Relic get a boost in power? - Order of the Blue Gartr

Un-fucking-believable. Dear lord PLEASE don't let this be a mistake!!!!
This makes me want to get Aegis or Yoichi/Annihilator.... NAO!!!!!
One guy says he's getting 80-90% Recycle Rate on Yoichi...
If this is SE's idea of balancing out the power of relics vs mythics.... ME LIKEY BREADSTICKS!

Un-fucking-believable. Dear lord PLEASE don't let this be a mistake!!!!
This makes me want to get Aegis or Yoichi/Annihilator.... NAO!!!!!
One guy says he's getting 80-90% Recycle Rate on Yoichi...
If this is SE's idea of balancing out the power of relics vs mythics.... ME LIKEY BREADSTICKS!