The other day, I was reading about some awesome things people have done in DD; from getting insanely lucky on dice rolls and taking down huge monsters to accidentally destroying the universe. Now, obviously there's not a ton of room in FFXI for people to feel like total badasses because they just sliced a mountain in half, but we still have our moments, so I figure we should have a thread to talk about them. To be clear, I'm talking about things which are more random and insane, not things which are more planned out (see: Avesta, finally beating Promies; unless you have a particularly amazing story of how you survived) or things like that one party you had that made so much EXP/hr that you had to disband in an hour and a half because you'd outleveled the area.
Personally, I feel like about the most awesome thing I did in FFXI was somehow getting to the top of a Behemoth's (King, IIRC, but I'm not certain) hate list, managing to survive the first hit, and then dodging the second. As a mid-50s BLM. Taru. How it happened, I have no idea, lots of stuff happened, there was a call for help, I was just there to screw around and watch. Chaotic awesome.
The time I made a party with four white mages, and made it work was pretty awesome too. I don't think I ever had more fun on WHM than when I was tanking mandies.
When I was starting out, I was in Saruta leveling on crawlers amongst other things. At one point, I had just barely managed to survive a fight, and came out of it with poison. Since I didn't have any way of healing, all I could do was stand around and wait. Poison wore off when I had one HP left.
I'm sure I have stories more awesome than that that I can't remember right now; and I'm sure plenty of you have even more awesome stories than the best of mine, so let's out with them.
Personally, I feel like about the most awesome thing I did in FFXI was somehow getting to the top of a Behemoth's (King, IIRC, but I'm not certain) hate list, managing to survive the first hit, and then dodging the second. As a mid-50s BLM. Taru. How it happened, I have no idea, lots of stuff happened, there was a call for help, I was just there to screw around and watch. Chaotic awesome.
The time I made a party with four white mages, and made it work was pretty awesome too. I don't think I ever had more fun on WHM than when I was tanking mandies.
When I was starting out, I was in Saruta leveling on crawlers amongst other things. At one point, I had just barely managed to survive a fight, and came out of it with poison. Since I didn't have any way of healing, all I could do was stand around and wait. Poison wore off when I had one HP left.
I'm sure I have stories more awesome than that that I can't remember right now; and I'm sure plenty of you have even more awesome stories than the best of mine, so let's out with them.