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FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

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  • #61
    Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

    Originally posted by Ziero View Post
    The best you could hope for would be private servers which are already being worked on to an extent. but a truely offline FFXI would be kinda...pointless.

    Seriously. If you take out the more intense grind, it fits in rather well with the rest of the create-your-charrie open ended things. Morrowind et al. I love those kinds of games. I like Tactics because it gives a taste of that sort of thing, but not entirely. I want something more single-character focused like XI is in missions/quests.

    I've hoped for an offline 'port' of XI for ages. Maybe someday. Maybe Dissidia will open that avenue in some small way. As you say: they'd have the majority of the resources prepped and ready.

    A private server would be okay, I suppose, but really I'm looking for something scaled to a single-player experience, or maybe 2-3 others for multiplayer (a la Crystal Chronicles, perhaps?).
    "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

    ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


    • #62
      Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

      Or you know, if you want FFXI offline...

      You could always go buy FF XII.



      • #63
        Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

        Maybe if XII had XI's fighting and Macro systems. Because every time I tried to replay XII I ended up playing X-2 instead.

        PS > I really need to get a new copy of VIII.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #64
          Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

          Wow I thought I was the only one who did that
          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
          Reiko Takahashi
          - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
          Haters Gonna Hate


          • #65
            Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

            Originally posted by Telera View Post
            Seriously. If you take out the more intense grind, it fits in rather well with the rest of the create-your-charrie open ended things. Morrowind et al. I love those kinds of games. I like Tactics because it gives a taste of that sort of thing, but not entirely. I want something more single-character focused like XI is in missions/quests.
            To collapse this game down to a single player experience would be a massive undertaking. The whole thing would have to be rescaled and they'd have to probably merge in some FFXII elements to even make it work. Then they'd have to cut some features simply because they don't work in a single-player context.

            At any rate, I don't expect this to happen for years. I'd much rather have a spinoff game of FFXI that features an original story all players could enjoy while maintaining some of the features of the online version.

            Also, never compare good RPGs with crap made by Bethesda. Bad enough they put their filthy hands on Fallout 3.


            • #66
              Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              You could always go buy FF XII.
              Because Ivalice and Vana'diel are TOTALLY THE SAME THING.

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              I'd much rather have a spinoff game of FFXI that features an original story all players could enjoy while maintaining some of the features of the online version.
              You (and Telera, too) mean, sort of like GTA4-- have the game with the storyline and missions be entirely playable offline, but add the option of online play with your buddies for those that want it? I could go for that. Actually, I have a friend who loves to do missions for the sense of teamwork more than anything; I'd love to go through it with him (and some other comrades) again. A semi-online aspect (also for example, chatting with friends while not actually having to interact with anyone online) would be very nice.

              And Ziero, an offline FFXI is far from pointless. It's not like EVE, where it's a living breathing world. FFXI has plenty of community interaction, but it's not like the world is suddenly lifeless if you take out players. Vana'diel has a story which is rich and deep. I honestly don't think it's a stretch to say that FFXI has more plot than any other game ever. Where other MMOs say "MY STORE IS ON FIRE. PLEASE KILL 5 WATER THINGIES TO HELP ME PUT IT OUT", FFXI gives the store a background, a reason to exist besides selling things. I very rarely felt like I was doing a fetch quest in FFXI, even when that's exactly what I was doing.

              When you go into the 2-3 fight, even if you skip the cutscenes, you don't feel like you're going to Dungeon X to kill Bad Thing A; you feel like you're there to stop something. FFXI, though online, is VERY much a Final Fantasy game to its core. Being an MMO has kept many, many people who would've loved it from even dipping their feet in. The biggest problem with FFXI is other people.


              • #67
                Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

                I said I'd rather have a spin-off version with an original story that shares some of the features of FFXI, but is its own scenario. Co-op/multiplayer features would be nice, but not requisite.

                A straight offline version of FFXI with the same story would be kinda dull to those that have already experienced it, so if they were to make a non-MMO version of FFXI it should feature a new scenario that both old players and new players can enjoy.


                • #68
                  Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

                  Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                  Or you know, if you want FFXI offline...

                  You could always go buy FF XII.
                  Just like we can play FF9 to get our fix of FF5. :p


                  • #69
                    Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    if they were to make a non-MMO version of FFXI it should feature a new scenario that both old players and new players can enjoy.
                    I have to agree with this; it would need some new content to expand on the world to make it worthwhile for the 500k (Ha) that play it. I'd really, really hate to see just an FFXI spinoff, though. It would provide none of the advantage of staying power that you'd want in an offline XI; and would do nothing to enlighten the unwashed masses to the awesome world of Vana'diel.


