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Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

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  • #31
    Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

    Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
    1. Lvl Sync has some bug's for sure. Probably not on alot of people's list, but when your playing PUP, and your in a party with LVL sync, the leader can sync you up, and your pup auto-deactivates...and even if it has 100% HP you will still have to wait on the re-cast. Not cool. Nothing like coming to DD and having to wait 18 minutes to summon your pup.
    When you enter a level capped area your automaton depops and your timer doesn't reset. I'm sure it's similar to that.


    • #32
      Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

      >.> Yagrush is amazing.



      • #33
        Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        Ah, OK.

        Well that just eliminates abuse completely then. Either way, I'm glad they did it. Sucks for legit BRDs that actually participate in campaign, though.
        tbh my AN as BRD/DNC from melee damage/waltz cures obliterated whatever I could've made from buffing with songs, 'real' BRDs should be fine, also assuming that using debuffs still nets a fair amount.

        As far as me personally, not that I expected everything to be wtfpwn, but gear scaling is really bad to me. I was hoping it'd allow me to do level cap events without muling for gear since that always is the longest part keeping me from helping friends with stuff that I could otherwise just hop in and help with, but my 75 gear in 40 cap is just as useful as full NQ level 20 gear, so I still need to mule for an hour to get reasonable gear if I want to actually be useful.
        Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

        Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

        Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


        • #34
          Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

          Originally posted by Callisto View Post

          As far as me personally, not that I expected everything to be wtfpwn, but gear scaling is really bad to me. I was hoping it'd allow me to do level cap events without muling for gear since that always is the longest part keeping me from helping friends with stuff that I could otherwise just hop in and help with, but my 75 gear in 40 cap is just as useful as full NQ level 20 gear, so I still need to mule for an hour to get reasonable gear if I want to actually be useful.
          Exactly. I don't think the level sync is that great for gear. If you have an important stat like mp/int/mnd for a mage, str/dex for a dd, or emnity for a tank then you might want to have some pieces of level appropriate gear. We tested level 75 gear in a level 36 party and melee got +1 str from their equips but if they would have had NQ level 36 gear they could have had at least +4 just from 2 level 36 rings.
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #35
            Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

            Originally posted by Anaki View Post
            i dislike how drg got 1 weapon and thats pretty much all to what i saw i may be wrong though
            What other weapons do we need? We have 2 or 3 amazing polearms for soloing and 2 or 3 amazing ones for dd. If they keep adding 'better' ones, they'll get closer and closer to relic levels.

            I don't really have any major issues with the update at all. I would have preferred they adjusted Alexandrites a lot more than they appeared to have though. That alone puts the nyzul relics on the same, if not higher, tier as the dynamis relics when it comes to availability.

            Level syncing is doing exactly what is was supposed to. It's bringing friends together that may not have easily partied together or hung out otherwise. It was pretty funny to watch my wife in 75 gear and a friend in AF run around with a friend of ours that restarted as they killed DC lizards in South Gustaberg. The gear scaling numbers are bizarre to be sure, but for the most part they get the job done just fine.

            AV is still a bit of an enigma, but an ls did manage to zerg him to 27%. I wouldn't be surprised if someone manages to kill him by week's end and we start to get easier and easier kills over the next few months. Don't get me wrong, I still think the 2 hour window is asinine, but in the end it may just work out.

            The dynamis and limbus changes are nice. The lowered cost will help increase attendance as will the addition of toau jobs to the relic pool. The increased drop rate seems hit and miss but looks like it was a nice improvement overall.

            I would say that this is probably the best update they've done in a long time, if not ever.

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • #36
              Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

              I entered Aqueducts wearing +300some MP in gear, my Grip, Serket Ring, Blue Cotehardie all gave -HP but all gave +0 MP
              Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

              Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

              Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


              • #37
                Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

                I was finishing leveling my War from 36-37. I was using a Republic Greataxe to melee in Garliage Citadel previously from 34-36.

                I was sync-to a level 33 PC. I remove the Republic GA to switch to my centarion's Greataxe then back to my Republic Greataxe once the PC reached level 34. After the PC ding 34 and we were meleeing for a bit, I notice my damage was reduced.

                Actually level 34-36 damage on bats was 70-80, crits were around 140-165, and WS were around 200-340 (Strumwind)
                When I was level sync from 36->34 and using the same gear set up, I was doing around 45-68, crits were around 90-110, and WS were around 140-210(Strumwind).

