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3 Good Articles from JP Button

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  • #16
    Re: 3 Good Articles from JP Button

    Nerf K Club for DRK then you pass the issue to a job like RNG, which could also abuse the hell out of it for certain fights.

    I do think SE needs to look more to the fights they designed for CoP and near the end of ToA as a reference for future fights. The ACP Qu'Bia fight was also pretty solid, reminiscent of the CoP Mine Shaft fight in some respects, which is why I really enjoyed it. There was no big catch-all solution since you couldn't reliably keep the mobs slept, plus that gob could just drop in and SA anyone it pleased at random. Not a threat if you're /NIN or have SS to cover you, but he had other nasty tricks, too.

    Endurance fights like the Airship Battle and Alexander are more or what I'm hoping for in final Battles, though, tiered fights are always awesome in RPGs. Stuff like Apoc Nigh, Bahamut v1 and so on should have been at that level. Never really understood how the Zilart princes are such a pain by themselves but together they're both complete wimps.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-20-2009, 09:40 PM.


    • #17
      Re: 3 Good Articles from JP Button

      Well, I personally think that this "mini addon" was even smaller than some updates.
      IF SE keeps on with this trend , I singal huge problems and alot of unhappy people!


      • #18
        Re: 3 Good Articles from JP Button

        I hate endurance fights like Alex. The first part of that fight is great, where there's a trick to it (how you dmg the BLU) but then the 2nd half is just a brutal test of endurance and that's just no fun.

        I loved the CoP fights so much because they all had some kind of "trick" or specific pattern to exploit. It falls closer in line with traditional RPG bosses and I'm sure SE can come up with more.

        As far as abusing Souleater goes, keep in mind when you sub DRK it still takes off 10% of your HP but only deals 5% in damage so it's nowhere near as effective. The only solution I can think of that wouldn't piss off everyone is nerfing Souleater for multi-hit weapons in general (though not double attack or Liberator or that'd just be stupid)

        Truthfully I don't mind them doing the Souleater resistance thing to some bosses, I just hope it's not a frequent thing mainly because it sucks for the regular DRKs out there who want to chip in but get screwed just because a few others have a K Club.



        • #19
          Re: 3 Good Articles from JP Button

          The trick as it were to Alex was positioning. If you have the pld directly in front of him at max range, the melee to either side of him, the main healer at max range from each in a triangle and your additional support or ranged damage in the wings, everyone is safe from area attacks on anyone else and survival becomes much simpler.

          Beyond that there's a specific format where everyone knows what they're supposed to do and has the freedom to do it. This as opposed to Promathia where at any point in the fight some section of the party is useless due to silence, amnesia, and physical/magical immunity. People just "screw it, zerg" that fight now too. Alex being a long fight with a lot of hp just assures you can't do that. Every job has to be pulling its weight and playing their A game for longer than the 90 seconds their 2 hours are in effect.

          Not to mention the music is epic and Alex's lines are awesome. Absolutely my favorite fight in the game.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #20
            Re: 3 Good Articles from JP Button

            All CoP fights had the same basic trick, throw an item at the boss and you weaken the boss. Otherwise they're all nothing more then endurance fights or zergs. Though some of them had their strategies, most of them weren't all that different when push came to shove.

            The final ACP fight, to me, isn't hard. It's annoying. You either take a group of ranged attackers and huddle into the doorway or you go in and zerg the crap out of it. There's really no other way around it. Especially if you're a melee, the only thing you can do is kill it before it kills you, and burn every JA you have right off the bat.

            Though it is fun getting to beat up mirror images of yourself and teammates. Even if it does get a bit unnerving to watch everyone stop attacking the crystal and focus on your clone...even if you're the one who's supposed to be killing them.
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • #21
              Re: 3 Good Articles from JP Button

              O.o well, I've never really zerged Promathia and it's still my favorite boss fight in the game. Seriously best arena EVER ^^

              My big problem with Alex is his absurd spamming of "Gospel of the Lost" for 1k HP. GTFO with that nonsense. Other than that I did like the fight. @.@ Divine Judgment is also my favorite Astral Flow thus far (since they nerfed Giga Flare by making it elemental when in every single FF game it's been a non-elemental attack that you can't defend against. What's the point in being the King of Dragons if you can't lord it over everyone beneath you )

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

