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Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

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  • Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

    Well, I guess this question hasn't been asked yet, so weeee.

    If you know someone who quit FFXI, you can post here and their reason for leaving the game.

  • #2
    I remember Saiyu a while back trying to sell his PS2 FFXI whole set-up to someone. He said that the game got boring and that it was to much of a hassle and costs way to much for him. The funny thing is that i think he's still playing. That was a near-quit.

    That was way back when, when FFXI PS2 had just came out. Back then I went by the name "Melvaan the Elvaan", lol...


    • #3
      Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

      Originally posted by cosmic
      Well, I guess this question hasn't been asked yet, so weeee.

      If you know someone who quit FFXI, you can post here and their reason for leaving the game.
      lol, you asked this cos it hasnt been asked yet?
      *posts a new topic, "who likes to eat ice-cream"*

      Manga Translations have been put on hold (yes I know, for a long time) Requesting raws, anything you have will be great, pm me or preferrably email me.


      • #4
        Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

        just in the last week i know 3 people that quit ; ;
        63/63 maps obtained


        • #5
          Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

          The real question should be, Who doesn't ;;
          I'm back! Sanim restored!


          • #6
            Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

            I quit a while back for personal reasons. It was at first just unable to play as I moved, but turned into more of a "well, I'm not that addicted anymore, so I'll just stop" sorta thing.

            But now, I'm coming back, so I guess it was temporary and not really quitting.
            Resident Canuklehead



            • #7
              Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

              I saw the man's feet poking out from beneath the curtain. =/

              Basically, I was just sick of making money. I did not subscribe to play a virtual economics simulator. I honestly think that if you break down the way time players spend their time in FFXI more than 50% of it would be spent in some kind of fund-raising activity. Generally not a fun one at that. And I think it's ridiculous to expect players to log in at specific and fluctuating hours just to craft or garden.

              Second, I hated the international servers. I don't dislike the Japanese and I was perfectly happy to group with them most of the time. But JPONRY erected a barrier between me and half the server. The English speaking population seemed to be spread very thin and it hindered me greatly when I tried to create groups to tackle missions, the one thing I really wanted to do in the game. I was able to join a high-level Linkshell that ran missions regularly but they usually did so at a time when I simply couldn't log in.

              I quit after witnissing gilsellers kill Simurgh (which really irratated me) and played WoW hoping to either find a better game or else just enjoy a vacation from FFXI. I quit WoW in about 3 or 4 months but events kept me from reactivating my FFXI account in time and my character went bye-bye. Apparently shortly afterward the policy on deletions changed extending the deadline to twelve months. Good job Square...
              Last edited by Coinspinner; 01-21-2006, 01:42 AM.


              • #8
                Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

                I met Chuck Norris.

                and I'm not sure if some of the guys I knew back in Diabolos quit.


                • #9
                  Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

                  I started playing with the NA PC release in late 2003. Quit in late '04 until just a few months ago due to an interest in World of Warcraft.

                  I quit Final Fantasy XI as a level 60, rank 6 paladin because I had gotten myself way too involved in it. My wife and I played together, she quit at the same time as a level 60 white mage. We had gotten to the point where we did everything we could to get as many minutes into in FFXI possible.

                  Once we set up a static party in the mid 50's, it got even worse. We were getting up by alarm clock on weekends so we could meet up and grind out some EXP or get a mission done. Half the time someone from the group would be hours late (or not show up at all) and everyone would be ticked about it. Tension and melodrama would run high for the rest of the day or weekend.

                  It got to the point where I would rather do anything than play FFXI. I picked up Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 when they came out and found myself having to make excuses to everybody in the static just so I could have an afternoon off to play them. Watching TV or DVD, going to a movie, that stuff became a form of guilty pleasure.

                  In the game everything lost significance. Nothing was fun or amusing or unique anymore. All I did was log on and spend countless hours going through the motions of grinding or farming. All of the towns, zones, mobs, NPC's, critters, all looked the same. Nothing in life was as boring as all of the waiting that came from playing FFXI. Waiting for the airship, waiting for a party to start or a party member to show up. Waiting for something to catch my fishing line. Waiting for my inventory to fill up with stacks so I can make the long trip back to town so I can wait for everything to sell, just to go back out and do it all over again. Waiting for the next level up, the next pull, the next provoke. If somebody in the party said "brb one sec" I'd groan out loud and fall back in my chair.

                  I was even fighting with my (irl) best friend in and out of the game because he was far more casual in his play style (as the Dark Knight in our static group) than I was. In retrospect I hadn't known how much of an elitest prick I'd become, discriminating against anybody who didn't have the "best" gear and magic for their level. And to be fair, he was the opposite extreme. He hardly farmed at all and rarely ever purchased any new armor sets (or accessories) on his way up to level 60. His logic being "I'm the DRK, I'm not supposed to get hit." (To top it off, his favorite macro went something like "/p Watch out WHM, I'm going into overdrive! <Soul Eater> + <Last Resort>"

                  I'm trying to get back into FFXI now though. Even if the game isn't perfect, as it was my first MMORPG and by far the game that I've spent the most time with in my life, it is still my second home.


