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So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

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  • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

    Kitalrez: Are you referring to Shadowfang in each of those references? Shadowfang's unit has elementals, Shadowhand's unit has fomori.
    Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
    Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
    Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
    Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
    All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
    Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
    Clothcraft 24
    Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


    • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

      Originally posted by Lunaryn View Post
      Kitalrez: Are you referring to Shadowfang in each of those references? Shadowfang's unit has elementals, Shadowhand's unit has fomori.
      Yeah, Dimmy is referring to Shadowhand and the fomors, I'm referring to Shadowfang and the elementals. They're roughly equal in terms of taking down NPCs/PCs if your strategy isn't on. As hard as those fomors nuke, though, I've seen a lot more people get snarled up on the elementals and lose the wave. If Shadowfang shows up, it seems like every player completely loses the last several years of experience fighting elementals and tries to melee them down.

      For the Shadowhand Curassiers, (er, however that's spelled), you want to stand back and use ranged or nukes. Most of the Fomor specials are melee based so if you can land a good Bind, followed by Silence and a small arsenal of ranged damage/spells, you're safe from a lot of it. Also, people really underestimate the power of summoners in these. Dee Xalmo the Grim is a perfect example, if the 3-4 avatars sicc'd on him get killed by his doom proc, what's the problem? Same deal with these fomors, if you can let an avatar hold it's attention while you keep spells applied and NUKE UNDER the aggro range of that avatar, you'll drop them easily. Burst attackers are horrible at dialing damage down in campaign.

      Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


      • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

        Good info there Kita, and thx for the clarification. I am really apprecieating the campaign set up more and more. With the more I learn about it the better it gets. I just wish more ppl would take the time to do the same to help out the nation.


        • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

          Originally posted by Firewind View Post
          Windy managed to break out and take West Satu
          That didn't last long, back to fighting in the streets.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

            Bismarck this week:

            Bastok: 1
            Sandoria: 1
            Windurst: 4
            Beastmen: 15

            Past few weeks windy has steadily been taking back zones. 3 weeks ago, Windy took back Sauromugue when Kayeel-Payeel and Zolku-Azolku just tore away at the Yagudo and fort for over an hour. The next week we lost Sau, but gained Mountains and West Saru. This week added Fort K-N. Looks like Saromugue in the next target. Will be interesting to see if windy can take back all the zones (or at least keep the ones we have).
            Last edited by Gobo; 07-20-2008, 10:46 AM.

            PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


            • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

              New Tally:
              San d: 3
              Bastok: 2
              Windy: 3 err 2 dam I forgot.

              For some weird reason SE likes to send huge waves of beasties at us during the week , when no one is really there.

              on a side note I got my SMN to lvl 65 by pure Campaign battles. WoOt wOoT!! Ecliptic bite FTW! Also I was moveing too fast in doing my evaluation and didnt realize they were dissatisfyed with my performance due to UT3 release and my parttime playing... so they took my medal... I forget which one its called, but its the 1st one you get after the initial ribbon series.
              /sigh so I get another evaluation today... I should be in good shape again.


              • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

                Originally posted by Kitalrez View Post
                Campaign requires much more strategy with regards to damage type than most players seem to be willing to put in, IMO. LIke with the Shadowfang Voids, they're elementals for Christ's sake, why on earth do melees run up and start swinging? Just have one person get it's attention and pull it to some mage NPCs. So long as you keep it busy, they'll kill it for you long before the next wave arrives. I wish Square had given us more incentive to work together on these battles, if they had we'd be doing a lot better right now.
                You know why melees attack the Voids? Cause they're one of the weakest and easiest to hit Shadow mobs. They have no high damage attacks, they have no WS, and their melee is meh at best. There's no reason not to melee them down. Compared to the AoE spamming Gigas, -ga and Blaze spike whoring Fomor or the damn super eva Gnats, the voids are a joke. I've never seen a void ever drop an entire group of melees, so why not melee them?

                Originally posted by Kitalrez View Post
                Yeah, Dimmy is referring to Shadowhand and the fomors, I'm referring to Shadowfang and the elementals. They're roughly equal in terms of taking down NPCs/PCs if your strategy isn't on. As hard as those fomors nuke, though, I've seen a lot more people get snarled up on the elementals and lose the wave. If Shadowfang shows up, it seems like every player completely loses the last several years of experience fighting elementals and tries to melee them down.

