My static has just started doing Nyzul runs now that we are almost at Captain in Assault, and we've been kicking around what would be the optimal party setup for Nyzul runs. We've been on a few, but are currently at floor 5. We basically have most job combos you can come up with, MOST of them... The first runs we were going as:
This has worked well for us, but i was thinking about the setup:
WAR/NIN, BLM/WHM, BLM/WHM, BLM/WHM, TH4 (could also go BLM/WHM if we wanted to bypass TH4), RDM/BLM
I was thinking having 3 blm's and a rdm, we could sleep any mobs that get in our way, and if it by chance is an unsleepable mob, we could just nuke the ish out of it. On objectives of KILL ALL, we could have the war/nin run into a room, grab aggro, and then ES sleepga ii them in the middle, then a few waves of thundaga III and sleepga ii's to finish them off. Being new to Nyzul, i'm not sure if it could work, but...
So this post is 2 fold, LOL, could my 3 or 4 lbm pt work, and what would be your optimal Nyzul setup and explain.
This has worked well for us, but i was thinking about the setup:
WAR/NIN, BLM/WHM, BLM/WHM, BLM/WHM, TH4 (could also go BLM/WHM if we wanted to bypass TH4), RDM/BLM
I was thinking having 3 blm's and a rdm, we could sleep any mobs that get in our way, and if it by chance is an unsleepable mob, we could just nuke the ish out of it. On objectives of KILL ALL, we could have the war/nin run into a room, grab aggro, and then ES sleepga ii them in the middle, then a few waves of thundaga III and sleepga ii's to finish them off. Being new to Nyzul, i'm not sure if it could work, but...
So this post is 2 fold, LOL, could my 3 or 4 lbm pt work, and what would be your optimal Nyzul setup and explain.
