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Why I quit FFXI

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  • Why I quit FFXI

    Anyways I've already gotten WoW account back up and started playing. I never did actually get specific about the reason why I've left FFXI. Despite both being MMORPGs, FFXI and WoW actually differ greatly in play style. This becomes evident very early on. Leveling is very slow, and I can't emphasize that enough. Leveling in FFXI has to be one of the most painful experiences. Ever. If you have the time, patience, and mentality to spend hours just grinding on things then kudos to you, but overall it's a pretty boring experience especially since the combat is relatively repetitive. So honestly if you feel like reading my explanation go ahead, if you wanna toss in some trashy comments feel free too but its not gonna really do much other than make this forum look like the members are a bunch of animals who hiss and boo at any constructed thread that is criticizing FFXI.

    FFXI is geared almost exclusively towards group play. You can solo up to level 10, and maybe up to level 15, but past that all soloing activity stops cold turkey. A group is basically required in order to do any of the quests. Finding a group to party with is another painful procedure. I often only have time to play in one or two hour chunks, I don't know about anyone else, but spending those one or two hours finding a group just so I can do one quest isn't my idea of fun. Even then, the quests really didn't offer that great of a reward or experience.

    Some people like to solo, some people like to group, some people like to do both! One of the most significant aspects of WoW is that you can choose how you want to play, thus appealing to a much broader range of players. Want to play alone? All good, most of the normal quests can be completed under an hour. Want to group? There are plenty of elite quests designed for a full group of players. The duration for most of these are around 2 hours. Want more? For higher level players (level 80), there are raid instances. The quests for the most part are well written, and offer a nice chunk of experience and usually a nice cash/item reward so that it feels worthwhile. Lots of bad Blizzard puns...LOTS. You absolutely can't miss those.

    The death penalty in Warcraft is a lot less frustrating than just about all other MMORPGs, no deleveling, no experience penalty. When you die, you appear in ghost form at the closest graveyard, and must run back to your body. You can also resurrect at the graveyard, but with a much heavier equipment penalty (which will ultimately cost you some cash, but no experience will be lost). The game doesn't feel like it's punishing you!

    It's hard to compare the graphics between the two games because they are each styled pretty differently. FFXI is more anime-ish and realistic, while WoW has a cartoony feel. I would have to say that the FFXI graphics in general are better textured and are smoother. The character models are also a bit better than the models in WoW, though they seemed to lack variety. Not enough facial customization

    Graphical comparisons with WoW against other MMORPGs has been a popular discussion. It really does depend on your personal taste I suppose. WoW has a lower polygon count than other MMORPGs, which contributes to its cartoony feel. Some people don't like that, but I personally think that it adds a lot of character, since it's appropriate to how the Warcraft RTS games look and feel. Anyone who has ever played a Warcraft game knows this...It's hard to judge style by screenshots alone. Most of the beauty is in the way the world is designed, the level of detail, the uniqueness that each zone has, and how lively each area is. FFXI just seemed to be missing much of that.

    From the beginning, I just felt that Azeroth was more immersible than Vana'diel. Both worlds are fascinating, but Warcraft has 10 years of backstory and history under its belt. From the savanna like barrens, the jungle like Stranglethorn Vale, to the throne room of Lordaeron, it's all there. (shame on you all who haven't at least read about Warcraft history on the page. I mean, you should at LEAST KNOW WHO ARTHAS IS D.

    Several things severely annoyed me about FFXI, the first and most notable one being the ass interface. It just sucks...and it sucks hard. Annoying to use, limited, unintuitive, and hard to customize. It feels like it was designed for use on a Playstation controller, which it most likely was, so it didn't seem to be optimized much at all for those of us who have the privilege of playing with a mouse. The WoW interface on the other hand is intuitive and very easy to use and customize. Virtually no learning curve. And, with the upcoming content patch, it will be even better (finally adding additional bars into the interface so I don't have to download Cosmos).

    Oh yeah, you can jump in WoW. YOU CAN JUMP! Jump over people's heads, jump off of the Stonewrought Dam and Freewind Post (to your death). Why can't you jump in FFXI? That's important... In FFXI, you had to pay an additional $1 a month per extra character. WoW allows you 10 per server. It really_really_is nice to have alternative characters, especially if you want a taste of the different classes or are trying to keep on equal levels with friends.

