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Especially if you use my dad's favorite line "That's not the way to do business!" Long story short, my dad took some savings bonds to the credit union to cash them, and the lady miscalculated what they were worth and gave us about 2-300 over. My dad asked if that was the correct amount and she assured us that it was. Few days later they put his account on hold for that $300 and some rude attendant called and said "You took our money!" like we had robbed them or something lol. He went back up there 2-3 times and found out the manager was the one that called. When my dad asked to speak to her supervisor she said that there was nobody above her. Eventually he was issued a written letter of apology for the whole ordeal from the company president (Apparently there was somebody above her
.). He really didn't want that though, he wanted a spoken and written apology from the managing clerk that spoke to him harshly.
Originally posted by TheGrandMom
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