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Pandy Warden Killed last night!

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  • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    Putting it in all caps doesn't make you any less incorrect than you were before.

    What you find inconvenient and others do not does not make it bad game design. Again, say it with me...

    Cross-platform MMOs are a really bad idea.

    Fixed. FFXI would be a better game if it weren't designed like shit to cater to the consoles.

    You don't have to suck SE's cock on everything. I like FFXI too, but I can still see that the game is poorly designed in a lot of ways. You shouldn't need to run a 3rd party program just to bring FFXI up to speed with every other MMO in existence.

    But that would be a GOOD thing so its not silly. If a lot of people did that then SE would get the hint that there was an issue.
    This is backwards. If there are that many people using windower, devs should be looking at that and thinking "Damn, all these people are using this 3rd party windower instead of ours. Maybe our shit is just that bad."

    You know, when people make their own custom UI tools for WoW, Blizzard doesn't hit them in the mouth and call them cheaters. If some custom UI has a really awesome feature they will often add it to the official UI in a later patch. WoW becomes a better game, more people enjoy it, more people play it, Blizzard makes more money. Everybody wins.

    SE would rather just hit you with the ban hammer for trying to fight the mobs on your screen instead of fighting with your UI to play the game.

    inb4 WoW bashing

    edit: First post two pages in a row. This would make me awesomesauce if we were on GameFAQs or something.

    500 hours in MS paint


    • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

      BBQ, putting it in bold doesn't make you any less incorrect than you already were.

      The features I have pointed out could all be implemented on all platforms. There is no good reason the PS2 can't support a minimap, or the 360 can't have persistent recast timers. The users might not like it much, because they're already dealing with a low resolution, but THEY DON'T HAVE TO USE IT. Just like you don't have to scroll through the magic menu to cast spells. These things could be added to FFXI, on all platforms, without harming anything; just as there were modifications of the UI for jobs like PUP, and now the moblin maze menus.

      FFXI's UI is shit. Devs have game balancing to deal with? Ok, deal with BOTH OF THEM. Maybe stop trying to add content until you work out your issues. Unless FFXI's dev team has become even shittier than I remember it being, this is not an impossible task.


      • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

        Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
        You know, when people make their own custom UI tools for WoW, Blizzard doesn't hit them in the mouth and call them cheaters. If some custom UI has a really awesome feature they will often add it to the official UI in a later patch. WoW becomes a better game, more people enjoy it, more people play it, Blizzard makes more money. Everybody wins.
        Better? No. Easier? Yes. Blizzard continues to do everything in their power to make the game easier for their players. It's handy, but I wonder how much of that time could be better spent attempting to fix the problem of the game simply being sub-par.


        • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

          Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
          Fixed. FFXI would be a better game if it weren't designed like shit to cater to the consoles.

          It was designed for consoles first. It was retrofitted to cater to PC users, not the other way around.

          You don't have to suck SE's cock on everything. I like FFXI too, but I can still see that the game is poorly designed in a lot of ways. You shouldn't need to run a 3rd party program just to bring FFXI up to speed with every other MMO in existence.
          Logic of the Banned (circa Jan. 22 2009) - "I like to play poorly designed games and pay monthly for them."

          I don't. FFXI isn't a poorly designed game. Its an MMO, all MMO need adjustments over time. You went in knowing this, you pay knowing this. So cut the crap already.

          How would you like to work hard everyday, only to be complimented once every three months and then you're told you "fail" the rest of the game.

          Welcome to the FFXI dev team!

          FFXI players these days are spiteful children and little more than that. If you don't like how it is - don't fucking play it. Quit.

          Its that simple. I don't continue to play games I don't enjoy from a design standpoint, why do you?
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 01-23-2009, 05:12 PM.


          • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            Its that simple. I don't continue to play games I don't enjoy from a design standpoint
            Fucking. Liar.

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            How would you like to work hard everyday, only to be complimented once every three months
            First of all, I'd like to know what makes you think that FFXI's dev team works hard. Secondly, plenty of people work hard on all sorts of things. That doesn't mean their work is any good!

