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Awesome moments in FFXI.

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  • Awesome moments in FFXI.

    The other day, I was reading about some awesome things people have done in DD; from getting insanely lucky on dice rolls and taking down huge monsters to accidentally destroying the universe. Now, obviously there's not a ton of room in FFXI for people to feel like total badasses because they just sliced a mountain in half, but we still have our moments, so I figure we should have a thread to talk about them. To be clear, I'm talking about things which are more random and insane, not things which are more planned out (see: Avesta, finally beating Promies; unless you have a particularly amazing story of how you survived) or things like that one party you had that made so much EXP/hr that you had to disband in an hour and a half because you'd outleveled the area.

    Personally, I feel like about the most awesome thing I did in FFXI was somehow getting to the top of a Behemoth's (King, IIRC, but I'm not certain) hate list, managing to survive the first hit, and then dodging the second. As a mid-50s BLM. Taru. How it happened, I have no idea, lots of stuff happened, there was a call for help, I was just there to screw around and watch. Chaotic awesome.

    The time I made a party with four white mages, and made it work was pretty awesome too. I don't think I ever had more fun on WHM than when I was tanking mandies.

    When I was starting out, I was in Saruta leveling on crawlers amongst other things. At one point, I had just barely managed to survive a fight, and came out of it with poison. Since I didn't have any way of healing, all I could do was stand around and wait. Poison wore off when I had one HP left.

    I'm sure I have stories more awesome than that that I can't remember right now; and I'm sure plenty of you have even more awesome stories than the best of mine, so let's out with them.

  • #2
    Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

    I once successfully charmed a Desert Spider in West Altepa.

    While trying to blood warp on my Level 1 BST.

    Of course the way the charm duration formula works it only stayed mine for 3 secs at best and I was trying to die any ways, but it would've been insanely humorous if I had Familiar'd it and I had a pet over 30 levels higher than me for 30 minutes.


    • #3
      Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

      Given all the idiots out there in the game, managing to win a promy can be an awesome moment for some people, Feba.

      One of the most awesome moments for me was levelling BST in Site Riverne #0A1.

      Getting Sands of Silence on first kill.

      Watching a THF buddy fight Novv and his buddies, staying alive the whole time after Novv bitchslapped my BRD on reraise.

      Getting Sea with my friends Tek and Phreya on Titan.

      Playing SCH during Airship fight on second trip to sea. SCH + BLU + BRD make this BC fun.

      Getting Vali's Bow after only ever camping Eastern Shadow a couple hours (RMT swarmed in moments later).

      Then there was that time I swiped the Garalige Coffer for my BST AF helm right under the nose of a RDM pimp hat hopeful.

      Anytime there's an arrowburn.

      And helping people unlock DRG always gives me warm fuzzies for some reason.


      • #4
        Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

        Duoed the last 2 missions in CoP other than the last fight.

        Everyone said it was impossible.

        I guess nawt!
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

          well this isn't me but it was an ls mate

          Read if you don't value your braincells.


          • #6
            Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

            Soloing a NM on WHM that my RDM friend couldn't manage to defeat.


            • #7
              Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

              Being able to duo limbus faffy.
              ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


              • #8
                Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

                Had a couple friends (75 PLD and 75 SMN) helping me beat Shadow Lord for the first time. I was level 50ish THF. Killed me and the PLD, SMN got the kill with about 100 HP left. It was a jump out of my chair "Hurrah!!!" moment.
                FFXIV Balmung Server
                Tenro Matashi


                • #9
                  Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

                  Oh yeah, I just remembered a nice one. Me (PLD/RDM) and Lionx (WHM/SCH) duo'd the ZM8 big bad (spoiler warning.) First time we wiped pretty bad, but on the second try we realized a certain buff of his which enables him to do massive damage could be dispeled, and 10 minutes of fighting later we managed to take him down. From what I understand he's not exactly thought of as a pushover despite it being an uncapped fight and it seems people bring full parties so it was a real good feeling. Kinda like soloing an avatar but all the more epic.

                  Would've been nice if FFXIClopedia would've mentioned he could be dispeled though.

