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SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

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  • #91
    Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

    This kinda thing is always sad. Looking at weapons once advertised as "ultimate" by the community ending up as a better-than-nothing kind of junk item.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #92
      Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

      Originally posted by ShepardG View Post

      I just typed like 8 different responses, and ended up erasing them all... lol, none of them,I felt, were decent enough to express what I was trying to convey.

      I feel like I understand your response, but I just can't agree. I like MMO's because I can interact with like minded people, and have adventures with them that we all enjoy. I guess it seems to me that people that have or want relics/mythic weapons are playing for themselves, not in a selfish manner so much, as in a "I'm more dedicated to this game than you" manner. Which they clearly are.

      FFXI exist's to make SE money, and I've always looked at relic's and mythic's as ways to wrap up their gamer's into a time sink that will make them more money. Why not wrap them up with new quest's to get the item they want so desperatly instead of adding one repetitive quest that dosen't change? I just don't feel like the story of ffxi gained anything from relic or mythic weapons. It's just a slow, slow grind to get an item that has little to no background story (I don't consider 3-4 CS's a decent story)

      I just look at the future of MMO's and I see the techniques (such as the grind for a relic/mythic) that are, in a sense, hooks to keep the player "playing and paying" as becoming dated.
      Imagine if FFXI had content like a TV show, streaming updates that happen as you play, Items that were added monthly, Missions and quest's that would keep you subscribed but not take all the free time of 8 months to complete.

      If your friend joined, you could spend your time with him, catching him up on the content that you've already completed. Grinding would make things easier, but imagine if at 75 Cid asked you to return to valkrum dunes and solve a murder of an NPC. The possiblities are virtually limitless, and would keep people coming back for more.

      The best weapon in the game wouldn't be near impossible to aquire, it would be simply a very tough adventure, and not a very tough grind.

      There are lot's of Console (and I'm sure PC) games that have already adopted this downloadable content format, Guitar Hero, Oblivion, GTA:IV and they only add to the replay value, instead of making it just another hassle, like the owners of mythic/relic weapons had to go through.

      If my opinion bothered you, that was not my intent, I was simply trying to think outside the box. I, along with everyone else in the game that I know, would love to have the best weapon in the game, but not at the cost that the aquisition of said weapon requires.
      Honestly, I have no freaking clue what any of this means. Relics and Mythics, from their very concepts, are supposed to be things few players will ever attain. They're not for the every day, casual player, they're for the most determined and hardcore players, and that's not a bad thing. They put in more time, effort and energy into the game and they should get more out of it. Yes there's a lot of grinding involved, but unfortunately that seems to be the only way to keep rare items rare.

      And FF does update the game with countless quests, missions, battles, events and so forth every few months. What does that have to do with Relics/Mythics? Those weapons are supposed to be a grind to get so only the truely determined can get them. There is plenty of other stuff for casual and hardcore players alike to do that has nothing to do with Relics/Mythics.

      That's just it, It's supposed to be a fun adventure game, not work and effort. I work hard in real life,so that I can escape to a fantasy relm with my friends and not worry about going to work just to earn another item. I understand that maybe some folks are a glutten for punishment, but I would rather focus on having a good time with friends. Like I said before, I don't understand people who pay to play a game, to work in said game to get an item that has no other use than to increase their damage output inside of said game. I guess I don't understand them because that's not how I am. I'm not trying to insult them, I'm just trying to say that there has to be a better way.
      And how do the Relic/Mythic weapon quests prevent anyone from having fun? How does it stop you from helping a low lvl friend or doing a fun fight? How does it stop people who are going after those items from doing the same things? Relics/Mythics are for people who do want to get that super rare, hard to obtain, best weapon in it's class item. They've done it all and that's all that's left. They want to get the greatest weapons their job can use. They want to have the hardest, longest, grindiest quest done and be able to say "yea I did that". What's fun for one isn't always fun for others, which is why we have so many options in this game.

      Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
      This kinda thing is always sad. Looking at weapons once advertised as "ultimate" by the community ending up as a better-than-nothing kind of junk item.
      The "Ultimate" weapons are still the Ultimate. Relics > Mythics > everything else.
      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


      • #93
        Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

        While technically those weapons can be considered the "Ultimate", they are nothing but better-than-nothing pieces of junk that aren't even worth 10th of the time/effort required vs. the stats they have.

        It's really sad.

        ...So why am I laughing then, you ask? I'm probably a saddist.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #94
          Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

          Originally posted by Ziero View Post
          The "Ultimate" weapons are still the Ultimate. Relics > Mythics > everything else.
          The way I view it is the way I have always and will always view it:

          Relics = Ultimate weapons among each of their weapon types

          Mythics = Ultimate weapons for each of their jobs

          Slight difference there.

          Either way, Murgleis, while hot, I'm not sure is quite hot enough for the requirements to obtain it. Plus, I'm not a big fan of piercing-type swords either way. >_>
          Originally posted by Armando
          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
          Originally posted by Armando
          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
          Originally posted by Taskmage



          Originally posted by Taskmage
          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
          Matthew 16:15


          • #95
            Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

            summery of thread.....

            "omgz this game to hard booohoo"

            I hate hearing this over and over, in diffrent forms, if it bothers you that much, go do something else.
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • #96
              Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

              No, people aren't saying they're too hard, they're saying they're harder than their stats justify. It's sort of like pricing a sword @500k when there are better swords for the same price or less...


              • #97
                Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

                Originally posted by Nuriko View Post
                No, people aren't saying they're too hard, they're saying they're harder than their stats justify. It's sort of like pricing a sword @500k when there are better swords for the same price or less...

                ....but this does happen, all the time ;p
                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                • #98
                  Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

                  Yes, and would you tell somebody to farm more for gil for the 500k sword, or get the better value?


                  • #99
                    Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

                    Just the fact that many of these weapons are multi-hit, from a melee standpoint, makes them better than most weapons out there. There really isn't anything mindblowing about the RNG Mythic, but it does fill the missing link between the relic gun and bow by being a crossbow. If it doubles holy bolt proc damage, all the better.

                    Still, mnst of this is just boohooing over shit you never were going to dedicate yourself to doing anyway, so I fail to see the point of all this bitching. For the person who wants these weapons, it will be worth the effort to them.

                    Also, we're looking at what these weapons supposedly do from preliminary tests, yet I having seen much talk about the Aftermath effects. So far, I just see a lot of eyeballing and people acting like the sky is falling.


                    • Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      Just the fact that many of these weapons are multi-hit when you use their WS at 300 TP


                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      Still, mnst of this is just boohooing over shit you never were going to dedicate yourself to doing anyway,
                      Not now that most of them suck ass. And I'm sure there will be some ridiculous fault even in the ones that are good. The moral of the story; don't trust the Dev team.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

                        It's really the weakness of the Aftermath effects that people are crying over. To get that double attack bonus, you have to save up to 300 TP and use the WS. And at that point, all you get is the Double Attack, without the other Aftermaths.

                        Basically, with 100 TP you get the first Aftermath effect, with 200+ you get the second, and only the second. And with 300 you get the final, and just the final Aftermath. And on top of that, only the first tier can be refreshed through a second WS. So even if you have 300 TP, WS, get the DA effect, and WS again at 300 TP, you won't refresh the DA bonus.

                        At least from my understanding.

                        Which, imo, kinda sucks.
                        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                        • Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

                          I think the problem is that SE only seems to really recognize and cater to very narrow and specific kinds of 'dedication'. The kind that more generally falls under the 'Get 5-17 more people, grind this place for weeks, months, years, and you might get something good out of it. Maybe.'

                          In my book, there are many varying forms of dedication to a game, and your character, and not all of them involve repetitive grinding. Because you can repeat something successfully doesn't necessarily make you more dedicated at it, in any case. There's dedication to crafting (which falls short because some things have to be either bought, or obtained by a small group+, so you're back to dedication via group or money), dedication to exploring the world around you, dedication to wanting to try to go it alone and see how far your own power will take you, etc.