    It maybe "Difficult" in a way, but it's kind of fucking retarded when you make a game based around grouping and than like now.. its a fucking PAIN in the ASS to get anything done because no-one wants to group.
    While endgame is Huge, it's a also a huge sink of time and a huge waste.
    Camping a NM for 3hrs+ maybe fun for some.. it's fucking retarded to others. Especially when that NM might only spawn once a fuckin week. Thought this was a game.. and not a fucking full time job?
    FFXI is not made for casual gamers. to be fairly honest
    Thou, yea this game is the wrong kind considering everyone is stuck up about your equipment and job, god forbid you don't have the same gear as them. They automatically assume you arn't as good as they are with lessor gear.
    Last edited by TheGrandMom; 04-05-2009, 10:22 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

    Hmmm, less "facts" and more personal preferences, methinks.

    A buddy of mine quit FF and started playing WoW. In less than a month he's max'd out his first character and is actually fairly bored. The high end raids and PvP is all that keeps his interest now. He also hasn't logged in for about 2 weeks. I also had a coworker who was bored until Burning Crusade came out, then he was into for a few days before he reached the new cap and was bored again.

    Part of the reason I like FFXI is because its NOT easy. There is a sense of accomplishment for being able to get one or multiple 75s, or doing certain boss fights, or being able to survive because of your skill as a player. While the death penalty can be harsh, it makes you play smarter. When there is little to no penalty, you get a bunch of Leroy Jenkins and zerg players who never learn to play smart because if they die its no biggie.

    I also like how I don't have to make multiple characters to try multiple jobs. With all the quests and key items and such, its nice not having to redo all those things again because I wanted to try a different character. Ever job I lvl adds to my character as a whole, instead of having 8 toons I don't care about because each is a different job that I wanted to try or play or get to 80 cuz I could.

    But hey, thats just me. I'm happy w/ FFXI and been happy for a few years now. Enjoy WoW for as long as it holds your attention, which is hopefully more than 6 months. ^>^


    • #3
      Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

      FFXI is geared almost exclusively towards group play. You can solo up to level 10, and maybe up to level 15, but past that all soloing activity stops cold turkey.
      No it doesn't. However, you have to earn the ability to solo in FFXI. You need to have sub jobs unlocked, and you need to have the right subs for soloing. Square has been adding more and more solo content throughout the life of the game.

      Besides that, I've soloed two different jobs to 20 before Fields of Valor and Treasure Caskets.
      The death penalty in Warcraft is a lot less frustrating than just about all other MMORPGs, no deleveling, no experience penalty. When you die, you appear in ghost form at the closest graveyard, and must run back to your body. You can also resurrect at the graveyard, but with a much heavier equipment penalty (which will ultimately cost you some cash, but no experience will be lost). The game doesn't feel like it's punishing you!
      The EXP penalty in FFXI is kind of negligible, unless you frequently die outside of parties. In the early levels the EXP lost can be made back in 2-3 mobs, and later on you can also make that EXP back equally fast - especially if the party can keep killing without you while Raise weakness wears off.
      Oh yeah, you can jump in WoW. YOU CAN JUMP! Jump over people's heads, jump off of the Stonewrought Dam and Freewind Post (to your death). Why can't you jump in FFXI? That's important...
      Why is it important?
      In FFXI, you had to pay an additional $1 a month per extra character. WoW allows you 10 per server. It really_really_is nice to have alternative characters, especially if you want a taste of the different classes or are trying to keep on equal levels with friends.
      You don't need an extra character unless you A) want to try a different race altogether or B) want more storage space. You can change jobs on FFXI whenever you want.


      • #4
        Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

        Edit: Didn't know it was such a large wall of text. Feel free to skip riiiight over this.

        While you have some ok arguments.. there are some I don't understand in the slightest.

        Originally posted by Swoozie View Post
        FFXI is geared almost exclusively towards group play. You can solo up to level 10, and maybe up to level 15, but past that all soloing activity stops cold turkey.
        Huh.. if you mean leveling then.. I guess all those BST, PUP and BLM all got to level 75 with partying.. If you mean missions.. alot of them CAN be done solo, but its more fun and easier to get a group of people. Maybe from your Linkshell.