                  Then there was this other time we were wiping in one of the three first Promyvion runs and the last man standing, which was a BLM if I remember correctly, finished off the boss with like 100 HP. Bricks were shat, etc.


                  • #10
                    Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

                    How the hell did you Duo the pots fight?!

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #11
                      Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

                      Holding Khimaira for 20 minutes with two WHMs (one of which was weakened from claiming) and two RDM/NIN.

                      Somehow surviving AV's Meteor on WHM while the rest of the people there (spectators and alliance alike) became toast. I was swiftly beat down after, but it was amazing nonetheless.

                      Can't think of any more at the moment, but I did just get up. I'll be back later when I can think of more.
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • #12
                        Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

                        I have 2 moments that come to mind;

                        The 1st goes all the way back to my 1st year of playing. Was only a lv 26 or 27 WAR/MNK at the time trying to level up my Great Axe in Pal Mines. I pulled 1 DC quadav and before I knew it 7 more joined in. I wish I'd had FRAPS because I managed to survive (without using mighty strikes) the onslaught with 1 HP! Was freaking epic.

                        The 2nd is when I beat Promyvion Mea. Our SMN was weakened and the only person left alive yet somehow managed to get off Diamond Dust just in the nick of time to win the fight. The Boss was readying it's Couresel attack but shiva struck 1st!

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #13
                          Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

                          Hmmm, first "OH YEAH!~" moment was shortly after my friends and I started playing. We were trying to do the Rank3 dragon fight but couldn't find help. We were 23war/mnk (me), 23war/whm (friend, who used polearm), and 23thf/10rdm. We decided to just try our luck and see how the fight was in preperation for an actual run. The plan was for the thf to grab the dragon and perfect dodge while my friend and I waste the seeker. As I was running past the dragon with my Gaxe out, I counter him. My buddy and I waste the seeker while he and the thf keep me healed, then we all three turned on the dragon. We were all in the orange/red and we were diseased, but we won. That was awesome. ^.^

                          My whm friend (the war/whm from earlier) and I (war) were exploring in Buecedine Glacier when we went into one of the towers into Pso'ja. Things looked fine and clear so we decided to drop down a hole in the floor. We landed right next to a hecteyes, who immediately starts casting. I shout to my buddy "GET US OUTTA HERE!" so he starts a teleport. I engage the mob but its not moving toward me. About 3 seconds later it clicks: ANCIENT MAGIC! I check the log to see what its casting. Burst. -.-' I wanted to run closer to try and crit stun, but I didn't want to run out of port range, so we had ourselves a genuine castoff. Thankfully, the port was faster. ^.^'

                          My whm friend and I were going through Xarcabard. I don't remember what we were doing, exactly, but I recall that he drew aggro from an eye. I get over to him and voke the mob off, but his hp had already dipped into the yellow so skelly showed up. I voke the skelly while I fight the eye. By the time the eye is dead a 2nd skelly showed up. Almost finished with the first skelly as a third skelly shows up.

                          Me: "Port!"
                          Whm: "Where?!"
                          Me: "ANYWHERE BUT HERE!"

                          So Teleport-Holla it is. When we finish zoning I look at my hp 1/1235. =.=' My buddy just turns and says to me. "Well, I don't think you can beat that." ^.^`

                          We spent a day camping O.Kotes for his samurai. We spent the ENTIRE day there, missing only one claim in 10. There was a garrison event coming up in our LS so we said, "One more kill, then we gotta go." Thankfully, the O.Kotes dropped on that last one. Hate camping. ^.^'

                          My whm friend and I have had a ton of very close encounters. We like to go out and camp and quest and explore, so we frequently end up sneaking through places where one false move would get us killed. Those are always fun. ^.^'


                          • #14
                            Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

                            I have a couple of Crowning Moments of Awesome. I'd say they are more to do with luck and me always giving my best effort than actual skill but they are awesome moments nontheless:

                            The first time I got Hexa Strike, stepped onto the Ferry and beat Sea Horror around with my Club like he was a Mantra being farmed. Revenge for all of the times he used to pick on me as a low level WHM fisher

