So I've been agonizing over what to merit for some time now...
See, I like almost every job and thus it's really hard to chose any one skill; For a while I was leaning on GKT so I could push my skill over 300 with Bushi and Justice Torque, but I'm not sure if I like SAM enough (or a new job may come out I like more, or I may want to go for polearm for drg or what have you)
The other thing is, just how effective are weapon merits? I mean, right now I'm strongly leaning on H2H as per a friend's suggestion because unlike other weapons H2H skill has a direct impact on your damage.
So should I just do H2H for now (I do like MNK) and then wait and see if I want to do anything else? It seems like meriting H2H will have a large impact on my MNK. (My friend mentions how he went from hitting for less than 100 to 150 per fist on Colibri with 292 skill)
My other problem is magic. I know there's another topic on the BLM forums with someone facing the exact same dilemma as myself; I inted to max out Blue Magic Skill, but I also enjoy BLM and SCH and thus elemental/enfeebling would help....
Should I max blue magic (I really love BLU and this skill has a huge impact) then split Enfeebling and Elemental 4/4 or max out Elemental? As an elf nuking is something of a bitch for me @_@ and /SCH can largely make up for enfeebling defficiencies in a PT setting...
See, I like almost every job and thus it's really hard to chose any one skill; For a while I was leaning on GKT so I could push my skill over 300 with Bushi and Justice Torque, but I'm not sure if I like SAM enough (or a new job may come out I like more, or I may want to go for polearm for drg or what have you)
The other thing is, just how effective are weapon merits? I mean, right now I'm strongly leaning on H2H as per a friend's suggestion because unlike other weapons H2H skill has a direct impact on your damage.
The damage of a hand-to-hand weapon is added to a character's natural hand-to-hand damage. A character's natural hand-to-hand damage is calculated by multiplying hand-to-hand skill by 0.11 and then adding 3. When calculating the Weapon Rank, however, the number used as the weapon base damage is the number displayed on the weapon plus 3, with no contribution from hand-to-hand skill.
So should I just do H2H for now (I do like MNK) and then wait and see if I want to do anything else? It seems like meriting H2H will have a large impact on my MNK. (My friend mentions how he went from hitting for less than 100 to 150 per fist on Colibri with 292 skill)
My other problem is magic. I know there's another topic on the BLM forums with someone facing the exact same dilemma as myself; I inted to max out Blue Magic Skill, but I also enjoy BLM and SCH and thus elemental/enfeebling would help....
Should I max blue magic (I really love BLU and this skill has a huge impact) then split Enfeebling and Elemental 4/4 or max out Elemental? As an elf nuking is something of a bitch for me @_@ and /SCH can largely make up for enfeebling defficiencies in a PT setting...