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  • New~~

    hi all I'm new new , as in never played, have no idea what server /race/class.
    I'm hoping this form may lead me to new found friends who can help me guide thew the new staring and explain stuff in game if they can.

  • #2
    Re: New~~

    Welcome to FFXIOnline, and Vana'diel.

    There are lots of "which server" discussion threads, which pretty much all look like this one:

    As for a race, pick the one one you think you'll like looking at for a long time. As you progress through the game you'll find the race you choose only impacts you at the very beginning, and as you continue becomes almost negligible.

    For your job/class, I highly recommend you look here:

    Initally you'll have access to six jobs; Warrior, Thief, Monk, White Mage, Red Mage, Black Mage.

    If you enjoy the physical melee style of job, I would suggest starting out with Warrior, Monk, or Thief.

    If you enjoy jobs based of magic, start out with any of the three Mage jobs.

    As far as finding friends to help you out in the game, getting into a Linkshell is your best avenue. If you let the system pick a server for you (or you choose one yourself) simply shouting in your starting town requesting a "social" linkshell should get you a few pearls. You can also post in the server specific forums on this site asking for linkshell recommendations.
    Last edited by Gentoo; 07-15-2008, 07:23 PM.

    signature by fallenintoshadows

