We'll help you with any mission and NM!" is just asking for sharks looking for eager, too friendly people to take advantage of.)

        Friends like Friends
        The more a player feels a sense of connection with other players in the LS, the more likely he will want to stay with the group. That means you want to recruit primarily from friends of people already in the group--it means more incentives for the existing members to stay, and makes the LS appealing to the new members from the moment they are in.

        An LS that plays together, stays together
        Make regular group activities, whatever the level/schedule of people allow. Weekly exp perma, mission groups, "event day" which rotate between BCNM and other activities, Assault nights, etc. Don't leave everything to the whim of the moment; give people something to count on every week at regular times, and you'll find that progressing together will build group cohesion in the long run.

        A bigger LS is not always a better LS; it may not be a bad idea to spend the energy to make the LS better for the existing members instead of looking to expand.

        Strangely enough, I agree with Ifrit on this one.

        The current shell I run with on Quetz, "TheArtofWar" is run by one of the most knowledgeable guys I know in-game, and does its best to make plans to help out newbs and veterans alike. Weekends we run sky for the veterans (and newbs who just got sky access) and on other days we do either promys or pop NMs (Reverend Mail, Rostrum Pumps, etc) to help people improve on their gear. Unfortunately its not a 100% thing that you're gonna get a great addition to your ranks, but remember its about quality, not quantity when it comes to a shell. One GOOD member is better than five BAD ones who take advantage of your kind-heartedness. Best of luck!
        Originally posted by Van Wilder
        Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
        Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
        I'M BACK BABY!


        • #5
          Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

          Godsaiyan has been a great leader and I've seen how much effort he has put into getting members, I've seen them come and go which is a shame as it's a pretty good linkshell. Many of them have taken server transfersand left that way, Which granted is their choice. I myself as a sackholder for Godsaiyan's linkshell have also recruited people and they have disappeared too.
          He puts alot of work in and is always the first to go help somebody out, I feel at times they abuse his good nature, Heck he's even been prepared to do the promy's multiple times himself out of the ls I'd say about 70% need them done, But none of them give him feedback as far as I know apart from myself.

          This kinda makes me feel guilty because I dont full time in the shell I split my time between two. both social shells and my other one I've been with 3 years this month still partly due to my timezone both shells can be empty and I can be the only one around in both.
          Sometimes I feel like telling the op to just come to my other shell, it'd definately relase him from the stresses of leadership. But with his energy I feel that our server is potentially going to lose out on a pretty decent linkshell if tht happens.

          Anyways, Chin up mr. We're probably going through a rough patch at the moment. I"m going to be a bit more careful who I think is deserving of a pearl considering how my last recruit turned out.

          Anybody on Remora that wants to join us let either one of us know. It's drama free and only Jamie and I get stressed lol.

          Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


          • #6
            Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

            Typically, shouting for members is not the way to get quality members. This is true for any linkshell, not just a social. While your numbers are small right now, it would be better to keep yourselves as a smaller group and invite people slowly as they make an impression on you and your friends, rather than allow an entire influx of people who respond to a shout in Whitegate. By only inviting people who click well with you and your friends, you're more likely to find people who will be loyal to the group and stick around for all kinds of occasions.
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


            • #7
              Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

              Remember, "Help Me" vultures will always exist, and you'll figure out who they are pretty quick. A lot of them have multiple social shells and will ask for help in all of them every time they need something, but when someone else needs help, they're not around. You can't really screen them in advance because they'll probably just lie to you. Also remember, that on the opposite side of the vulture coin are LS leaders who recruit people just to help them with their stuff who don't help those they recruiting in turn. Friendship is a two-way street. Remember that it's not about counting favors either--you're not the mafia. Just be nice, but within reason.

              You're currently doing the "Someone sit at my lunch table!" version which isn't really a great way to get people. You meet people but since you have no real purpose in mind, everything ends up flaky, and you have to do all the work! I think you should start with the Virus method. It's very efficient and doesn't require tons of effort. You can also kick the baddies, so no worries.

              Virus Shell
              Pearl everyone who's interested and then sack them. Allowing everyone to recruit at least for a while will exponentially grow your basic membership. Once you have your basic recruiting done, you can stop sacking new members. From this large pool of members, almost anyone can get help with just about anything, and the best part is that you don't always have to be the one helping. A lot of lower level stuff doesn't require a 75 to handle.

              Structured Shell
              This type of recruitment strategy is best for a shell with a specific directive like a Nyzul Isle static, Limbus shell, Mission static, etc. You have a specific purpose in mind and know what you need to recruit. This shell takes a lot of work to form depending on it's size. The easiest, of course, are 6-man statics. The hardest are Dynamis and HNM shells.

              Referral Shell
              A shell can also recruit by referral or voucher. Players are recruited based on other players' knowledge of their play style personality, etc. This type of shell is the hardest to form but creates the strongest core. Usually, you'll start off a shell like this, then sack the core and recruit in a different way.


              • #8
                Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

                Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
                Remember, "Help Me" vultures will always exist, and you'll figure out who they are pretty quick. A lot of them have multiple social shells and will ask for help in all of them every time they need something, but when someone else needs help, they're not around. You can't really screen them in advance because they'll probably just lie to you.
                You can't screen them all, but you can reduce the possibility of getting them by a great deal. Use what you called the "Referral" method, and stick to it.

                Our LS uses a variation of that; instead of sack holders deciding who to give pearls to, members propose invitations to people. Anyone who want to make the proposal for inviting a new person is reminded that the new person must be someone good fit for our LS (not gears or jobs--personality and attitude are what count), and that our LS must be good fit for the person. Once the formal proposal is posted, everyone (sack or no sack) gets to vote on it, so there's additional peer pressure not to ask for random people to be added to the LS.

