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Your character data may be damaged.

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  • Your character data may be damaged.

    So thats the msg I get when I try to log into one of my characters. I was in Sky killing Faust and when I was done I escaped. I got the constant Downloading Data screen of death and then the game crashed. So I started it back up and tried to log in and get the "Your character data may be damaged." I can log onto my other characters on the same account but not that particular one. So I go to POL and contact a GM......<insert rolling of eyes here>. I bet if I don't even tell you what he said you could tell me exactly what he said. Come on....say it with me....


    So ya, its Friday night and I'll have to wait till Monday. My ls is NOT very happy since my participation in certain events on this character is necessary and she also has pop items.

    So while I wait, I'd thought I'd ask all of you......has anyone ever had this problem? If so, what did you have to do and how long did it take them to fix it......if they did fix it.
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

  • #2
    Re: Your character data may be damaged.

    [GM Raydeus] > Greetings Adventurer.

    Thank you for your comment. We'll investigate this matter. If you don't receive a solution to your problem after 72hours please contact costumer service. It will only take another 72 hours for them to give you an answer.

    In the mean time... Why don't you enjoy a few rounds of Tetra Master?
    Last edited by Raydeus; 03-21-2009, 10:05 PM. Reason: ...what? <_<;
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #3
      Re: Your character data may be damaged.

      Had a time like that where my character zoned and lagged into oblivion for while. Couldn't log it back in and it happened to two of my mules the same way, after being told to call customer service after inquiring with a GM it was explained to me there might have been a problem with the server refreshing data sent from my system as I zoned.

      See, while we call it a "server" one named server is made up of several other servers, each handling a different zone, when there's interference coming from the information you send, you might not cross over until it gets to that particular server again. So I reset my connection and was able to log back into my characters.

      Weird thing was I could still access Foobar, I was just scared as shit to zone him anywhere after the first two characters fell into the void, so I had to sit there in Sand'oria as his ears bled to the music. Poor little taru.

      Turns out the mules were OK, had everything they had before. Server from the previous zone still had all the info.


      • #4
        Re: Your character data may be damaged.

        I had the same thing were Rothy was caught in Xarcabard near the Limit Break NMs. I'd go to log on and it would look like it will load then freeze and crash.

        I could log onto my mules fine. GM told me to call customer service.. then Customer Service got the GMs to warp me or something.

        Took them a week to do it to.
        Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
        Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49


        • #5
          Re: Your character data may be damaged.

          Yep, took almost a week for them to relocate a character that a LS member lost in the middle of oblivion some time ago.

          (The 72hr x2 part wasn't a joke )
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #6
            Re: Your character data may be damaged.

            Oy...a week. That's gonna go over like a fart in church with the ls.

            I've been attending events on another character but it doesn't have the jobs I'm usually on with my other one....mainly whm or blm. It was funny, I was in sky on this other character and a diorite dropped so I lotted it. A member said to me "You realize that you'll have to get on that character to use it, right?" and I replied "Oh....bummer....*evil grin*" LOL This character is actually my main but it doesn't have whm or blm leveled and you know what its like once an ls realizes that you have those jobs leveled. I actually like being on this character.....I prefer it to be honest.
            Originally posted by Feba
            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
            Originally posted by Taskmage
            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
            Originally posted by DakAttack
            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


            • #7
              Re: Your character data may be damaged.

              well weeks after the hdd accident, my ps2 harddrive has been working fine until yesterday, it said no data, and I couldn't access POL, so I tried later and it worked again. Not sure how much longer the harddrive has but once it doesn't work at all anymore, that's it, I won't be able to cancel content ID unless I buy a new system or the vana'diel collection for 360. I'm beginning to question if it's even worth continuing since access to POL is at such a fragile state, and I wouldn't want to get charged for months I don't play until I can get a new system and FFXI installed just to access content ID reactivation/cancellation.

              I'm surprised SE has gotten away with not providing any cancellation/reactivation options through their website instead of only through the game.


              • #8
                Re: Your character data may be damaged.

                I always assumed you could cancel over the phone. I didn't know that the only way you could cancel was via the game.
                {New Sig in the works}
                "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                Originally posted by Solymir
                What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                • #9
                  Re: Your character data may be damaged.

                  You can also replace your credit/debit card. The fact that the expiration date wont match is enough for them to be unable to charge you again until you update your info.

                  Worst case scenario that is.
                  "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                  Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                  • #10
                    Re: Your character data may be damaged.

                    oh thanks! but anyways, the HDD has been working fine lately. Besides I think SE will continue selling Vanadiel Collection throughout the year, so I don't think it will be a problem getting a new one if necessary.


                    • #11
                      Re: Your character data may be damaged.

                      Another thing, Jenova, you can, at the very least, install POL on your PC so you can get access to pretty much everything, sans FFXI.
                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • #12
                        Re: Your character data may be damaged.

                        Latest update:

                        I didn't hear from them so I figured I'd call. Who knew that was like a violation or something! O.o The guy was SO rude I had to ask for his supervisor! The supervisor said he'd review the tape and look into my complaint and then I asked him about my character. He said that I'm only the 3rd person EVER to have this error message. He said that he had no idea when I'd get back my character but "I wouldn't expect it to be anytime soon." He also said that the issue had been forwarded to the developer's so it was totally out of their hands and I'd have to wait for a phone call or an email.

                        Well I'm not going to just sit back in Limbo. I'll call them every week and email them too. I intend to pester the hell out of them. I have pop items on that character, I have jobs necessary to the ls on that character, that character has more access than my current one, and I'm tired of having to sit out of events and be totally useless.
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                        • #13
                          Re: Your character data may be damaged.

                          wow.. that is so sad... sowhat will you do?
                          I hope you get it back soon


                          • #14
                            Re: Your character data may be damaged.

                            Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                            Latest update:

                            I didn't hear from them so I figured I'd call. Who knew that was like a violation or something! O.o The guy was SO rude I had to ask for his supervisor! The supervisor said he'd review the tape and look into my complaint and then I asked him about my character. He said that I'm only the 3rd person EVER to have this error message. He said that he had no idea when I'd get back my character but "I wouldn't expect it to be anytime soon." He also said that the issue had been forwarded to the developer's so it was totally out of their hands and I'd have to wait for a phone call or an email.

                            Well I'm not going to just sit back in Limbo. I'll call them every week and email them too. I intend to pester the hell out of them. I have pop items on that character, I have jobs necessary to the ls on that character, that character has more access than my current one, and I'm tired of having to sit out of events and be totally useless.
                            Dang TGM that's messed up. I'm shocked you actually got to talk to a Supervisor a second time. I guess they actually do exist. Maybe they spawn at 0% Moon? I don't know what the first guy's problem was, its not your fault they don't know how to communicate with us.
                            {New Sig in the works}
                            "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                            Originally posted by Aksannyi
                            "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                            Originally posted by Solymir
                            What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                            • #15
                              Re: Your character data may be damaged.

                              You use big words, a firm demanding tone, no swearing, and keep repeating your point that you want a supervisor enough and they'll transfer you. I also threw around my age, having grandchildren, and being old enough to be the reps mother. I don't know if that helped or not though. LOL
                              Originally posted by Feba
                              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                              Originally posted by DakAttack
                              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

