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1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

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  • #16
    Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

    I'd like to see the higher lv Ninjutsu ; ;

    And what about all the useless god damn stats most of the AF have? SE can't seriously tell me RDM needs +CHR or that DRK's AF has to be so defensive.



    • #17
      Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
      RDM needs +CHR
      all about /bst /dnc /brd Plus we need chr for pimp hat effect.
      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


      • #18
        Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

        Originally posted by Mitsutoshi Gondai
        Also, we're thinking of making a new type of place where people can level or a type of enemy or a battlefield, where you don't need a tank to level. Maybe instead of adjusting the jobs, we could be adjusting of the monsters, so you wouldn't necessarily need that type of tank to level.
        ...Are they even thinking of Black Mage?

        Originally posted by Mitsutoshi Gondai
        First of all, in regards to the kick attacks setting, by adding this it's basically showing a new side of Monks; giving them new options, giving them the option to change their fighting style depending on the monster so that their party members aren't getting upset at them for stealing all the hate because they're hitting too fast. It'll slow down their attacks, so they won't get as much hate there.
        I appreciate the thought, but in order for that kind of thing to work, there needs to be greater consequences to the monk gaining hate than losing a shadow or two. I don't think they realize that the problem isn't as much a can't as a won't (not that there isn't a "can't" factor, but job abilities aren't the problem, fitting mobs in the 70s are).

        Originally posted by Mitsutoshi Gondai
        As for why Paladins are so much better at keeping hate because they have more abilities...because the Ninja is a tank that tanks by avoiding damage, by giving them the type of abilities that would make it easier to hold hate by themselves, that would make them so powerful -- more powerful than the Paladins -- that we think this would be the problem. So we would rather have them maintain what they have now and work with other jobs to help maintain that hate, rather than taking all that hate themselves and going beyond the abilities of a Paladin.
        Honestly, I think PLD and NIN both need stronger hate-holding ability in light of the increase in overall damage output. It's just more noticeable with NIN because it's the weaker of the two in that respect. -- Pteryx


        • #19
          Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

          Originally posted by Pteryx View Post
          ...Are they even thinking of Black Mage?
          How many zones do BLMs need a tank versus everyone else?

          I don't know why we'd need special zones where tanks weren't required, I'm more keen on the idea of giving other jobs more tank-like abilities rather than making up new camps where we don't need them, seeing as the present merit camps already pose that problem.

          Not enough tanks out there to your liking, people? Here's an idea - be one. Problem solved.

          Not enough BRDs or CORs out there for your liking? Again, be one. Not like its a requirement to play either properly to get them to 75, as countless gimped BRDs, CORs and the PTs that invite them have proven. I'd judge you, but you think the twits that just want Haste or Attack buffs will?
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-20-2008, 03:29 PM.


          • #20
            Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

            For EXP, I don't think there's any way to improve PLD's hate holding beyond an "I win" button that's on a 30 second recast and locks the current mob on you for the next 30 secs. I mean, I can't think of any way to allow them to hold hate in a meleeburn meritpo that isn't flawed, and it's already damned near impossible to make more hate than me in traditional parties without actually trying to take hate just for the sake of taking hate. Those times I fail, Cover doesn't.


            • #21
              Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

              The whole interview more or less confirmed what I had been saying about job adjustments for months - they're going at the whole thing incrimentally rather that big sweeping adjustments.

              And when you look at how PLD, BST, COR, RNG, SAM and DRG in particular all thier previous adjustments have be just that - incrimental.

              So basically, those WARs that are running around waving thier little Retaliation "tests" can kindly take a seat and wait because SE is most likely not done with you guys yet. I could point again to how things surrounding PLD were incrimentally tweaked and now things are really good for them, but I think its become all to clear to most of us by now.

              And those SMNs crying thier little rivers can take a seat, too, because there is clearly more to come.

              As for these new avatars, it makes sense they likely won't have as many pacts since they're clearly not going to be Celestial or Terrestrial avatars. Plus SE has to find a plausible way to write these new ones in. My hope is that what Pacts they do bring will be unique support pacts, something better than what the Celestials give and perhaps something unique in contrast to what CORs or BRDs can do.

              A lot of SMNs keep crying for MOAR DAMAGE, but really, its also a support class and before the advent of SCH, they were one of the better tank support jobs. With SCHs being able to take on that role now, its time to give SMN some deeper, unique support abilities because now they're outflanked by three jobs in that regard.