                    • #70
                      Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

                      Well, I think you could implement some of the story from FFXI, but I think it shouldn't be a direct carbon copy.

                      Directly duplicating the story of FFXI in an offline game would somewhat cheapen the online version of the game. The only people not wanting to play FFXI are the people that don't want to pay monthly fees or lack the time to invest into such a game, so why give them the same story or experience?

                      People tend to look at stories in games on a movie level rather than the comic-book level games are really on. MMORPG stories are very much like comics in that they leave these tremendous holes in a story just waiting to be returned to and filled in later. They practically always have the opportunity to go back and put something there that wasn't there before and expand the story that much more.

                      That said, its also entirely possible to do a spin-off that builds on existing story, but is also made so a new person can enjoy it without haven't to dig deep into volumes of lore. The best of comic book movies do this by playing true to the origins of a character.

                      Just look at Metal Gear Solid 3. That game explained practically everything that made you go "WTF" in Metal Gear solid 2. And even if you just played MGS3 and no MGS game before or after, you got a good story. And MGS3 linked lots of things between Metal Gear, MG2, MGS and MGS2 even though the story was set like decades before them.

                      Kojima was a guy raised on western films and comic books, though. He's just nerdy like that. I've always seen Metal Gear as comic book and tend to view most games that way, rather than the cinematic features they pretend to be.

                      And I think its mostly just because comic book, manga and video game story writers just have a ton more time to work on things.

                      So it is entirely possible to make it a self-contained experience and touch other parts of the story.


                      • #71
                        Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        The only people not wanting to play FFXI are the people that don't want to pay monthly fees or lack the time to invest into such a game, so why give them the same story or experience?
                        This is like saying "the only people who cant read <amazing literary work here> in the original language are those who weren't born speaking that language or who don't want to spend years of their life learning that language, so why should they be allowed to read it?". It's insulting, elitist, and frankly hilarious to think that you're more entitled to an experience because you're willing to spend months of your life standing around in caves beating up make believe monsters.

                        That those people don't want to pay monthly fees or invest the time is exactly why FFXI SHOULD have an offline version-- that market is frankly larger than this one. FFXII sold something like two million copies its first WEEK in Japan. There are over five million disks out there that give you the entire story. FFXI has 500k reported accounts. There are less than one tenth the amount of people who can play FFXI at any given time than there are people who can play FF12.

                        Which is another reason this is important-- not only is it a matter of opening up the experience to everyone, but it's important as an archival matter. SE can't keep the game running forever, effectively. Even private servers would die out without TLC and a decent enough sized community to keep things running and worthwhile. If FFXI isn't produced offline, we WILL lose this story, probably within twenty years.

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        Just look at Metal Gear Solid 3. That game explained practically everything that made you go "WTF" in Metal Gear solid 2.
                        As a side note, like hell it did. I'm still holding out for a PS3, so I haven't touched MGS4 yet. MGS3 has left me with TONS of questions, on top of MGS2's questions. It's brought up new questions about MGS and MGS2, to boot.

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        So it is entirely possible to make it a self-contained experience and touch other parts of the story.
                        That's nice. That's not what anyone was arguing, and it's incredibly pointless to do that. That's like responding to "I really like Star Trek: TNG" with "Go watch Enterprise. They have similar elements!". A relationship between plots isn't the point, the entire reason to do it is to have the same plot.


                        • #72
                          Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          This is like saying "the only people who cant read <amazing literary work here> in the original language are those who weren't born speaking that language or who don't want to spend years of their life learning that language, so why should they be allowed to read it?". It's insulting, elitist, and frankly hilarious to think that you're more entitled to an experience because you're willing to spend months of your life standing around in caves beating up make believe monsters.

                          That those people don't want to pay monthly fees or invest the time is exactly why FFXI SHOULD have an offline version-- that market is frankly larger than this one. FFXII sold something like two million copies its first WEEK in Japan. There are over five million disks out there that give you the entire story. FFXI has 500k reported accounts. There are less than one tenth the amount of people who can play FFXI at any given time than there are people who can play FF12.
                          Its like you're saying everyone should get box seats when they paid general admission. I don't even know why you're trying to turn this into an argument (your nature, I suppose), but you're maintaining the same point I am - the online version should retain some exclusivity.


