This one's also related to my upcoming U/O fight, since Hi-Potions are practically mandatory for this fight to go safely and smoothly. Naturally with all the Hi-Potion spam going on, it's very practical to know how much hate is involved in the usage of a Hi-Potion. Here are my findings:
Test Conditions:
All characters involved had no Enmity merits or enmity modifying equipment. Stoneskin was kept up to avoid taking damage and ruining the test. All mobs were either Tiny Mandragora or Bumblebees (Level -1) from East Sarutabaruta.
Part I: Finding the CE
1) I pull a with Silence. This accumulates 201 CE - 200 for the pull and 1 from Silence. Given enough time, all the VE will dissappear.
2) My helper casts Stun (180 CE, 1280 VE) on the target. Then he proceeds to cast Cure I for 0 HP on himself 21 times. After the 21st Cure, he accumulates 201 CE, the same as me, and the mob turns to him.
3) I use a Hi-Potion on myself, recovering 100 HP. The mob turns to me. We wait over 1 minute to ensure any VE disappears.
4) My helper casts Cure I until the mob turns to him. The number of Cure I's required to turn the mob will be the same as the CE generated by using the Hi-Potion.
Number of Cure Is needed to turn the mob: 1
Conclusion: Using Hi-Potions generates only 1 CE, even if HP is recovered.
Part II: Finding the VE
1) As before, my helper will pull the mob with Silence, accruing 201 CE.
2) I cast Sleep (320 CE, 320 VE) twice, Flash (180 CE, 1280 VE) once, and X number of 0 HP Cure I's. This accumulates 820 + X CE.
3) My helper uses a Hi-Potion. This generates 1 CE (putting the helper at 202 CE) and an undetermined amount of VE.
3a) If the mob turns towards my helper, then his total enmity after the potion was equal to, or greater than my accumulated CE.
3b) If the mob doesn't turn, then his total enmity after the potion was less than my accumulated CE.
4) The results are written down, and the number of Cure I's is constantly altered until the threshold at which the mob will turn to my helper after the Hi-Potion is found. The VE generated by the Hi-Potion will be 1+(820+X)-202, where X was the maximum number of 0 HP Cure I's that will still cause the mob to turn towards my helper.
Maximum number of 0 HP Cure I's that will still cause the mob to turn towards my helper: 16
EDIT: The above is wrong. The actual number is 21!
Conclusion: Using Hi-Potions generates 634 VE.
EDIT: The above is wrong. The actual number is 640.
BOTTOM LINE: Hi-Potions generate 1 CE and 640 VE, regardless of HP healed.
Note: When finding the CE, I made sure that the Hi-Potions healed for 100 HP. At one point I made a mistake and the potion healed me for 0, yet it still generated a substantial amount of hate. From this point on I assumed that the hate involved is independent of the HP healed, and continued to pop 0 HP Hi-Potions during the remainder of the VE tests.
For reference, Bind and Blind generated 640 VE, and Provoke generates 1800. In other words, a Hi-Potion is just over 1/3 of a Provoke, and slightly more than two Boosts. 640 VE isn't a trivial amount of hate; tanks can use 2-3 Hi-Potions in quick succession to get hate back if they lose it. On the other hand, DDs should exercise caution when using these in a group setting, as it could rip hate from the tank, or if the mob was already facing you, prevent the tank from reclaiming hate.
EDIT: Big thanks to Dragooncore, Sharu, and Friem for assisting me in these tests.
Test Conditions:
All characters involved had no Enmity merits or enmity modifying equipment. Stoneskin was kept up to avoid taking damage and ruining the test. All mobs were either Tiny Mandragora or Bumblebees (Level -1) from East Sarutabaruta.
Part I: Finding the CE
1) I pull a with Silence. This accumulates 201 CE - 200 for the pull and 1 from Silence. Given enough time, all the VE will dissappear.
2) My helper casts Stun (180 CE, 1280 VE) on the target. Then he proceeds to cast Cure I for 0 HP on himself 21 times. After the 21st Cure, he accumulates 201 CE, the same as me, and the mob turns to him.
3) I use a Hi-Potion on myself, recovering 100 HP. The mob turns to me. We wait over 1 minute to ensure any VE disappears.
4) My helper casts Cure I until the mob turns to him. The number of Cure I's required to turn the mob will be the same as the CE generated by using the Hi-Potion.
Number of Cure Is needed to turn the mob: 1
Conclusion: Using Hi-Potions generates only 1 CE, even if HP is recovered.
Part II: Finding the VE
1) As before, my helper will pull the mob with Silence, accruing 201 CE.
2) I cast Sleep (320 CE, 320 VE) twice, Flash (180 CE, 1280 VE) once, and X number of 0 HP Cure I's. This accumulates 820 + X CE.
3) My helper uses a Hi-Potion. This generates 1 CE (putting the helper at 202 CE) and an undetermined amount of VE.
3a) If the mob turns towards my helper, then his total enmity after the potion was equal to, or greater than my accumulated CE.
3b) If the mob doesn't turn, then his total enmity after the potion was less than my accumulated CE.
4) The results are written down, and the number of Cure I's is constantly altered until the threshold at which the mob will turn to my helper after the Hi-Potion is found. The VE generated by the Hi-Potion will be 1+(820+X)-202, where X was the maximum number of 0 HP Cure I's that will still cause the mob to turn towards my helper.
Maximum number of 0 HP Cure I's that will still cause the mob to turn towards my helper: 16
EDIT: The above is wrong. The actual number is 21!
Conclusion: Using Hi-Potions generates 634 VE.
EDIT: The above is wrong. The actual number is 640.
BOTTOM LINE: Hi-Potions generate 1 CE and 640 VE, regardless of HP healed.
Note: When finding the CE, I made sure that the Hi-Potions healed for 100 HP. At one point I made a mistake and the potion healed me for 0, yet it still generated a substantial amount of hate. From this point on I assumed that the hate involved is independent of the HP healed, and continued to pop 0 HP Hi-Potions during the remainder of the VE tests.
For reference, Bind and Blind generated 640 VE, and Provoke generates 1800. In other words, a Hi-Potion is just over 1/3 of a Provoke, and slightly more than two Boosts. 640 VE isn't a trivial amount of hate; tanks can use 2-3 Hi-Potions in quick succession to get hate back if they lose it. On the other hand, DDs should exercise caution when using these in a group setting, as it could rip hate from the tank, or if the mob was already facing you, prevent the tank from reclaiming hate.
EDIT: Big thanks to Dragooncore, Sharu, and Friem for assisting me in these tests.