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How to win back campaign zones

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  • #16
    Re: How to win back campaign zones

    Well they have a nasty habit of running away randomly while I'm mid Utsu cast =(
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • #17
      Re: How to win back campaign zones

      Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
      The first part ... I've attacked yagudo and quadav transporters while under the effect of invis and sneak respectively and did not get a one shot kill. Does this supposedly only work if you have both sneak and invis on regardless of the detection type of the targeted beastmen? Not that they're terribly hard to kill anyway. I think it takes me about 6 tier 3 nukes.

      To the second part ... I've seen those Pilgrims a lot before and wondered what their deal was. That's interesting. I don't think I've ever seen one die though since from what I've seen it's impossible to get them to stop and fight. They seem to ignore all attacks and enmity. Gravity is the best I could do to slow them down.
      You have to use sneak, invisible, and attack FROM BEHIND. magic won't work at all. Sending pets at the transporter after he passes you by does work, however.
      Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
      Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7


      • #18
        Re: How to win back campaign zones

        Don't need invis, just sneak and Sneak Attack.
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #19
          Re: How to win back campaign zones

          Originally posted by Ziero View Post
          And if any of you are interested, the supply Quadavs in N gusta, both Transporters and Shieldwarriors, both follow the same winding path. They start around F-7, heading from Grauberg, crossing the bridge and heading west, following the far wall until they get near that large mountain in the middle of the zone and then wrapping around through the pass. They don't go straight to the fort from the north, rather they try and sneak in from the west. It's a round-a-bout path but one that keeps them relatively out of sight once they get off the bridge.
          Good man thanks for that great info. Esp since i'm Bastoken.


          • #20
            Re: How to win back campaign zones

            It doesn't even have to be a normal attack for the transporters. I burned through 7 Tags in a row on the ones in Grauberg using Sneak + Shield Bash for instant kills. I'd be shocked if Weapon Bash for Drk didn't work just as well too.

            The key seems to be launching an unanticipated attack from behind.


            • #21
              Re: How to win back campaign zones

              Um, I only skimmed through the first page but about that first step, I read that the transporter's ONLY purpose was to be killed for the corresponding campaign op and have no impact on Campaign whether or not they reach the fort, so killing them is pointless if you don't have the campaign op.

              I spent an hour trying to keep these transporters from reaching the fort and I made lots of observations. If the transporter was killed it will be roughly five minutes before they send a second group. If the transporter was successful and arrived at the fort, a second group will be sent much sooner, possibly as early as one minute after the previous group warped away. Transporters always take the same route.

              It is a fact that the transporter detects by sound, but the guards may not. They will always run (at increased movement speed) once they become aware of any player's presence.

              An attack from behind the transporter will result in an instant kill if it is not aware of your presence. Beastmaster, Puppetmaster, and Summoner can easily use a pet to complete the same task, as mobs do not detect pets. However if a pet attacks from any angle other than from behind they will become alert and run away.

              Normal behavior for the transporter and guards is a casual walk towards the fort with occasional stops along the way, usually two or three stops depending on the area. When they become alert they will run, but they only run a certain distance before they stop and proceed as normal. You have to find where they are coming from and catch them early, because if they detect you while they are half way to the fort they may very well run the rest of the way and you will be unable to catch them.

              On a few rare occasions I some how provoked the guards to attack rather than run away. I was on Puppetmaster and using my puppet to do the work, so it's hard to confirm what action caused the guards to react in such a way. But a flawless attack from behind seemly results in no aggression from the guards.

              The ??? that drops after killing the transporter must be retrieved to complete the corresponding campaign op. Players without the campaign op cannot retrieve the ???.


              • #22
                Re: How to win back campaign zones

                Originally posted by Ayrlie View Post
                magic won't work at all.
                That would be why it never worked for me before.
                Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                Don't need invis, just sneak and Sneak Attack.
                The JA sneak attack isn't necessary. Just be behind when you hit it.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #23
                  Re: How to win back campaign zones

                  I started tracking back the orcs in Ronfaure, and it looks like they come up the riverbank to the bridge to the SE of the fort, then cut cross-country. Mind you, I only bothered to go as far as the top of the hill there, I was killing then no problem whenever they came...