                          Because if people are interested in FFXI after an offline version, having an entire section of story repeated for them is somewhat of a drag. It takes away from the online version. That isn't fair to the people you've draw in any more than it is to the people who have paid to play all this time.

                          An offline game can be made and have different element, story and be archived as part of the franchise. Hell, this FF would have the beastiary log to end them all, especially considering all the lore of other FFXI elements you could fill it with..

                          As a side note, like hell it did. I'm still holding out for a PS3, so I haven't touched MGS4 yet. MGS3 has left me with TONS of questions, on top of MGS2's questions. It's brought up new questions about MGS and MGS2, to boot.
                          Well, thats because you look at them like movies and not what they are - comic books. There are plenty of people that play Metal Gear expecting Splinter Cell and they don't get Metal Gear because they're trying to think its Splinter Cell. Ficticous-yet-plausible gadgets and stealth aside, the two haven't a thing in common.

                          That's nice. That's not what anyone was arguing, and it's incredibly pointless to do that. That's like responding to "I really like Star Trek: TNG" with "Go watch Enterprise. They have similar elements!". A relationship between plots isn't the point, the entire reason to do it is to have the same plot.
                          No one recognizes Enterprise as part of Star Trek. Enterprise is to Star Trek what Snake's Revenge is to Metal Gear - a black sheep we'd all like to forget. Thus, no one would ever point to that show as a reference for TNG, even ST:XI is pretty much pretending it didn't happen.

                          Its like Jar Jar Binks, hate a story element enough and they're eventually written out or omitted from the rest of a story or even the cannon. Unless you're Hideo Kojima, then you'll go find a way to poke fun, redeem, explain and justify it.


                          • #73
                            Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

                            Bethesda I can't speak for as a whole, since I don't like Fallout (even the originals) and haven't touched anything other than Morrowind or Oblivion (Hence only comparing it to Morrowind and not Bethesda as a whole). I missed Arena and Daggerfall. But Morrowind was a very good game, imo, one of the only games I have played for years straight. The lore to the ES as a whole is rather deep, and Morrowind's own story was fascinating, I thought. Oblivion kinda sucked, but Morrowind was one of the best RPGs I've ever played, bar none. And the mod community just makes it that much better.

                            Anyway, nah, really Feba, I'd like a straight offline FFXI, too. I just threw the multiplayer in as a side option, more like FF:CC where it's perfectly feasible to play it alone, or with others if you get the wild-hair up your ass to do so. Or Fable. Solo game, random multi-player aside if you feel like it. Which most don't, granted, because LH made a shit job of it.

                            Though I'd be equally happy with a spin-off story that had the ability to switch jobs/create your character and the like. So long as it was set in Vana'diel and had my tarus. I loved being that character more than my main. If they made it and it was a PS3 exclusive, that would probably be one of the few things that would finally seriously induce me to buy the console. I'd go buy one the moment it was announced.

                            Edit: Oh, and I've beaten XII. Close but no cigar in capturing the XI feeling.
                            "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                            ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                            • #74
                              Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

                              Tarus are so awesome they should be getting thier own Crystal Chronicles games.

                              Give the Star Onion Brigade a game of their own and they shall not disappoint!


                              • #75
                                Re: FFXI gets the respect it deserves from DISSIDIA. new FFXI playable.

                                Actually giving the Star Onion Brigade or Young Griffons thier own games would make awesome spin off games and sound just gimmicky enough to be on the DS which in turn would mean huge sales

                                Originally posted by Telera View Post

                                Seriously. If you take out the more intense grind, it fits in rather well with the rest of the create-your-charrie open ended things. Morrowind et al. I love those kinds of games. I like Tactics because it gives a taste of that sort of thing, but not entirely. I want something more single-character focused like XI is in missions/quests.
                                Intense grind? Have you played Morrowind or Oblivion past character Level 20? I'll probably get a Maat's Cap before my Paladin (Class I modded in to make Knights of the Nine interesting to rp in) on Oblivion hits Lv21. My Thief on Morrowind has been about Lv28 for a year now. Thanks to the level scaling as soon as you hit the 20+ level skill ups on Morrowind and Oblivion just stop happening and encounters become so freakishly tough it takes a good 5 minutes to kill a bandit.

                                I challenge you to fight Morrowind's final boss (main quest not the expsnion quests) at Lv25+ and try to come out of that with your sanity intact.
                                Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                                Reiko Takahashi
                                - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                                Haters Gonna Hate