        Originally posted by Swoozie View Post
        Even then, the quests really didn't offer that great of a reward
        I find a good storyline and a good time with my friends with abit of gil and experiance on the side as a wonderful reward, thank you.

        Originally posted by Swoozie View Post
        The death penalty in Warcraft is a lot less frustrating than just about all other MMORPGs, no deleveling, no experience penalty. When you die, you appear in ghost form at the closest graveyard, and must run back to your body. You can also resurrect at the graveyard, but with a much heavier equipment penalty (which will ultimately cost you some cash, but no experience will be lost). The game doesn't feel like it's punishing you!
        While that is all good and well, have you ever stopped to think.. You just died, you SHOULD be punished! Dying is bad and we all hate losing exp over it, but atleast its a reason NOT to die. Also, the whole running back thing.. Reraise says hi.

        Originally posted by Swoozie View Post
        but Warcraft has 10 years of backstory and history under its belt.
        Wings of the Goddess, seriously. Every single expansion has a massive ass storyline to it. You just have to actually WORK for it.

        Originally posted by Swoozie View Post
        From the beginning, I just felt that Azeroth was more immersible than Vana'diel.

        Originally posted by Swoozie View Post
        specially if you want a taste of the different classes or are trying to keep on equal levels with friends.
        Inside your mog house, you'll find this neat option that lets you change your job. without making a new character. without having to redo quests that you need for later things. without having to send money onto your account or keep track of what character needs what. Hmm.. I'll stick with FFXI for that one, thanks.

        Also, equal levels.. I have two simple words if you wanna level or do a quest with people at the exact same level. Level Sync.

        Originally posted by Swoozie View Post
        Oh yeah, you can jump in WoW. YOU CAN JUMP! Jump over people's heads, jump off of the Stonewrought Dam and Freewind Post (to your death). Why can't you jump in FFXI? That's important...
        Why do I need to jump? If anything.. I'm glad people can't jump. Being a taru is annoying enough with all the /punt jokes. Do I really need people jumping all over me aswell?

        I'm going to assume they are your own quotes.. firstly, I don't think that much could be "fucking retarded"..

        Originally posted by Swoozie View Post
        Especially when that NM might only spawn once a fuckin week. Thought this was a game.. and not a fucking full time job?
        No one asks you to camp a once a week spawn (HNM?) Most NMs will spawn every few hours and even then.. You only need a Time of Death from another friend who might have seen it die.

        Well thats all I have at the moment.. this animal has to go eat some dinner and go SOLO his BLM.

        TL;DR: I don't think you're right, for many reasons.
        Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
        Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49


        • #5
          Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

          I'm sorry to say but the post title is not Comparison to WOW, unfortunately your direction in the post turns into a direct comparrison with WOW. Both are different games in lots of ways and cannot be compared.

          As for soloing, since the introduction of the exp change (more exp for DC and EM mob) and the fields of valour quests have made soloing alot easier. I have solod my dragon up to 26 using these. The difficulty was from 18-20 where exp was low in highlands and the mobs in Burbimo were difficult, however from teh 8th April with them introducing fields of valour to highlands, lethein etc. the exp climb will be even easier. when this new change comes about it should not be a problem to solo a character from lvl 1-37, you could probably do that and solo your sub job items even!! (hmm now theirs a challenge for me on my testing character )

          The history of teh game was lvl 10 onwards group. Now its more geared to providing a more level play for people who wish to solo more.

          As for the graphics, please remember the game is 7 years old!!!!! and still has ps2 players they can;t do a graphics upgrade due to teh limitations of teh ps2 console, however I have no quarms with teh graphics, until last year I played teh game on a crap computer, now with my quad core etc. I was able to up everythign to max and teh game is still beautifull and detailed. Also if your playing the game just to see top notch graphics, then your not really taking into considersation the real pull of the game, the community.

          Explain to me, why does everything need to be customizable? You use the tools you have and you learn them, besides you have 2 different keyboard layouts, macros, chat screen backgrounds, different text colours for different text types etc etc. how much customisation do you need?


