Simple thread, really, and I'm interested to see what kind of rules you have in place for gaining points and lotting. : That is our dkp site. We have a guest setting so that some private stuff is not shared, but mostly, everything is public. I think even points are.
Basically, lotting is based on three things: points, wishlist, and activity level.
Activity Level
Maximum of 10 activity level, it is determined by two things:
--Attendance to core events (Dynamis and Einherjar)
--Attendance to extracurricular events (including camps, sea fights, KS99, ZNM, etc.)
1. Failing to attend a core event will lower your activity level by one for 45 days.
--------Every 45 days you are allotted 3 "marks." You may use these three marks on core events to protect your activity level. If you attempt to use more than three in a 45 day period, it will not be recognized. This way, you can have other plans during Dynamis (family, whatever) without totally screwing yourself over, but repeated misses will penalize you.
2. Maximum activity level that can be gained by attending ONLY core events is 5.
--------This ensures people actually spend time with other linkshell events and at HNM camps.
3. "Regular" attendance events help you if you attend, but will lower your overall activity percentage if you do not attend.
4. "Bonus" attendance events can only help your attendance but will not affect others.
5. "Overall activity percentage" is used for wishlisting gil, and determining who is qualified for relic stage 5 funding.
Points are simple, you gain points based on what events you attend. Naturally, some events are worth more, and multipliers are in place for latecomers, and whether or not we claim the HNM we are camping.
Wishlist is limited to 5 items per member. When you place an item on your wishlist, it takes seven days to clear. This is to prevent people from changing items on the fly, based on what events we are doing for that day, and basically lootwhoring and/or sniping from others who want things.
Anything that no member has on their wishlist may be sold if there is a buyer present for it.
Lotting is based on three things. Activity level, wishlist, and points. Wishlist has priority. If you have wishlist and have the points to lot, but not the activity level, you may not lot, and vice versa, UNLESS no one else wants it and there are no buyers.
Every item in the database has an activity level rating and a point value. (If you poke around that link, you'll see what I mean) That is how lotting is determined. If certain requirements are not met, lotting is at the discretion of a leader. Usually, if the person does not have activity level, they are not allowed to lot. If the item will put them in negative, they are, and if others in the linkshell want it but do not have wishlist, those people may be able to lot over you. Meeting activity requirements is more important than points in this linkshell. But it is still possible to not be able to attend every little thing and still get some really nice stuff. (D. Chap, for example, is level 6 activity level.)
Certain items have exceptions for lotting, which are clearly written in the rules. Also, job priority is not written anywhere, but people with 75 jobs have more priority than those leveling a job, and while you are allowed to wishlist an E body for your 37 WAR, (for example) you won't be able to lot it until everyone who is 73+ and wants it gets it first.
That's basically it. I think it's one of the most fair systems for an HNMLS dkp that I've seen. I've seen a lot of linkshells just allow people with a ton of points to lootwhore it up, selling drops that are sellable and making a ton of gil, gearing up jobs they don't even have leveled, just because "they have the points." Other linkshells don't require you to show up to anything but still get rewarded, and other linkshells even give points bonuses to their leadership, basically ensuring the leadership gets everything they want first.
I could go on and on about lootwhoring and shitty dkp systems, but that's not what this thread is about.
Share your dkp system with me! Post links if you have them, or copy your ls rules on looting.
I think this thread could be fascinating. : That is our dkp site. We have a guest setting so that some private stuff is not shared, but mostly, everything is public. I think even points are.
Basically, lotting is based on three things: points, wishlist, and activity level.
Activity Level
Maximum of 10 activity level, it is determined by two things:
--Attendance to core events (Dynamis and Einherjar)
--Attendance to extracurricular events (including camps, sea fights, KS99, ZNM, etc.)
1. Failing to attend a core event will lower your activity level by one for 45 days.
--------Every 45 days you are allotted 3 "marks." You may use these three marks on core events to protect your activity level. If you attempt to use more than three in a 45 day period, it will not be recognized. This way, you can have other plans during Dynamis (family, whatever) without totally screwing yourself over, but repeated misses will penalize you.
2. Maximum activity level that can be gained by attending ONLY core events is 5.
--------This ensures people actually spend time with other linkshell events and at HNM camps.
3. "Regular" attendance events help you if you attend, but will lower your overall activity percentage if you do not attend.
4. "Bonus" attendance events can only help your attendance but will not affect others.
5. "Overall activity percentage" is used for wishlisting gil, and determining who is qualified for relic stage 5 funding.
Points are simple, you gain points based on what events you attend. Naturally, some events are worth more, and multipliers are in place for latecomers, and whether or not we claim the HNM we are camping.
Wishlist is limited to 5 items per member. When you place an item on your wishlist, it takes seven days to clear. This is to prevent people from changing items on the fly, based on what events we are doing for that day, and basically lootwhoring and/or sniping from others who want things.
Anything that no member has on their wishlist may be sold if there is a buyer present for it.
Lotting is based on three things. Activity level, wishlist, and points. Wishlist has priority. If you have wishlist and have the points to lot, but not the activity level, you may not lot, and vice versa, UNLESS no one else wants it and there are no buyers.
Every item in the database has an activity level rating and a point value. (If you poke around that link, you'll see what I mean) That is how lotting is determined. If certain requirements are not met, lotting is at the discretion of a leader. Usually, if the person does not have activity level, they are not allowed to lot. If the item will put them in negative, they are, and if others in the linkshell want it but do not have wishlist, those people may be able to lot over you. Meeting activity requirements is more important than points in this linkshell. But it is still possible to not be able to attend every little thing and still get some really nice stuff. (D. Chap, for example, is level 6 activity level.)
Certain items have exceptions for lotting, which are clearly written in the rules. Also, job priority is not written anywhere, but people with 75 jobs have more priority than those leveling a job, and while you are allowed to wishlist an E body for your 37 WAR, (for example) you won't be able to lot it until everyone who is 73+ and wants it gets it first.
That's basically it. I think it's one of the most fair systems for an HNMLS dkp that I've seen. I've seen a lot of linkshells just allow people with a ton of points to lootwhore it up, selling drops that are sellable and making a ton of gil, gearing up jobs they don't even have leveled, just because "they have the points." Other linkshells don't require you to show up to anything but still get rewarded, and other linkshells even give points bonuses to their leadership, basically ensuring the leadership gets everything they want first.
I could go on and on about lootwhoring and shitty dkp systems, but that's not what this thread is about.
Share your dkp system with me! Post links if you have them, or copy your ls rules on looting.
I think this thread could be fascinating.