Step 1: Have someone with sneak and invisible (preferably 60+) to hide out and ambush Transporters from behind. As long sneak and invisible is both up - those transporters won't know where you're at, and attacking them from behind while under the effect of sneak and invisible will kill them instantly. There will be a ??? that will appear from where you surprised the Transporter - it will stay up for 3 minutes, and its for the Campaign Ops "Search and Seizure" that anyone with the mission can inspect after the transporter dies to obtain a key item. The trio will be passing by the same area every 2-3 game hours after you killed the transporter, and always take the same route. Only one person has to wait out the transporters per zone.
[ame=""]Youtube video of how to do it[/ame]
Step 2: If possible, have small groups to intercept the Divine Pilgrims/Bo'Dho Shieldwarrior/Clan Bear Fighters. These are the respective repair crew of the Beastmen Confederate. They come in groups of 5 and go straight to the fortification, always in a predictable path. It is possible for a 75 Thief or 75 Ninja to solo one of them but they need to be using Evasion gear rather than Haste/DD gear. If you intercept and kill all 5 of them their mission will fail and beastmen influence will decrease. However, the group of 5 will come at one time so it is necessary to have 5 small parties of level 75s to await them in certain paths they come across. If you don't have the means to kill all 5 of them, its still better to intercept one or two of them than none of them.
NOTE: if the allied forces are defending, these groups will ignore all forms of hate - making it much difficult to intercept them. Hit Gravity/Bind and have as many people unload as much damage on them as quickly as possible - sometimes you'll kill them and sometimes they'll beat you. If you can't beat them, destroy their nail bombs and belfries ASAP. You need to use pets to destroy the belfries to avoid aggro from the mobs that pop out - when they pop and attack, use release/leave and get a new pet for the belfry because mobs pop out every 30 to 60 seconds. Have secondary crews ready to intercept belfry mobs themselves - these hit much harder than those pilgrims/shieldwarriors/bears and will require at least 3 level 75 characters per mob.
Step 3: Pull the campaign regulars when battle isn't going on. Like step 2, you will need a small party of level 75s for this. This is a bit riskier, as you will lose XP, but on the other hand you can get skillups up to the cap of a level 65 character. A group of defending beastmen, over a period of time, will repair a fortification, but at a slower rate than the groups mentioned in Step 2. I strongly suggest pulling out the Imps first, then the regular mobs. If you kill a regular, another one will repop within 30 seconds, so it might be wise to have a dedicated puller. It is wise to have no more than 6 people per mob at a single time.
Step 4: During campaign battles, killing those Imps are the #1 Priority. These will heal and buff beastmen, killing them takes away their limited healing power they do have. Most 75 jobs should be able to solo an Imp, as they do not have good accuracy compared to other campaign mobs. There are 4 Imps and unlike the rest of the beastmen confederate, they will not repop unless a new unit arrives. Imps will occasionally deaggro to buff and cure the beastmen confederate unless there is a huge chunk of damage output going on. HINT: Barfira will prevent their annoying amnesia move from sticking.
Step 5: (For Healers): Cure the allied NPCs. Keeping them alive is a priority. Keeping them alive can make a difference between an beastmen retreat or an allied defeat. Focus on the NPC leader of an unit, and cast the spells from max. casting range, as the AOE spells will still hit everyone. (The weaponskills will either hit the NPCs or the Players depending on who has hate.) Losing an NPC leader will result in lower influence and moral for the Allied Forces.
[ame=""]Youtube video of how to do it[/ame]
Step 2: If possible, have small groups to intercept the Divine Pilgrims/Bo'Dho Shieldwarrior/Clan Bear Fighters. These are the respective repair crew of the Beastmen Confederate. They come in groups of 5 and go straight to the fortification, always in a predictable path. It is possible for a 75 Thief or 75 Ninja to solo one of them but they need to be using Evasion gear rather than Haste/DD gear. If you intercept and kill all 5 of them their mission will fail and beastmen influence will decrease. However, the group of 5 will come at one time so it is necessary to have 5 small parties of level 75s to await them in certain paths they come across. If you don't have the means to kill all 5 of them, its still better to intercept one or two of them than none of them.
NOTE: if the allied forces are defending, these groups will ignore all forms of hate - making it much difficult to intercept them. Hit Gravity/Bind and have as many people unload as much damage on them as quickly as possible - sometimes you'll kill them and sometimes they'll beat you. If you can't beat them, destroy their nail bombs and belfries ASAP. You need to use pets to destroy the belfries to avoid aggro from the mobs that pop out - when they pop and attack, use release/leave and get a new pet for the belfry because mobs pop out every 30 to 60 seconds. Have secondary crews ready to intercept belfry mobs themselves - these hit much harder than those pilgrims/shieldwarriors/bears and will require at least 3 level 75 characters per mob.
Step 3: Pull the campaign regulars when battle isn't going on. Like step 2, you will need a small party of level 75s for this. This is a bit riskier, as you will lose XP, but on the other hand you can get skillups up to the cap of a level 65 character. A group of defending beastmen, over a period of time, will repair a fortification, but at a slower rate than the groups mentioned in Step 2. I strongly suggest pulling out the Imps first, then the regular mobs. If you kill a regular, another one will repop within 30 seconds, so it might be wise to have a dedicated puller. It is wise to have no more than 6 people per mob at a single time.
Step 4: During campaign battles, killing those Imps are the #1 Priority. These will heal and buff beastmen, killing them takes away their limited healing power they do have. Most 75 jobs should be able to solo an Imp, as they do not have good accuracy compared to other campaign mobs. There are 4 Imps and unlike the rest of the beastmen confederate, they will not repop unless a new unit arrives. Imps will occasionally deaggro to buff and cure the beastmen confederate unless there is a huge chunk of damage output going on. HINT: Barfira will prevent their annoying amnesia move from sticking.
Step 5: (For Healers): Cure the allied NPCs. Keeping them alive is a priority. Keeping them alive can make a difference between an beastmen retreat or an allied defeat. Focus on the NPC leader of an unit, and cast the spells from max. casting range, as the AOE spells will still hit everyone. (The weaponskills will either hit the NPCs or the Players depending on who has hate.) Losing an NPC leader will result in lower influence and moral for the Allied Forces.