            I bet it took hard work to make the Tower of Pisa. It's a rather beautiful building, too. That doesn't mean it's foundation isn't fundamentally flawed.

            Every bad game you've played in the last decade probably took a lot of hard work. Same for every bad movie you've seen, every bad song you've heard, and every bad book you've read. That doesn't make them good, or even acceptable. It doesn't mean we need to coddle their makers.


            • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post

              It was designed for consoles first.
              An unfortunate truth.

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              Logic of the Banned (circa Jan. 22 2009) - "I like to play poorly designed games and pay monthly for them."

              I don't. FFXI isn't a poorly designed game. Its an MMO, all MMO need adjustments over time. You went in knowing this, you pay knowing this. So cut the crap already.
              Shutting your eyes and pretending the problem isn't there doesn't make it go away. They need more time? 8 years isn't enough time to make the UI not a piece of shit?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              How would you like to work hard everyday, only to be complimented once every three months and then you're told you "fail" the rest of the game.

              Welcome to the FFXI dev team!
              If they'd stop failing they wouldn't need to be told they fail, would they?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              FFXI players these days are spiteful children and little more than that. If you don't like how it is - don't fucking play it. Quit.

              Its that simple.

              I don't play it. I quit some time ago, but this happens to be the only gaming related forum I can browse when I am on break at work.

              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
              Better? No. Easier? Yes. Blizzard continues to do everything in their power to make the game easier for their players. It's handy, but I wonder how much of that time could be better spent attempting to fix the problem of the game simply being sub-par.
              You are right sir, that is quite a failure of a business strategy Blizzard has. Making the game more enjoyable for the people that pay them to play it? Inconceivable!

              I love how FFXI players love to ride their high horse and spit on WoW because their game is so much more "difficult" that it makes them superior. Meanwhile, FFXI is ripping features straight from WoW and everybody just loves them. The Fields of Valor books might as well all be Orcs.

              500 hours in MS paint


              • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

                And other online games are ripping features from FFXI, your point being?

                Also, we spit on WoW because our game has a storyline, and doesn't just hand everything to you. That's what makes FFXI a better game for some players.

                And lastly, FFXI and WoW are marketed to two different markets, what works for one won't necessarily work for the other.

                You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

                  Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
                  If they'd stop failing they wouldn't need to be told they fail, would they?
                  'kitten, I think this is a sign that you should just save your energy: arguing with someone who honestly thinks this would be time better sent persuading a brick wall.
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                  Matthew 16:15


                  • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

                    Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                    And other online games are ripping features from FFXI, your point being?

                    Also, we spit on WoW because our game has a storyline, and doesn't just hand everything to you. That's what makes FFXI a better game for some players.

                    And lastly, FFXI and WoW are marketed to two different markets, what works for one won't necessarily work for the other.

                    A lot of you like to bitch and moan that this game has so many things wrong with it, and yet, you fail to answer one simple question..........Why the fuck do you still play this game then???? Every time this question is asked, yall dodge it like dead-beat dad dodges paying child support. Seriously wtf is wrong with yall?

                    FFXI has its issues, I'll admit that, but the game isn't inherently flawed in regards to doing what its supposed to do. What is that you say?? Provide for a good time! You dont have a good time playing the game anymore?? Then please, answer the question at the end of line 2 paragraph 1 please.
                    Originally posted by Van Wilder
                    Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                    Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                    I'M BACK BABY!


                    • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

                      Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
                      You are right sir, that is quite a failure of a business strategy Blizzard has. Making the game more enjoyable for the people that pay them to play it? Inconceivable!

                      I love how FFXI players love to ride their high horse and spit on WoW because their game is so much more "difficult" that it makes them superior. Meanwhile, FFXI is ripping features straight from WoW and everybody just loves them. The Fields of Valor books might as well all be Orcs.
                      I look down on WoW for being the shrine in which Blizzard sacrifices integrity for money. If their players cared for a moment to learn what a partial reinforcement schedule is they might be moved enough to see the trick and just turn it all off.


