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Reinstalling My Game. Please Help!

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  • Reinstalling My Game. Please Help!

    Can anyone help me please?

    I'm having to reinstall my game after I had to re-format my PC. (I caught a virus on my comp by accident)

    Yesterday, I had finished installing all parts of the game again, plus the updates with the expansions e.t.c too.

    But THEN.....when I finally logged into my game, I got to a screen telling me something to the fact that I wont be able to enter certain areas of the game because of expansions which seemed not to be installed!

    I don't understand this, because I HAD INFACT...... installed... ALL of the game.... PLUS ALL of the expansions too! (YES! Every single darned one of them!) But even so.... my game still told me that I couldn't enter certain areas!

    I suppose it's possible that I may have installed them in the wrong order, or in the wrong place on my hard drive..... I'm not sure to be honest!

    But now, I am re-installing my game all over again from the start because of it!

    Okay, so I have just re-installed the PoL Viewer again, (so I leave that one alone now) but I don't know where I should be installing FFXl and the expansions to.

    Do they all have to be installed inside the actual folder itself, in which I installed the PoL Viewer, or can they be installed anywhere?

    I'm sorry to have to ask you guys this! It's been a very long time since I've had to reformat my PC, and with FFXl being a very big game, I'm rather confused about how to go about installing again since God knows when the last time I had to reinstall my game was!

    I think I know the order in which FFXl and the expansions should go in.
    All I want to know is.... do they all have to be installed inside the folder in which I have installed the PoL Viewer.... or not?

    Can anyone help and advise me please?
    Last edited by Snowball; 08-03-2008, 10:20 PM.
    (\ /)
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  • #2
    Re: Reinstalling My Game. Please Help!

    When you go to install the expansions the default location should do just fine. Unless you specified a different location for installing POL nothing should be out of the ordinary.

    If you can log into the game completely but not go into the expansion areas I would look into the registration of them. Even if they are installed you will not be able to use them until the registration is filled out. I don't recall having to register again upon a reinstall though. It has been a long time for me also to reinstall.


    • #3
      Re: Reinstalling My Game. Please Help!

      Originally posted by Duncan Idaho View Post
      When you go to install the expansions the default location should do just fine. Unless you specified a different location for installing POL nothing should be out of the ordinary.
      Okay, this is what my install path looks like right now.

      C:\MY GAMES\Final Fantasy Xl\SquareEnix

      In the "Square Enix" folder, are 2 other folders, both with game files in them.
      One folder has the PoL Viewer files, while the other one has the Tetra Master files in it.

      From this... I don't know where to install FFXl and the expansions!
      Do they all have to be installed directly into the PoL Viewer folder, or if I create another folder right next to those 2 and call it something, (FFXl as an obvious bet) then install FFXl and the expansions into that one.... would that work at all?

      Please can someone help me out here?? I'm rather unsure what to do!!

      If you can log into the game completely but not go into the expansion areas I would look into the registration of them. Even if they are installed you will not be able to use them until the registration is filled out. I don't recall having to register again upon a reinstall though. It has been a long time for me also to reinstall.
      Yes, I was able to actually log into the game itself I think.... but the registration process should be fine! I entered the codes waaay back, and from what I know, they should be stuck on the PC somewhere for a long long time. So when it came to installing my game again, it was like I didn't have to re-add the codes since they were probably already on my system somewhere.

      But I don't have a single clue where the codes are kept on the system. All I know is... they are kept there so that you don't have to re-add them again in the future, even if you reformat.

      But now I am re-installing my game again from scratch, and I don't know where to install everything!!

      Please can someone help me out here, and advise me where I should install FFXl and the expansions??!!
      I feel completely clueless I'm afraid!!
      Last edited by Snowball; 08-04-2008, 08:41 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
      (\ /)
      ( . .)


      • #4
        Re: Reinstalling My Game. Please Help!

        It could very well be the order you installed them.
        FFXI should be installed by default location.

        Have you tried a PoL file check? maybe somethings gone corrupt?

        Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
        Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


        • #5
          Re: Reinstalling My Game. Please Help!

          Simply let POL and FFXI + xpacs install to whatever location you want. The location on your computer does not matter as everything important is stored in the registry. If you boot up FFXI, and the names of the expansions on the title screen are grayed out, you need to go back to the FFXI top menu in POL, Content IDs, and re-register the expansions. Just because you assume something, doesn't automatically make it so.

          PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
          Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
          When ignorance reigns, life is lost


          • #6
            Re: Reinstalling My Game. Please Help!

            I do remember something about the expansions needing to be installed in order or it sometimes fails to register them as being installed on your PC.

            Correct installation order should be in the order they were released:

            Rise of the Zilart
            Chains of Promathia
            Treasures of Aht Urghan
            Wings of the Goddess

            If you installed them out of order, I remember reading that some people couldn't get their systems to recognize Rise of the Zilart when they'd installed Chains of Promathia ahead of it. It's possible the other expansions have similar ordering issues.



            • #7
              Re: Reinstalling My Game. Please Help!

              Thanks a lot for the helpful replies guys!

              I've managed to sort everything out now, and my game is back up and running again as I expect it to be!!

              I didn't think about going into the registry part of my game to try and re-register the codes I have. I uninstalled everything and re-installed before thinking about it.
              Then I just installed everything back in the correct order again.

              Rise Of The Zilart
              Chains of Promathia
              Treasures of Aht Urhgan

              (all of the above are from the the disc set which I own on here [ame=]FFXl Deluxe Edition (Click Here)[/ame]

              Then last of all, I installed "Wings of The Goddess" from the single CD game I have. [ame=] "Click Here"[/ame]

              It's possible that I could have installed everything in the wrong order, I'm not sure, but ya know, there was something else a bit weird before.

              For some strange reason, I ended up with a folder on my desktop with some of the game files in it from this game. I'm not sure how it happened to be honest either. Maybe that's what was causing the problem, but I don't really know.

              I could have taken a screenshot to show you guys here, and maybe you will have known what kind of files they were, but I deleted it before reinstalling again.

              I also had to sort out the configuration and controls e.t.c again for the game pad I'm using. "T-Mini 2 in 1 Rumble Force" Click Here Anyone else using something similar to that?

              The buttons in the config area that I had assigned to the gamepad, (game controller option in the control panel) in conjunction with the FFXl gamepad settings (in PoL from the "Start Menu") seems to have changed around to different numbered buttons since last time I used it. I had them all assigned to different numbered buttons for ages, but seems to have changed now.
              So I don't know if that has anything to do with the game pad or the actual FFXl game itself, (anyone with any ideas here?) and it took me a while to sort it out too. It was a bit of a pain in the rear end to be honest, but then I guess I would expect it to be since I had to re-format my PC. Ahh well... *sigh!* Nevermind.
              Everything is very fine again now anyway..... gladly!

              By the way, have you guys seen what is out already? Click Here!

              They always do stuff like this, don't they? Is there any point in buying it or not?
              It has WoTG in with it, which I suppose is handy, but I already have the single CD version of WoTG. Ill probably stick with that for a while. It's good enough to me at least. Anyone else bought it or not?
              Last edited by Snowball; 08-05-2008, 04:36 PM.
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