                            The third time I exp'd on Imps (WHM70). I was WHM/SCH and we got a nasty link. The BRD died (He was /NIN so only me or the PLd sould really raise him) so I had to keep the link slept and didn't do a bad job of it either. We killed the original imp and turned to kill the second one only for a third imp to pop and Firaga the party from nowhere. I hit Curaga II just as the second Imp used a Firaga spell shortly Frenetic Rip on the PLD. The PLD died and I had to 2 hour or lose the rest of the part. I was then stuck having to tank this third imp (using a comination of Flash, Stoneskin, my Earth Staff and lots of cures) for the party while they finished off the second. I ended up with so much hate on this imp that the SAM was struggling to pull it away from me but somehow I managed to pull it off and tank the thing for the party. The BLU even gave me the title of "lol{Impossible to Gauge}WHMtank". I doub't I'll EVER try something as crazy as that ever again but if it stops a wipe you'll bet Ill try it. SE gave us RR3 for a reason so I may as well put it to good use .

                            My first Prommy Mea win. I was the SMN and it all hit the fan. Some idiot was inevitably too lazy to bring anima so the NM started spamming Carousel. It was at about 20% HP and had 50 seconds left on my Blood Pact: Rage timer and it was just me, the WHM and the RNG left. RNG had used his 2 hour and was kiting the NM but he died. Between us me and the WHM managed to keep the NM kited until I could fire off my final Astral Flow. Ramuh died so I had to resummon and she had to keep the NM still so I could finish it off. I manaed to get Ramuh out and fired off my Astral Flow.The NM died in a ball of Lightning as both me and the WHM were in single digit HP.

                            Duoing Ifrit Prime with a RDM/NIN and my stoneskin not dropping from Inferno while she took some damage. She still belives that it was a glitch

                            Rolling a VI on my COR's 2 hour so the BLM, SAM and PLD could 2 hour again and finish off the Banshee that aggro'd us in Qufim was pretty awesome.

                            Earlier today I helped a friend (RNG/NIN) get Sky access and flag his DM quest. While we were up there he wanted to try to kill one of the Statues (Aura Butler or something. Don't ask why we tried it without a PLD but we were bored and feeling a bit cocky). They only conned as Tough so we thought we'd have no problem as RNG/NIN and WHM/BLM. We were badly mistaken. One Meltdown later (and on Firesday of all days) I was somehow still standing with 20HP left. I didn't have any melee gear with me and my HP in healing gear is about 980 total. To note that means the attack hit me for 960 through Stoneskin (capped enhancing), Barfire and Shell. The attack hit my RNG friend for well over 1.6k . After I cleaned up what was left of him and Raised him we got out of there quickly. Still a little Hume White Mage girl taking an explosion in the face and somehow surviving while her huge Elvaan Ranger companion was blown into some time next year must have looked pretty awesome to the passing farming party.

                            The first time I soloed an imp (WHM/NIN) in campaign doesn't really count as one but it was very, very satisfying.

                            I was also in a fun campaign battle party earlier consisting of 3 WHMs/SCH's. We all timed it so we would Devotion each other and use Sublimation then Cure IV. The effects were not unlike a half power Convert and were very fun to watch.

                            The first time my K Club perma pulled off the PLD, MNK, WHM combo felt awesome. As soon as we synced and started cooperating and working like a team clearing that BCNM fight felt as natural as breathing. Shame the MNK quit the game.
                            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                            Reiko Takahashi
                            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                            Haters Gonna Hate


                            • #15
                              Re: Awesome moments in FFXI.

                              I'd have to say my 4th Divine Might fight, which was my 1st win. I wrote a little story about it, and I think it's on the site here, but we used a pld/blu super tank to hold all of the mobs, while we pulled them off one by one. and it was so freaking easy that I cursed myself, and the other 3 alliances for not thinking/doing this.

                              Another time, me and my CoP static were doing 4-2? fight i think? The one with the mammets? We had failed 2 times, we were almost out of meds and yellow liquids, and my friend suggested we try this method supertank method again. We didn't have a pal/blu but we had a pal/war and 2 rdm's so we attempted it and we won and nobody even died. It was awesome.

