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Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

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  • Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

    Ok, Tuesday night at 5:15 cst, i got home to play ffxi. I tried logging on, and got the LM 17 msg. At first, I thought it was some kind of file error on my PS3, but never saw it before. Restarted PS3, tried again. At 5:21 pm, I made my 1st phone call and was on hold for 48 mins and 56 secs. I say first phone call cause a man picked up said Hello, then click....... So now, Im kinda pissed as I just sat on hold on my cell phone, for 48 mins....

    2nd call, 46 mins 11 secs on hold. Nice lady picked up, gave her all of my info. And asked what is wrong with my PS3/ffxi software. She put me on hold for a moment (4 more mins) to go look into it. She was really nice as she told me that my account is vague when it states that I'm suspicious of RMT activity. I tell her (honestly) that I'm not really sure what RMT means or is, etc. ffxi is my first mmorpg so Im kinda confused on some things like this. This answer truly surpises me. "RMT activity is where someone on the game has items or massive amounts of gil then they sell it for real currency. Our system flags any account that trades any items or gil in person or through the mog house in box and they suspend these accounts, sometimes randomly, until further investigation. It can be that you offered gil for someone or got a loan from a friend but anything can happen."
    now, before i continue, honestly, I am kinda shocked by this statement... "Our system flags any account that trades any items or gil in person or through the mog house in box and they suspend these accounts, sometimes randomly, until further investigation."........

    I tell her I am slightly confused at how my account was flagged when I do things just like everyone. I told her some examples like this past weekend I did a /sh in Aht Urghan for a lvl 60+ alchemist for HQing Beeswax (nerfed or not) as I needed a lot of them for my Jack O Lanterns to sell for great profit. She said and I quote, "If you traded them ANY item or gil, it will flag your account." (HOLY SHIT)
    So now, I'm extremely pissed off. I asked for help in game, lose my FFXI privileges for 72 hours, and spent over 120 mins on my cell phone just to fucking talk to them to find out, "Hey, we appreciate you so much that we are gonna suspend you for something you didn't do wrong!"

    So, as nice as this lady was, I became the biggest fucking asshole. Kinda feel bad that she has to deal with me. I now ask if there is someone I can talk to find out EXACTLY WHY I WAS SUSPENDED, as per her words, all that is written is a POSSIBLE RMT activity...
    She states that the only people I can talk to are the GM's. I'm like ok, no sweat, is there a number I can call? No, they are only available in game. So how exactly can I find out what exactly the hell is going on? Can you guys let me log in for about 30 mins and find out what this bullshit is about? I'm sorry sir, but you have to wait until 12 am PST Friday morning, (2 am Friday my time), before you can find out anything. I'm thinking, OK, just some random stop at the airport type of thing and I can get back on Friday right?! No. She states IF you can get back on your suspension is over and you can play again. However, if you get the LM 11 msg (which she tells me exactly what it says) then you need to contact us to find out what is wrong on Friday.....

    Break... So my account is flagged, for ANY ITEM OR GIL TRADING (like tellies, etc), and I am RANDOMLY suspended to see if I am SPENDING REAL LIFE CURRENCY outside of SE and to top it off, I can still be banned even if I have done nothing wrong? Then, IF I am not fully banned I can play again, but if I get the LM 11 msg, I have to spend another 45 ish mins on hold to be told I MIGHT BE doing something that there system has flagged me for..................

    Back to the lady, I'm sorry sir, I wish they didn't do it like this, but you have to go through the right channels. Goodbye, thanks for calling....
    Now, I am posting this, ffxi wiki, and on playonline official site to see if this is happening to others and to get feedback from my fellow players. I have been playing on this game since Sept 07 and have done a lot of things.

    Back to the part about RMT activity. Before anyone starts saying I bought/sold gil/items, I can't afford it. I have gone from $16,000 credit card debt from medical bills to just about $8,500. My bills are paid first, then the debt, then the little amount I have left is for some splurging. I have about $100 a month to actually get to enjoy fun things in life and $18.95 a month goes to SE. I have never bought nor sold gil or items.
    A few questions for everyone. If I haven't done anything wrong, how can they ban me? I can understand suspension for investigating. I work at a lawfirm, I can understant that part. But what happens on Friday if I get banned? I have to call back to find out what is going on and my next question: How can someone prove I have done that? How can I prove if I didn't?

    Please post to this good or bad comments.
    Last edited by TheGrandMom; 05-28-2008, 01:21 PM. Reason: Gave your wall'o text some paragraphs so people will stop complaining lol

  • #2
    Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

    (1) Gah, walls o' text. Please learn where the ENTER key is.

    (2) I don't know what you hope to accomplish by asking the playerbase what they think. If you're being truthful about your situation (and I personally have no particular reason to doubt you), then there's nothing we can do to help you except wish you the best, and well... if you're lying we can't tell either, and we're equally powerless to do anything about it.

    (3) I understand you're venting, but really the people you should be venting on work at Square-Enix. In the mean time, please keep the profanity to a minimum. I'm going to let it slide for now since I can tell you're upset, but please try to calm down before making further posts. Thank you.

    FFXIOnline Forum Super Moderator


    • #3
      Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

      So you've been playing the game for eight months and the first post you make on this board in all that time is about your account being banned for possible RMT connections...


      • #4
        Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

        Sorry, to the mods, i use allakhazams site to post but do it very little. I just copied and pasted it so i am sorry. I am new to this site as I thought it was playonline's official site as i just googled it and this was first.