                For the Shadowhand Curassiers, (er, however that's spelled), you want to stand back and use ranged or nukes. Most of the Fomor specials are melee based so if you can land a good Bind, followed by Silence and a small arsenal of ranged damage/spells, you're safe from a lot of it. Also, people really underestimate the power of summoners in these. Dee Xalmo the Grim is a perfect example, if the 3-4 avatars sicc'd on him get killed by his doom proc, what's the problem? Same deal with these fomors, if you can let an avatar hold it's attention while you keep spells applied and NUKE UNDER the aggro range of that avatar, you'll drop them easily. Burst attackers are horrible at dialing damage down in campaign.
                Shadowhand and the formors are far more dangerous to PC and NPC alike then Shadowfang and his buddies. An entire troop of Blms with high melee combat stats versus a group of Drks with no WS, JAs and high dmg resist? Shadowhand alone can kill you and all your friends five times before you hit the ground, everything she does is a massive AoE but Shadowfang's best trick is Dreadspikes. Though really, the only one I've ever seen put up a fight against a troop of NPCs is Shadowhorn. Repeated Hundredfists can really wreck things up.

                Also, I'm under the impression that it's impossible to inspire enough people to offensively attack a fort while there's no campaign going on to try and take back a zone. But even if one does start, everyone's usually stuck in the city so they can't come out to help.
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

                  As has been the case for a few solid weeks now, Midgardsormr is at:
                  San d'Oria: 1
                  Bastok: 1
                  Windurst: 2
                  Beastmen: 17

                  I've seen a few attempts to make a concerted effort to take one Bastokan zone, but it never lasts very long or grabs more than a sliver of influence. Most of the Bastok and Sandy people seem to be focusing most of their effort on defending the cities. Still, at least none of the cities have fallen to the beastmen yet.

                  I suspect the ability to teleport out of a city during a campaign battle, as SE has indicated consideration of, would make a significant difference in terms of players actually being able to wage offensive battle even when the city is threatened.
                  Last edited by Lunaryn; 07-25-2008, 08:58 AM.
                  Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
                  Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
                  Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
                  Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
                  All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
                  Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
                  Clothcraft 24
                  Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


                  • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

                    windy nearly won back Fort K-N but the efforts came up just short despite 50 peeps in the zone for the final few hours. I wasn't able to pitch in - I had to work that night and by the time I got home it was time to get some sleep. From what I know of, it came down to the final few campaign battles in that zone.

                    so its sandy 2, bastok 1, windy 1, beastmen rest
                    Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
                    Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



                    • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

                      Garuda update:

                      San d'Oria: 4
                      Bastok: 0
                      Windurst: 2
                      Beastmen: 12

                      In comparison to the previous week:

                      San d'Oria: +1
                      Bastok: -1
                      Windurst: +1
                      Beastmen: -1

                      Poor Bastok, but I wouldn't give up on hope for them. Last week Windurst was in the same boat as Bastok and only controled their city. Windurst just barely won Fort Karugo-Narugo at the last minute and the whole tide of battle changed instantly. After only a day Windurst was back up on their feet and now have full influence in West Sarutabaruta and Sauromugue Champaign and still have a good hold on Fort Karugo-Narugo. It looks like they are finally getting the hang of things.

                      Edit: The Yagudo are pissed off now and have complete control over Fort Karugo-Narugo. Windurst has a weaker hold on the other two regions as well. The week's not over yet though. We'll see how things turn out for Windurst.

                      Bastok isn't being very smart, imo. They are putting all their efforts towards taking their city back. The problem with that is they will end up in the same position as last week. They should aim for the city and a second region so the Quadav have a different target while Bastok reforms.
                      Last edited by Silent Howler; 07-23-2008, 12:58 AM.


                      • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

                        Phoenix update:

                        San d'Oria: 4
                        Bastok: 1
                        Windurst: 1
                        Beastmen: The rest ; ;

                        Sandy has been gaining a zone every week while the other two nation are barely hold their cities. I joined Windy and cant wait to get my last piece of Cobra Unit gear so I can goto Sandy for the last leg of quests and armor I would like to have.
                        PSN ID: Kelshan
                        Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
                        Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


                        • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

                          Sandy 3
                          Bastok 1
                          Windy 2
                          Beast 15

                          Conquest, sandy back on top woot
                          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                          • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

                            Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                            You know why melees attack the Voids? Cause they're one of the weakest and easiest to hit Shadow mobs. They have no high damage attacks, they have no WS, and their melee is meh at best. There's no reason not to melee them down. Compared to the AoE spamming Gigas, -ga and Blaze spike whoring Fomor or the damn super eva Gnats, the voids are a joke. I've never seen a void ever drop an entire group of melees, so why not melee them?

                            Shadowhand and the formors are far more dangerous to PC and NPC alike then Shadowfang and his buddies. An entire troop of Blms with high melee combat stats versus a group of Drks with no WS, JAs and high dmg resist? Shadowhand alone can kill you and all your friends five times before you hit the ground, everything she does is a massive AoE but Shadowfang's best trick is Dreadspikes. Though really, the only one I've ever seen put up a fight against a troop of NPCs is Shadowhorn. Repeated Hundredfists can really wreck things up.