                          Other than the Maat fights and a few other minor things, SE seems to not give a fuck about those who would rather do things alone. This is because it has been, and always will be, a group-based game and I doubt anything will change it, or their next MMO. And more or less, if you don't like it, the only real option is to vote with your feet. (Though I did like your idea, Shepard, just SE would never do it. lulz. It'd be more at home in LotRO, and would be more welcomed than the SE-ish bullshit they've tried to pull in Moria.)

                          Hopefully Bioware being who they are, TOR will not fall into this model of MMO. Kind of hard to make it believable that legendary Jedi Robes are being hoarded by the Shadow Lord of Hoth in this Impregnable Shield Generator Station of Doom and Villainy, anyway. Not really a mythos that lends itself to that kind of thing. They need to look at pre CU Galaxies and go from there. That was a great damn MMO.
                          "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                          ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                          • Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

                            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                            Not now that most of them suck ass. And I'm sure there will be some ridiculous fault even in the ones that are good. The moral of the story; don't trust the Dev team.
                            No, the moral here is not to expect the dev team never promised you to start with.

                            Here are your expectations way out in left field and here's SE's intentions somewhere in the in-field. You're scurrying around for a ball they never sent out that way.

                            Just because your bizarre level of expectation is seldom met does not mean that SE failed in any way, shape or form.

                            Originally posted by Telera
                            Other than the Maat fights and a few other minor things, SE seems to not give a fuck about those who would rather do things alone. This is because it has been, and always will be, a group-based game and I doubt anything will change it, or their next MMO. And more or less, if you don't like it, the only real option is to vote with your feet.
                            The people who want to do things alone in an MMORPG were a strange breed to start with. They wanted to feel included in the MMORPG scene so they could talk about it more than be part of it. And now introducing WoW and its retarded stepchildren. You can play alone...

                            ... until you get to endgame.


                            As for SE not giving a fuck about people wanting to do things alone:
                            • DNC subjob - it made doing things by yourself easier.
                            • NIN subjob - also made doing things alone easier.
                            • BST, DRG, PUP amoung others were soloable before DNC was added, now even melee jobs can solo more respectably.
                            • Signet Adjustment
                            • Sanction and Sigil buffs
                            • Fields of Valor - now you can solo your subjob even faster than before.
                            • Beseiged
                            • Campaign
                            • Crafting
                            • Gardening
                            • Mining
                            • Fishing
                            • Quests, there are tons you don't need people for
                            • Chocobo Breeding
                            • Chocobo racing
                            • Holiday events
                            And for low man content:
                            • Various Limbus areas can be duoed or trioed for coins and AF+1 upgrads
                            • Assault and Assault Rewards
                            • Campaign and Campaign rewards
                            • MMM and MMM rewards
                            • Nyzul Isle
                            • Early Tier ZNMs
                            So yeah, SE must really not give a fuck about solo/low-man events, they only have a shit-ton of content in the game tailored just for that. They just sit there with their thumbs totally up their asses and collect our monthly fees


                            • Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              The people who want to do things alone in an MMORPG were a strange breed to start with.
                              Yes, I know I'm just calling out the exception, not the rule, but not everyone that wants to do things solo do so because they want to see if they can, sometimes...

                              Last edited by LilithAngel; 01-12-2009, 09:22 PM. Reason: Those of us that have done things solo, however, can take pride that we did what a group sometimes doesn't, or can't...


                              • Re: SE Strikes Again! (Obtaining Mythic Weapons)

                                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                                Just because your bizarre level of expectation is seldom met does not mean that SE failed in any way, shape or form.
                                No, I personally feel they really have no grasp of certain aspects such as reward vs effort, but I'm done debating the point with you.

                                What truly disappoints me about the aftermath is how stale it is. It's basically the same for every job. Why couldn't they have come up with separate AM that grant varying bonuses to each job, to further make them unique. After all wasn't the entire point of these to enhance their jobs? So why no huge boost to cure potency for lv 3 AM for Yagrush, for example?

                                Not that the AM themselves are bad, just poorly implemented (in that they don't stack) and extremely generic (which isn't bad for the DD jobs)

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