                  • #10
                    Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

                    I went to Japan 5 months ago on orders. Since i haven't been able to play do to the very poor quality of the internet on the base. I've slowly lost interest and went back to doing the things I used to do, that I were fun like drawing and building models on my spare time. Now i've biult 5 PG gundams and I'm taking distance courses at an art institute to work in some credits. Not sure if I want to go back now. I'll wait and see what happens with the expansion. In the military, spare time is very precious sometimes, and it sucks to waste it with hours of waiting for a party or camping NMs all night till 3 AM just to go to work the next day for 12-14hrs.

                    But it's fun to drop in and say hi to people here and there haha
                    "how broken everything about ToAU is."
                    "Do you have Haruhi in your daily anime diet?"
                    "ok... I've quit 5 times... and failed each time miserably... they need a patch for FFXI like those nicotine ones...."
                    "Finally Quit this game"


                    • #11
                      Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

                      I quit basicly for the same reasons that Embra did.

                      When I first entered FFXI it was a fun exciting world to explore with many adventures. If I got bored with a job I could change on the fly and play a different job. The characters looked cool, the monsters looked cool, the zones were detailed and breathtaking, everything was just so awesome.

                      Then after a time, everything started taking too ridiculously long. I would spend hours upon hours farming items to sell for gil in order to buy that "must have" item in the auction house that I would in turn end up selling after a few levels.

                      Nobody would want to PT, I'd wait forever for invites, so I started making my own PT's only to have people be completely ignorant to me that such scenarios would come up like--

                      PLD: I'll only join your PT if you have a healer.

                      WHM: I'll only join your party if you have a tank.

                      BRD+RDM:No tank or healer? No thanks.

                      Every other Melee job: Sure I'll join.

                      It was ridiculous. People say "Go get a good LS" well I did have a good LS, except it wasn't good to me. All the time people would say they would help me with stuff and when the time rolled around for me to get help, all of a sudden everyone had an excuse as to why they were unavailable.

                      I tried leveling up many different jobs but it was always the same thing. It was kind of like getting a new outfit or haircut, sure you look different but you feel the same. Every party functioned the same, every party had basically the same set up. Every crafter follows the same lineup of items to make so they can achieve a high level of crafting. Every job basically has the same equipment at certain level ranges. Like every THF has Leaping boots or Emperors Hairpin.

                      In order to do anything you need gil, and in order to get that gil you had to spend countless hours farming your butt off. It got to the point where I had to actually consider, "wow if I make this much gil per hour, and spend X amount of hours farming, and I make this much money per hour in real life, and I spend X amount of hours working, would it actually make sense to just buy the gil since I am wasting my time farming?"

                      Of course I never bought gil because I'm sure if I did I'd still be playing. That's not saying that everyone buys gil, but I am sure a lot more people do now than they used to. Time and money, the two things I never have.

                      While I still love the character models, the zones became so boring to look at, everything looks the same in every zone. When you first step out into the zone, that's the same thing you are going to be seeing throughout the entire zone. Sure there may be a few things that are interesting to see in each zone but they are usually so far out of the way that you don't go there unless it's necessary. Like if you were on a quest or mission.

                      So I guess the reason I quit was multiple reasons ranging from lack of time, inflation, and boredom with the game. Once in a while I'll consider going back to FFXI but then I start asking myself if I really want to spend so much time on a game that I'll leave behind in a few years, and I respond to myself "Definitely not."

                      Not saying that FFXI is a bad game, but there are problems within it that need to be fixed. And that's my two cents.
                      Last edited by Balgas; 01-21-2006, 07:43 AM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

                        I quit because I simply didnt have the time to put in the game like most people do. I feel like I kept getting left behind from LS members and such. Also money was a huge problem for me. I got fishing up to level 60 or so and still found I was spending hours a day making money and it got boring. Then I felt like partying got to be too much. Too much of a pain to get a good solid XP party going for a few hours. Someone would join and stay for 10 minutes then leave, then we'd have to wait and wait. It just got to be too much. I felt like the things that I really wanted for certain jobs (Austere gear for my SMN for example) was too much a pain in the ass to save up all that money. Also, doing certain BCNMs took way too long to get gathered. I guess I ran out of patience and it just got boring.

                        I cancelled i think about 3 months ago, so my account is erased by now. if thats the case Im definitly not coming back. I was thinking about playing again from scratch and getting a blue mage when that comes out, but too many people will have one.


                        • #13
                          Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

                          With sports starting now and going to about the beginning of summer, I couldn't see myself wasting more time. I just got tired of it, there's plenty to do in the game, I just wasn't really motivated enough from the beginning I guess. After playing since April 2003 on JPN import I'm surprised how easy it is to transition into not playing at all. Not to mention I got a new girlfriend that I adore. :D


                          • #14
                            Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

                            I quit for a year and a half, then came back.


                            • #15
                              Re: Know anyone who has quit FFXI?

                              I quit about 3 months ago, but I'm itching to get back in the game now...