                            Also, I'm under the impression that it's impossible to inspire enough people to offensively attack a fort while there's no campaign going on to try and take back a zone. But even if one does start, everyone's usually stuck in the city so they can't come out to help.
                            You and I apparently have radically different concepts of danger. What you're describing could pretty much apply to bomb-kiting on SMN, except I don't lose 1250~2500 exp when they kill me in campaign. Nah, you can get killed by those fomors easily, sure, but given enough people you'll still win the wave and be strong enough to take on the next wave. The same cannot be said for the voids. If you get enough people snarled up on them without a magic based attack, they'll just sit there and drain/sleep you for as long as it takes to win and warp out. I've had upwards of 50 people in a battle in West Saruta, the voids popped, and everyone melee'd them. 20 minutes went by, voids warped out, and we got a chance to survey the damage. Our influence in the course of 1-2 waves of attack went down by a massive hit, lost fortifications and resources, too. While we got snarled up, yags spawned in another direction, ran in mostly unopposed, and whittled us down easily. The fomors are annoying, and they'll kill ya pretty easily. They can be defeated, however. It's hard, but you can do it relatively quickly compared to attacking a void. You lose to the fomors more because you lack the forces to take them out, you lose to the voids because you lack the damage type to drop them fast enough to make a difference.

                            That's where the real danger comes in, IMO. Voids have the ability to wreck you without touching the fortifications. They keep you occupied for long enough to let other units slip past and dent the main force behind you. This leads to you losing the zone, and in the case I cited before, lead to that lovely toilet spiral of power Windurst was stuck in for two weeks where we couldn't break out of the city. If Kaiser Behemoth or Shadowhand nuke you to death, that's annoying, but only that, since I don't lose exp, and one or two deaths doesn't swing the battle. Getting locked down for over an hour by the voids or by the yag with all the elemental pets is more troubling to me. That can swing the battle. Danger is getting stuck in a city zone you can't easily escape because the teleport and sigil NPCs won't repop when there's a battle going on there. In that situation, you lose your own morale, since who wants to defend constantly vs near top-power beastmen? There were a bunch of players who just took a week or two off rather than face that. Made the war harder for the rest of us.

                            Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


                            • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

                              Originally posted by Kitalrez View Post
                              You and I apparently have radically different concepts of danger. What you're describing could pretty much apply to bomb-kiting on SMN, except I don't lose 1250~2500 exp when they kill me in campaign. Nah, you can get killed by those fomors easily, sure, but given enough people you'll still win the wave and be strong enough to take on the next wave. The same cannot be said for the voids. If you get enough people snarled up on them without a magic based attack, they'll just sit there and drain/sleep you for as long as it takes to win and warp out. I've had upwards of 50 people in a battle in West Saruta, the voids popped, and everyone melee'd them. 20 minutes went by, voids warped out, and we got a chance to survey the damage. Our influence in the course of 1-2 waves of attack went down by a massive hit, lost fortifications and resources, too. While we got snarled up, yags spawned in another direction, ran in mostly unopposed, and whittled us down easily. The fomors are annoying, and they'll kill ya pretty easily. They can be defeated, however. It's hard, but you can do it relatively quickly compared to attacking a void. You lose to the fomors more because you lack the forces to take them out, you lose to the voids because you lack the damage type to drop them fast enough to make a difference.

                              That's where the real danger comes in, IMO. Voids have the ability to wreck you without touching the fortifications. They keep you occupied for long enough to let other units slip past and dent the main force behind you. This leads to you losing the zone, and in the case I cited before, lead to that lovely toilet spiral of power Windurst was stuck in for two weeks where we couldn't break out of the city. If Kaiser Behemoth or Shadowhand nuke you to death, that's annoying, but only that, since I don't lose exp, and one or two deaths doesn't swing the battle. Getting locked down for over an hour by the voids or by the yag with all the elemental pets is more troubling to me. That can swing the battle. Danger is getting stuck in a city zone you can't easily escape because the teleport and sigil NPCs won't repop when there's a battle going on there. In that situation, you lose your own morale, since who wants to defend constantly vs near top-power beastmen? There were a bunch of players who just took a week or two off rather than face that. Made the war harder for the rest of us.
                              Apparently we do have different opinions on what dangerous is, because while the voids may be able to 'distract' everyone, the Fomors kill everyone. And you're not defending anything while you're laying face down in the dirt. Campaign doesn't work on a time limit, so even if it takes an hour to kill them, if the Voids don't touch the walls or kill your PCs/NPCs, they're not going to change much influence. But when Shadowhand and her merry band of death comes marching in and drop anyone in their way, that's a good 5 minutes+ at the minimum that those people are out of the fight unable to help.
                              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                              • Re: So... who got owned thisweek in Campaign?

                                Been fighting in Windy on Remora for the past 3~4 weeks. Doesn't seem like we can take any other location back from the beastmen either.

                                We still get a lot of people AFK in windy casting songs with their sub. They need to take exp from people who are subbing /brd.
                                Hacked on 9/9/09
                                FFXIAH - Omniblast

