Re: So.. Pandemonium Warden
Arguments about the ridiculous time expectations of these fights aside, if S-E expect people to "work" in shifts at downing these endurance mobs they should at least take the effort to create a mechanic that reflects the contributions of all people involved in the fight not just the lucky few who are there for the last 1%.
Make these mobs pop in a sealed zone and everyone present when it is engaged gains a buff which flags them for a title award. Or maybe before the mob is engaged players are able to loot a Key Item crystal from the zone in and when the mob dies they can loot a second crystal from a triggered event which when combined with the first gives them an item which can be traded to an NPC for an award / title.
Arguments about the ridiculous time expectations of these fights aside, if S-E expect people to "work" in shifts at downing these endurance mobs they should at least take the effort to create a mechanic that reflects the contributions of all people involved in the fight not just the lucky few who are there for the last 1%.
Make these mobs pop in a sealed zone and everyone present when it is engaged gains a buff which flags them for a title award. Or maybe before the mob is engaged players are able to loot a Key Item crystal from the zone in and when the mob dies they can loot a second crystal from a triggered event which when combined with the first gives them an item which can be traded to an NPC for an award / title.