              And no Bahamut/Odin/Alexander tirades, Malacite. we've all heard them - please let the old nag rest in peace, don't beat on her. We're not getting them, they're not going to happen, period. Unless you can find a way to reassemble thier protocrystals and put em back in there, Odin and Alex won't be summons. Bahamut is just too fricking huge to be a summon. Only Terrestrial I wouldn't close the door on is Phoenix, what with being a spirit of rebirth and tending to rise from the ashes.
              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-21-2008, 02:46 AM.


              • #22
                Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                I could point again to how things surrounding PLD were incrimentally tweaked and now things are really good for them, but I think its become all to clear to most of us by now.
                Much better, yes. Really good, no. NINs are still preferred for, well, basically everything. With a crapload of haste gear a PLD can do a poor imitation of a NIN and be grudgingly accepted.

                Aegis changes that some, but as a relic, it isn't designed to be a practical solution for most players, and isn't.
                And those SMNs crying thier little rivers can take a seat, too, because there is clearly more to come.

                As for these new avatars, it makes sense they likely won't have as many pacts since they're clearly not going to be Celestial or Terrestrial avatars. Plus SE has to find a plausible way to write these new ones in. My hope is that what Pacts they do bring will be unique support pacts, something better than what the Celestials give and perhaps something unique in contrast to what CORs or BRDs can do.

                A lot of SMNs keep crying for MOAR DAMAGE, but really, its also a support class and before the advent of SCH, they were one of the better tank support jobs. With SCHs being able to take on that role now, its time to give SMN some deeper, unique support abilities because now they're outflanked by three jobs in that regard.
                I mostly agree, although I might have phrased it differently. Particularly I think SMN needs more offensive support - protecting the party from damage is nice, but mostly unnecessary with the wimpy mobs people mostly fight lately. Crimson howl and hastega look nice on paper, but don't seem to get much use in practice, probably because of the durations. I haven't seen much use of rolling thunder since the adjustment that was made for Accession - did RT get fixed too? And if so, why do people not use it? Duration issues again?

                And no Bahamut/Odin/Alexander tirades, Malacite. we've all heard them - please let the old nag rest in peace, don't beat on her. We're not getting them, they're not going to happen, period. Unless you can find a way to reassemble thier protocrystals and put em back in there, Odin and Alex won't be summons. Bahamut is just too fricking huge to be a summon. Only Terrestrial I wouldn't close the door on is Phoenix, what with being a spirit of rebirth and tending to rise from the ashes.
                Agreed, and then probably not until the Far East expansion (given Phoenix's connection to there established in CoP).

                In the meantime... Cait Sith and Atomos have been summons before, but I really don't see either of them working well given their existing places in the WotG storyline. Maybe they'll allow more monsters to be summoned the way elementals are.

                A pixie summon that would spontaneously heal and raise your allies would be neat. To make a pact with the pixies, rescue and free 20 trapped pixies, then the Pixie Queen Titania will appear and ask you to destroy some nasty monster that threatens them... which, when you arrive at the battlefield, you discover to be Oberon, under the influence of a demon. (Titania goes with you to help you in the battlefield; she won't attack him, but will heal and help you like normal pixies. This gives Oberon the opportunity to deliver his famous opening line.) Of course, after you defeat him he regains his senses. Once enough people on a server complete this quest, pixies start appearing in the present, because it was the corruption of Oberon that caused their extinction originally.

                Imps worked for the SL, maybe you can find a way to make one work for you. Etc. (Obviously, only creatures of a highly magical nature are suitable for this kind of thing, otherwise it steps on BST's toes.)

                Of course, it's also possible that they intend to introduce an Ixion Pact. It's not entirely clear exactly what Ixion *is* in the FFXI universe, but it was a summon before, so it might become one again.
                Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                • #23
                  Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

                  Strange. What the heck kind of system limitations are there that keep them from putting more stats on armor? Would be nice to see bonuses for wearing the complete set for many more pieces of equipment; primarily because most of the time mixing and matching armor for maximum stats look like crap.

                  I'm looking at you, Dragoons with AF head, scorp harnass, and barone pants.


                  • #24
                    Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    I'm looking at you, Dragoons with AF head, AF hands, AF feet, scorp harnass, and barone pants.
                    Fixed. :3
                    Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                    Originally posted by Nandito

                    You make me want to hurt things.


                    • #25
                      Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      How many zones do BLMs need a tank versus everyone else?

                      I don't know why we'd need special zones where tanks weren't required, I'm more keen on the idea of giving other jobs more tank-like abilities rather than making up new camps where we don't need them, seeing as the present merit camps already pose that problem.