                IMO, the "Virus" method invites chaos, and a "Structured" or event shell difficult without a group of dedicated core members as a seedling to start with. I don't think the OP is out to create a event LS, and the virus method will only hurt his LS in the long run.
                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                leaving no trace in the water.

                - Mugaku


                • #9
                  Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

                  The Ethos of the linkshell is mainly making friends and support for new players and each other.
                  After being one who witnesses the Op working so hard to keep everything in order, I think we use the virus type and clearly that isnt working for us.
                  I've already said that we should toughen up, Also what is it with people that think it's completely fine to just ignore the Ls forum to stay informed, It's the same with both linkshells I'm in. I read both and come here before I log in just to stay informed. Takes all of what .... 5 minutes?
                  I'm going to propose to the Op that we use a referal method with less sackholders and people can spend time with people in parties of whatever and if they seem decent we'll get a pearl out to them.
                  Saying that I may no longer be a sackholder after that lol, It's cool though it's Godsaiyan's decision.

                  Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                  • #10
                    Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

                    IMO, for a linkshell with large percentage of new or low level players, the focus should be on growth, instead of expansion. Rather than looking for more people, it should focus on improving the existing members and forging lasting bonds between them.

                    Static exp parties, doing missions and quests everyone need, and BS/KSNMs for gil (not "Your Orb Your Drop"--do "Share and Share Alike", so everyone gets a bit of gil) are all good ideas. Once the levels are high enough, start working on Assaults or even Nyzul Isle Investigation together, and may even do some ENM runs.

                    If it happens that someone who'd fit the LS well want an LS, give him a pearl, but don't stress over adding to the membership roster.

                    * * *

                    People not checking the forum is a common problem. We use the bait and poke method; "Oh, the info iis on the forum!" "Hey! You forgot what you wanted for (some event)!" Basically, we remind people (gently) often that reading the LS forum is a good idea, and is good for them.
                    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                    leaving no trace in the water.

                    - Mugaku


                    • #11
                      Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

                      Lots of good suggestions on here. I was given my LS pearl by my RL friend who got me hooked on the game. It's what Sabaron would deem a viral type. Once the leader sees you on, he sacks you. Ours atm is a HUGE social LS with it's goods and it's bads. We have some really really good leaders and players who implement events and statics and we have some that ... well only seem to be on to cause online drama. They are definitely in the minority but we have our share WTF is going on over LS. We never actively search out people to join... we seem to be pretty flavorfully personalities and people just ask us for pearls and think are cool. Usually through party or grouping for missions.

                      I would suggest what others have kinda said already. Invite the random people who you meet through doing an event (CoP, Genkai, Nation Missions, etc) you may shout for in WG or Jeuno or any cities. They'll remember you for the hrs you guys spent helping each other. I have several other pearls that I've gotten this way and once and a while I pop on to see if I can be of any use in their goings on... though I've basically remained always closer to my original LS. We get alot of members in this fashion. You always remember the people who you get through events with it seems to me. I do anyway. Even when I don't remember the event I remember "that dude/group helped me".

                      gah... off work.. unfinished lol...
                      FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
                      FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

                      Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
                      aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


                      • #12
                        Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

                        Best LS I ever had was one of low level characters. We all started around the same week and had no high levels to guide us. We relied on each other and grew together. Every experience was new and we shared them together. Good times!


                        • #13
                          Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

                          The way I've always done mine is through what some have suggested: getting to know people through parties/events/etc. I want to 'screen' people because as I've gotten older, my tolerance for idiocy is decreasing. I don't want idiots in my Linkshell. This includes, but is not limited to: people who prattle on about how drunk/high they are; people who talk about just getting laid/going to get laid/etc as I've always found the whole 'kiss and tell' mentality sickening, even if it was not anything emotionally invested; people who ask for information/advice and won't read pertinent links when given; people who don't help others when asked, unless the one asking is one of those always-begging-for-help-but-never-helps-anyone-else types, then it's okay.

                          And just anyone whose personality doesn't click well with the rest of those already in the Linkshell. Having lots of people doesn't amount to shit when the new guys are rubbing the old ones the wrong way. It's best to know your established members well, and to find people who will mesh well with the group you have. I've broken pearls for people who just have personalities that clash with my established members. Clashing personalities are the root cause of more drama than one would think, and I'd rather keep around the people I already know and like. Getting to know potential candidates, or allowing trusted, active members of your shell to recommend good people they've met is probably better than shouts for getting solid, fun people.

                          And LS forums annoy me if it's just a social LS. Endgame, yeah, it's a bit necessary. I guess if you do many events it may be for a social one, too, but keep in mind some people hate joining forums they won't post on just to have to read. Don't make it sign-in read only at the least. And don't require posting. I hate having to go stick my information on yet *another* forum just for a game guild. It's bad enough that most forums in the world don't have a 'delete account' option. I've joined so many over so many years, most that I don't even look at anymore, that I would love to be able to remove myself from, if only because I hate the idea of those accounts lingering and still getting bothered by emails from the places from time to time.
                          "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                          ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                          • #14
                            Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

                            Thank you all for all of this advice. I must say i have tried some of these methods and seen positive results within the LS. People are getting on very well with eachother and I am always seeing people online.

                            I'm still having some trouble with the use of our forum, however there has been an increase in activity with that as well, so i can't complain.

                            Thank you all again


                            • #15
                              Re: Anyone got advice regarding recruiting new Linkshell members

                              Some linkshell members will never use your forum. Don't force it. I've been in my linkshell about five months now (six if you count my trial period) and there are some people who have never posted on the forums.

                              Obviously they have to be registered with the forums to have a login to the dkp, and therefore can be told to check it, but you can't force them to do even that much. So if you're looking to give out information about scheduled events and whatnot, your lsmes is still going to be the best bet.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