                I dont know if there was other factors involved or is was a bug I ran into due to the Sync. Any thoughts?
                PSN ID: Kelshan
                Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
                Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


                • #38
                  Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

                  Originally posted by Callisto View Post
                  As far as me personally, not that I expected everything to be wtfpwn, but gear scaling is really bad to me. I was hoping it'd allow me to do level cap events without muling for gear since that always is the longest part keeping me from helping friends with stuff that I could otherwise just hop in and help with, but my 75 gear in 40 cap is just as useful as full NQ level 20 gear, so I still need to mule for an hour to get reasonable gear if I want to actually be useful.
                  You do realise that the stat caps on gear while level syncing are intended to make it worse than using the actual gear? it would instantly make all low level gear redundant and permanently gimp any new player or anyone levelling a new job from the start. I mean why have a MNK in lv20 gear for a Qufim party when you can have a MNK in full endgame gear ready to destroy stuff? Why have a tank at your camp's level range when you can just pull in a 75PLD with all their shiny equip? What's the point in inviting a 30WHM to the Jungles when there is a 75WHM with full Regen merits and tons of +Cure Potency gear?
                  Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                  Reiko Takahashi
                  - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                  Haters Gonna Hate


                  • #39
                    Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

                    HOLY SHIT @ DYNAMIS DROP RATE!! So basically getting relic now isn't that much of an accomplishment with the drop rates like this. I can feel it in my bones though that they'll "adjust" them some more eventually. We did Dynamis Bubu tonight and got SEVENTEEN freakin drops!! Thats just insane! The last Dynamis was 11 or 12 I believe too......including the elusive rdm hat!

                    The downside of the increased drop rate and the lower price is that there are a crapload of new ls's forming to do Dynamis. I see shouts for a new one every day in WG. So that means getting a zone is increasingly difficult with ensuing assholery to come when trying to get one.
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • #40
                      Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

                      Yeah I know, getting some of this stuff anymore isn't really an accomplishment anymore.

                      Although I guess its good for people who have limited play time, they can get stuff faster. SE has their reasons of doing stuff I guess... we can never tell.

                      The most precious possession that ever comes To a man in this world
                      Is a woman's heart.


                      • #41
                        Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

                        Originally posted by Tek(Selphiie) View Post
                        Yeah I know, getting some of this stuff anymore isn't really an accomplishment anymore.
                        In terms of risk vs. reward vs. time, getting a lot of endgame gear was never an accomplishment to start with, just a testament to the very basic idea of "I wasted more of my life in this zone than you did." When even lolTitles become coveted, you know something has come unhinged in people.

                        At any rate, something tells me the drop rate will get adjusted to something a bit more reasonable. There's a reason I didn't rush out and find a new Dynamis shell after the update, I knew people would do this.

                        If you really thought SE/AV was SE fixing AV, you are a moron. Those people now scrambling to do Dynamis due to exponentially increased drop rates are morons. They were the same people out there in Campaign subbing /BRD and thinking they were so smart and now they're all crying. They call the SE/AV adjustment a "nerf" and anyone with a lick of sense knew that adjustment was coming.

                        Anyone who thinks everything will some kind of permanance after an update is a moron - some of these things will be readjusted and if its too good to be true, it probably is.
                        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-17-2008, 10:47 PM.


                        • #42
                          Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Those people now scrambling to do Dynamis due to exponentially increased drop rates are morons.
                          Yeah, there are a crap load of new Dynamis shells, most of whom don't even plan using the Dynamis-Calender, thinking they can just show up to a zone. Which technically they can, but wouldn't really have a friendly welcome from those who had already planned the zone.

                          Atleast there ARE morons who rush these things, because if everyone had a "Wait and See" approach with updates then nobody would be doing anything lol. Kind of like, if everyone had the "Lets go to the movies early to get good seats" then there would never be good seats.

                          The most precious possession that ever comes To a man in this world
                          Is a woman's heart.


                          • #43
                            Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

                            Its not the people that go and see what works and what doesn't that are morons. I'm actually one of those kinds of people, I like seeing what's changed, what's going to stay and what's amiss

                            The problem is the people who take the information found by these people and instantly start making big plans around it. Its just not smart. As soon as AV could be KC DRKed, people in HNMs were making levelling DRK a priority and rushing BCNM60 Up in Arms.

                            Now, I'm all for the latter, I'd love me a KC, but level DRK just to shamelessly exploit Soul Eater at endgame?

                            No, I have more respect for people who genuinely play and love DRK than to go and do that. And I'll be damned if anyone starts telling me what jobs I level.
                            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-17-2008, 11:49 PM.


                            • #44
                              Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

                              You mean kind of like those linkshells who say that "Pet jobs need not apply"

                              People play and love Dragoon/Beastmaster/Puppetmaster

                              I love Dragoon. I enjoy playing it and i know i will enjoy it more at 75, but I pretty much have to accept that no linkshell will want this character unless im always on Bard or Corsair.

                              If I obtain a Kraken Klub someday by a stroke of luck and my Linkshell tells me to lvl DRK, I won't do it...

                              I'd only level it if i found a reason to enjoy it.

                              The most precious possession that ever comes To a man in this world
                              Is a woman's heart.


                              • #45
                                Re: Likes/Dislikes about the Sept 8th update.

                                Originally posted by Tek(Selphiie) View Post
                                You mean kind of like those linkshells who say that "Pet jobs need not apply"
                                Not exactly, but we only know of one LS crazy enough to shun SMNs from events and take a completely insane attitude toward PUP and BST.

                                Also, I still find it funny you love DRG, since as you were all lolDRG months ago when I talked about levelling it again >.>;

                                Originally posted by Tek(Selphiie)
                                If I obtain a Kraken Klub someday by a stroke of luck
                                I've seen one in Selphiie's bazaar before. So who are you and what have you done with Selphiie?
                                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-18-2008, 01:00 AM.

