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$14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

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  • $14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

    Final Fantasy XI: Vana'Diel Collection 2008 is only $14.99? Seriously?

    Umm just out of opinion, my highest character was 18 before I quit a long time ago and I'm in a mix-up with finding an old account of mine and figuring out if I added 360 keys onto PC account or just made a separate account with 360 keys. So at this point it feels like a lot of work to get this sorted out.

    Should I just drop $14.99 and re-buy the whole package or does someone here think they got tips on recovering a lost account and figuring out which account has my level 18 character.

    Also wasn't there some issue with PC version using Vista? My memory is so messed up cause it such a looooong time ago but I think I recall playing on Vista just fine.

  • #2
    Re: $14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

    As long as you use reg codes from the same region (JP/EU/NA), platform doesn't matter. You can buy the collection for the new expansions (and disks) and put the key towards your old account.

    Honestly, though, at level 18, I wouldn't bother. That's not enough time to have an attachment to a character, and it's not going to set you back more than a week or two to regain your progress. It'll probably be easier from a gameplay perspective to just start over, too, instead of trying to relearn how to play from 18.


    • #3
      Re: $14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

      Yeah restarting seems a lot easier, any recommended servers with active and helpful linkshells for noobies?

      Nevermind this isn't WoW, I gotta challenge myself.
      Last edited by Swoozie; 03-10-2009, 10:06 PM.


      • #4
        Re: $14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

        Bahamut seems to be the best server for new players these days. I just started a few days ago after quitting about a year and a half ago, i'm a 14 war on Bahamut and during prime time i saw nearly 5000 people at just over 4700. Curious, i made a character on some other servers at the same time to check out how many people were playing and not one server cracked 3,000. Most of them only had 2400-3000 people on.

        You don't want an overpopulated server but you kind of do at this stage in the game, if we're ever going to make it anywhere in this game we need a lot of people to level up with/do missions and Bahamut seems good for that.


        • #5
          Re: $14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

          Servers are not region or timezone specific, so really it doesn't matter which you pick unless you already have friends playing.
          FFXIV Balmung Server
          Tenro Matashi


          • #6
            Re: $14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

            Correction, now a days you can hit lvl 20 in a day or if you push it day and a half.
            Bahamut great server, im in bismark and i hate it there, about to migrate back to bahamut.


            • #7
              Re: $14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

              I actually bought the $14.99 Final Fantasy XI: Vana'Diel Collection 2008 pack, I haven't install it yet, need to clear some space on my Laptop's HD.


              • #8
                Re: $14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

                The 08 Collection is pretty good, it has most of the major updates on there so it saves A LOT of time when you have to update after installation and also if you're using vista then it's already compatible without having to download it seperately.


                • #9
                  Re: $14.99? Seriously? Opinions please.

                  I live out in the middle of no where and the shipping costs are more then the product itself sadly. Why they cant put codes for sale for Wings of the Goddess is beyond me. Friend gave me his extra set of discs, but at the time i didn't realize I coudn't buy the codes from SE site and friend has the registration codes used on his other account. So now I need to find out how to get codes for WOTG as SE is too ARRGGGG! to sell them on their web site. Cry.

                  Anyone have a spare set laying around by chance? Mumble...