          • #6
            Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.


            Horrible post, IMO.

            Baseless and tactless, what does that title have to do with the post's content?
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


            • #7
              Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

              Originally posted by Balfree View Post

              Horrible post, IMO.

              Baseless and tactless, what does that title have to do with the post's content?
              At first I thought it was a late April Fools joke.
              Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
              Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49


              • #8
                Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

                Sounds like FFXI was too hard for someone.
                FFXIV Balmung Server
                Tenro Matashi


                • #9
                  Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

                  Originally posted by Wise Donkey View Post
                  Sounds like FFXI was too hard for someone.
                  I wouldn't be surprised if WoW was too hard for that same person
                  Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
                  Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49


                  • #10
                    Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

                    Originally posted by Rothy View Post
                    FFXI is geared almost exclusively towards group play. You can solo up to level 10, and maybe up to level 15, but past that all soloing activity stops cold turkey.
                    I stopped reading here, realising from this statement you know nothing about FFXI and your whole post will be pointless. My THF is now 60, I've soloed it that far. It just takes more effort to figure out what and where to solo, something you obviously didn't think about.


                    • #11
                      Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

                      First. jumping with over 20 kilos of armor on is totally doable >.>

                      Second, stop crying..go back to wow if you like it so much.

                      Third, while I do agree that you cant really solo this game (except for BST XD) there's plenty of stuff you can while you don't have a party...namely...crafting. Or farming for certain drops to sell instead of later begging your friends for that 1k gil you are short of for buying that particular weapon you want

                      Fourth, yes FFXI graphics are better...yes they could use more face types (god I wish they would add more really)...and god dammit you must be blind if you think WoW character graphics aren't horrible...the characters body are 5 squares (each limb torse and head) string together...event the movement is hideous.


                      • #12
                        Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

                        Isn't this sort of like walking into a People Eating Tasty Animals luncheon, announcing that your a vegan and decrying meat? Why not just uninstall it and walk away? I'm curious.


                        • #13
                          Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

                          Originally posted by WovenDarkness View Post
                          Isn't this sort of like walking into a People Eating Tasty Animals luncheon, announcing that your a vegan and decrying meat? Why not just uninstall it and walk away? I'm curious.
                          Self assurance that they are right.
                          Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
                          Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49


                          • #14
                            Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

                            Originally posted by Rothy View Post
                            Self assurance that they are right.
                            I'm pretty sure that the OP already believes that they are correct. My post was intended to get the OP to think about what s/he was doing, should that person decide to check up on this thread. It's not a flame or stirring the pot per se, but more of a request to think about the intent of the message, the audience it's being delivered to, and what the poster wants the final outcome to be. I mean honestly, what good does it do to submit a post in that nature to an audience that you know isn't going to be receptive? be heard? Most likely, that's the case. As such? Mission accomplished. They've been heard. Board members were summarily dismissive. New opinions formed about the OP, etc., etc., ...and life will go on. Wouldn't it have just been easier to uninstall and move on? No hard feelings, no worrying about what other people think, and no wall-o-text containing the same hashed over points since the first time that people had disagreements on personal opinion.


                            • #15
                              Re: Final Fantasy XI, Facts, tips, and donuts. Helpful to all new and old players.

                              First rule of writing a guide of any sort: Toss other game comparisons out. If someone is reading a guide pertaining to FFXI, it should be filled with things FFXI. I don't click on stories about Batman to hear about Wolverine, why would I read an FFXI guide to hear about WoW? What you really seem to be emphasizing here is your only other MMO experience here is WoW.

                              You lost people when the WoW comparisons started. This wasn't even worth skimming.

                              Just because WoW is currently the most popular MMO does not make it the best basis for comparison anyway. Its predecessors are vastly different and WoW was meant, repeat meant, to be a casual player's game.

                              FFXI was not, neither were Lineage II or Everquest. When comparing FFXI to anything, its a little more accurate to compare it to those two, but even then, FFXI has a lot of unique elements that separates its from those two and also WoW - the subjob system, the ability to play any job as any race, cinematically-driven storylines and a robust endgame/high level gear that never gets obsoleted are pretty big points and show where FFXI is separate from the pack.

