Hello everyone I may be joining the party a bit late so i have a few questions for you.
I have played WoW for over two years and am now realizing how tired I am of it, the immaturity, the community that only really looks out for themselves... I am looking at FFXI because I read its a very team based experience.
First of all I live in New Zealand, a fun little island with bad internet and sheep
I have played WoW for over two years and am now realizing how tired I am of it, the immaturity, the community that only really looks out for themselves... I am looking at FFXI because I read its a very team based experience.
First of all I live in New Zealand, a fun little island with bad internet and sheep

- The timezone is GMT+12 or so im told, will i be at a great disadvantage to team up with people because of the timezone?
- Where are the servers located, are they all on the USeast coast or are they spread around a bit, I would need some advice as to where I would get the best latency.
- I guess one of the most important questions is, does the game still have a thriving community or are people slowly disappearing? (Is FFXI Dieing or still alive and kicking?)
- A question about grouping/jobs, could I get some info about damage dealers and grouping, what you personally find is the most wanted damage dealer and how they stack up against other damage dealer jobs.