                      Not enough tanks out there to your liking, people? Here's an idea - be one. Problem solved.
                      You "solved" the wrong problem. That's called a strawman argument. And I am levelling PLD, thank you very much; that doesn't mean I don't want to level BLM.

                      Anyway, my complaint about them adding mobs that "don't need to be tanked" is this: it feeds meleeburn, where tanking doesn't happen anyway and everyone who grabs hate can take it, without helping make traditional parties more viable. Furthermore, I see no way that parties fighting these mobs that supposedly don't need tanks would have any place for a black mage; it's never been helpful for squishy mobs, or good at taking hits when hate bounces. I mean, unless nukes directed at them generate half normal enmity while still being full-strength or something, I don't see what good this does -- unless you consider bending over for meleeburn "good". -- Pteryx


                      • #26
                        Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        please let the old nag rest in peace, don't beat on her.
                        But! But! I Just bought this shiny new aluminum bat just for her >.>

                        And they said it right in the interview that they can only fit so many things into those description boxes. But seriously, a lot of the AF pieces have useless and downright retarded stats.

                        I present to you:

                        Exhibit A:

                        Exhibit B:

                        Exhibit C: (WTF is CHR+5 doing there?)

                        and no, BBQ, AF+ 1 is not an excuse.
                        Last edited by Malacite; 06-21-2008, 07:34 AM.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #27
                          Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

                          Much better, yes. Really good, no. NINs are still preferred for, well, basically everything. With a crapload of haste gear a PLD can do a poor imitation of a NIN and be grudgingly accepted.
                          Wow thats a bold statement. I guess every endgame shell I am part of uses PLD/NIN as an imitation NIN, while our NIN's are geared for optimal DD. I mean because:

                          Flash, Sentinel, Cover, Shield Bash can't keep up with provoke from a NIN/WAR.

                          Thanks But I would rather deal with something that has +enmity gear out the wazoo then a NIN with none.PLD>NIN in nearly every aspect of tanking, If it can't hold hate natively, Its not a teir 1 tank.

                          Even tho they said they werent planing on gear too increase tankability of a job, I think some type of gear for DRK that increases DEF and VIT could have it being a pretty damn good tank.


                          I like my CHR+5 don't try and petition to take it away.
                          Last edited by MrMageo; 06-21-2008, 07:52 AM.

                          sig courtesy tgm
                          retired -08


                          • #28
                            Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

                            I like that they mention adding more to WHM simply because I've fallen in the SCH fanaticism, I haven't unlocked the job because I'm currently deployed but I see the huge advantage that Raisega II has over my Raise III... I moved on to BLM and PLD but I still love WHM. The thing I don't like is how useless a whm is in a merit party. Maybe a spell that enhances INT for manaburns (even though BRD can do this) it would make WHM another option for these parties where subbing SCH would actually be a great option. To be honest I have yet so see a WHM/SCH on Titan, plenty of BLM/SCH but I'm probably just not paying much attention. >< Btw OMGWTFBBQKITTEN we miss you on Titan!!!!!


                            • #29
                              Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

                              Originally posted by Ojofer View Post
                              I'm currently deployed but I see the huge advantage that Raisega II has over my Raise III
                              Accession doesn't stack with reraise or raise.

                              Originally posted by Ojofer View Post
                              The thing I don't like is how useless a whm is in a merit party.
                              >< I wish people would stop saying this, it's not true. Whm can main heal TP burns, /sch makes it not only possible but mind numbingly easy in a good party. So much so that I was part time pulling in my 4 DD, rdm and whm party the other night and doing all 4 of the hastes, the rdm was supposed to be pulling but couldn't seem to get the idea.

                              I'm getting tired of this rdm >>>>>>>>>> whm for everything outside of endgame as a main healer. The 'oh crap that merit invite is from a whm' excuses are getting really old. I was doing an ISNM run last night and I was asked if I was sure I could manage it and finally if I had another job 75 so the sam, who also had rdm 75, could come rdm and main heal it instead of me.

                              Ranting aside, this interview made me smile. I doubt whm will get a big boost (nor should we because /sch is a big buff for whm as it is) but some kind of divine veil change seems likely and it's the only really sore point I have when comparing whm to sch.
                              Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


                              • #30
                                Re: 1up Super Interviews FFXI's top dog. New avatars/summons coming!!!

                                Originally posted by Saren View Post
                                Accession doesn't stack with reraise or raise.
                                That's really, really lame.

                                Divine Veil seems dumb to me tbh. Why not just give WHM exclusive AoE Na spells? (as opposed to nerfing Accession... dear lord PLEASE don't nerf it...)

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