                      • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

                        A lot of you like to bitch and moan that this game has so many things wrong with it, and yet, you fail to answer one simple question..........Why the fuck do you still play this game then???? Every time this question is asked, yall dodge it like dead-beat dad dodges paying child support. Seriously wtf is wrong with yall?
                        False. I answered that question several times. I'll answer it again. The UI is damned bad but the game is still playable, and FFXI has a bunch of other good qualities that make it worth sticking around. But the UI (and a couple of other unrelated things like animations stopping your movement) is still bad. Every game has flaws, some of them can be serious, etc. It's like asking "If Marth is so broken why do you still play Super Smash Bros Melee?" I played the shit out of that game - competitively and otherwise - for well over 4 years. It was still pretty damned broken though.

                        It's possible for both things to be true.


                        • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

                          Originally posted by hexx View Post
                          A lot of you like to bitch and moan that this game has so many things wrong with it, and yet, you fail to answer one simple question..........Why the fuck do you still play this game then???? Every time this question is asked, yall dodge it like dead-beat dad dodges paying child support. Seriously wtf is wrong with yall?
                          First, not everyone bitching about the UI does still play. Two of the most vocal so far quit long ago. (Cue the "If you don't play anymore, quit whining" argument to complete the circle.)

                          Second, most of the bitching here is about the UI. One aspect (or a small subset of aspects, depending on how you look at it) of the game as a whole. It's a simple matter of weighing the positives and negatives. Just because someone dislikes one aspect of the game, and is actually vocal about it, doesn't mean that automatically counters everything they like about it.

                          Since we're all about lame analogies up in here, just because the fries are too damn salty doesn't mean this isn't one delicious fictitious combo meal I'm not really eating. Or just because I find the chairs at a restaurant really uncomfortable doesn't mean the food isn't worth the discomfort.
                          Ellipses on Fenrir
                          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                          . . .


                          • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

                            Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
                            First, not everyone bitching about the UI does still play. Two of the most vocal so far quit long ago. (Cue the "If you don't play anymore, quit whining" argument to complete the circle.)

                            Second, most of the bitching here is about the UI. One aspect (or a small subset of aspects, depending on how you look at it) of the game as a whole. It's a simple matter of weighing the positives and negatives. Just because someone dislikes one aspect of the game, and is actually vocal about it, doesn't mean that automatically counters everything they like about it.

                            Since we're all about lame analogies up in here, just because the fries are too damn salty doesn't mean this isn't one delicious fictitious combo meal I'm not really eating. Or just because I find the chairs at a restaurant really uncomfortable doesn't mean the food isn't worth the discomfort.
                            Where in my post did I say "everyone" is bitching? I said "A lot of you..." instead, which of course mean a decent group of people.

                            It may be a lame analogy, but it still gets the job done good sir! And yes, just because some parts are disliked, doesnt mean they cant like the game as a whole......but when you are so vocal about it, just leaves room for wondering wtf is up no?

                            All I'm doing is throwing in my two cents, it seems the topic has drifted from PW gettin killed, to a snowball fight with each side of the argument countering the other and pointing out the flaws in each others arguments. =P
                            Originally posted by Van Wilder
                            Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                            Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                            I'M BACK BABY!


                            • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

                              /reads most recent posts

                              /goes back to enjoying FFXI
                              ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                              • Re: Pandy Warden Killed last night!

                                Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                                Also, we spit on WoW because our game has a storyline, and doesn't just hand everything to you. That's what makes FFXI a better game for some players.
                                Exactly. I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't think that FFXI is one of the best MMOs out there, if not THE SINGLE BEST MMO THAT HAS EVER BEEN ON THE MARKET. I think I could honestly say that without exaggerating one bit. That doesn't mean that it doesn't have deep and serious flaws, especially in the UI aspect. And flaws should be fixed.

                                Whatever you think of players using third party programs like Windower and FFAssist to ADD to the interface, it's obvious that the interface as it is is owefully inadequate and could be easily improved; and already has been in more minor ways (macros). We're not talking even talking about making a fully customizable UI, or overhauling the graphics engine to Next Gen standards; although those should both be done eventually. We're talking about adding a few small modules to the existing UI, and allowing PC users to extend their Draw Distance to a REAL maximum, instead of some arbitrary one (and before you say this is unfair, keep in mind that the 360 version included a beefed up draw distance).

