ya, I finally installed it and upon logging into my account and starting it up, I was speechless at how much better everything looks!!!!!!!!! @_@ and this is from someone who's been playing the PS2 version for years (and I was actually content with
PS2's graphics. I was like, "Meh, Xbox360 version wouldn't look any better than this, maybe less jaggies but that's it." But playing it now feels like I just removed a veil, and now it feels refreshingly new somehow! :D and what's shocking is that I'm playing it on a 4:3 sdtv and it still looks great, the chat log is totally readable. the only thing is that the PC and NPC names above their heads are smaller and almost hard to read, but that's a minor tidbit, as well as the minor tidbit of once in a while "slowdown", but it's nothing choppy, so it's not really noticable.
ya some ppl say graphics aren't everything but they surely enhance the experience!!!!!!
PS2's graphics. I was like, "Meh, Xbox360 version wouldn't look any better than this, maybe less jaggies but that's it." But playing it now feels like I just removed a veil, and now it feels refreshingly new somehow! :D and what's shocking is that I'm playing it on a 4:3 sdtv and it still looks great, the chat log is totally readable. the only thing is that the PC and NPC names above their heads are smaller and almost hard to read, but that's a minor tidbit, as well as the minor tidbit of once in a while "slowdown", but it's nothing choppy, so it's not really noticable.
ya some ppl say graphics aren't everything but they surely enhance the experience!!!!!!