        I am mostly just venting, as even going to SE was a big waste of time. My main thing from the player's is simply, what do you think and has this happened to you? Oh, and mainly, what do you think of their methods? They did state that any trading of items and gil is a flag, but it was random that i was picked...


        • #5
          Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

          Not everyone who plays posts on the forums, infact most who play don't even visit these forums. I know all of one people in my LS, which is fairly decently large in general, that even has an account here...aside from Sevv, and many have been playing for years. As he stated, he's cross posting this on multiple FFXI forums to get a wider reaction and garner any information he can.

          To the OP, I really don't know what to say other then that you had some REAL bad luck or that we're not getting the whole story. This is the first time I've ever heard of such a thing happening so my gut says there's more to it.

          Edit: I don't think SE has an official forum, just recommended(the actual word escapes me at the moment) sites or something. This is actually a fan run site and one of the oldest NA FFXI sites iirc.
          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


          • #6
            Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

            Good god, wall o' text.

            All I can say is, good luck with your account. SE usually doesn't ban or suspend people unless they have a damn good reason too. There's probably a lot more to this story than you're telling us, but hopefully it works out.
            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #7
              Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

              Square-Enix is known to have made mistakes in the past (just ask Jei, one of our Super Moderators here).

              It's a little odd that they'd flag an account only 10 months old, though; most players at that stage are only just hitting level 75, if that.

              Did you make any huge sales on one of your alternate characters, like maybe get a lucky drop from an NM, send it to a mule, make the sale, and send the funds back to yourself? That might trigger a random spot check because of the nature of the item drop and the size of the fund transfer, even if it's within the same account.

              Other than that, I can't think of any other causes offhand.



              • #8
                Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

                according to someone on's they think someone just reported me for "AH monopolization" which i am still trying to figure out what that is. I am a lvl 63 cooking crafter and sell jack o lanterns as my main income, but i also sell direct to ppl anything they usually need. friends on bahamut server have given me money to help me out, we trade a lot, etc, but i am kinda upset. My main char is Pheliont on bahamut server, my lvl 65 pld is my main as someone on wiki asked so i figured i would post that info here too. the person who told me that someone just probably reported me as a gilseller or the ah monopolization part and they are just checking. they also sent me to the link to PoL main site and chat live with someone to find out more.

                i found out these forums, alla, wiki, and here, just by googling, i mostly just looked for info on alla, never really posted unless i wanted to say something. but thank you for all your help
                i have 8 other mules, 2 in the 4 main cities that sell my crafts, but only one with big sales i do on my main, pheliont. i have a lot of gil and item outflow between me and my mules and my frequent customers on food, but thats it
                Last edited by Pheliont; 05-28-2008, 10:45 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • #9
                  Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

                  Someone reporting you is much more likely than SE's system flagging you. Quite frankly, that POL employee was an idiot. If SE's system actually flagged people for any trade, the game would be unplayable.


                  • #10
                    Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

                    Ok guys, after spending hours on the PoL online help, waiting for someone to help me this is the conversation between me and an agent. Only info left out is my PoL ID, name on acct etc.

                    SER Gene: Hello, Michael, thank you for contacting the PlayOnline Information Center. Just a few moments while I review your question, please.
                    Ser Gene: How may I help you today?
                    Michael Young: hi, thank goed
                    Michael Young: god*
                    Michael Young: ok, tuesday
                    Michael Young: i got home from work, tried logging into the playonline system
                    Michael Young: got a msg stating because of my id, i couldn't be logged into ffxi
                    Michael Young: i thought it was an error, so i rebooted my ps3 and retried
                    Michael Young: same msg, so i called SE
                    Michael Young: after 48 mins on hold, i heard hello, and then the call was hung up
                    Michael Young: i called back, and after another 40 mins or so, i nice lady answered
                    Michael Young: she got my info, and told me my acct has been suspended for a very vague, "possible RMT activity"
                    Michael Young: now, i have heard about RMT before, but never really knew what it all meant
                    Michael Young: she stated a RMT is a person in game, who gets lots of great items or the gil in the game and sells it for real money
                    Michael Young: i stated i havent done anything like that
                    Michael Young: she said it could be you may have talked to one without knowing as they just look like players
                    Michael Young: and that your account could have been flagged by someone for trading of any items or gil
                    Michael Young: i stated that im a lvl 63 cooking crafter, and i trade a lot to people i know
                    SER Gene: One moment.
                    SER Gene: If you are wondering why you were suspended, you will have to talk to a GM about this issue.
                    SER Gene: We do not handle the in game investigations.
                    Michael Young: wait
                    Michael Young: that is the problem
                    Michael Young: i cant get in touch with any GM
                    Michael Young: i cant login to find out what is going on
                    Michael Young: i have tried everything i can
                    Michael Young: and all i am simply asking for is somehow get in touch with a GM
                    SER Gene: You will have to wait until the suspension is over.
                    Michael Young: she said that when it is over my account will probably be banned, not letting me in at all
                    Michael Young: i have done nothing wrong, and i am simply just asking to talk to someone anyone who can just help me
                    SER Gene: That is a possibility. It is not for sure.
                    Michael Young: i know i havent done anything wrong. i craft for myself, I DO NOT buy nor sell anything in the game to make real money from, i can fax all my credit cards and checking account history since i joined the game
                    SER Gene: We do not have any additional information, you will need to wait out the suspension.
                    Michael Young: is there anyone who can just give me a straight answer and not have me running around spending over 2 hours on my cell daytime mins
                    Michael Young: when is it over?
                    SER Gene: I thought a representative already informed you.
                    Michael Young: at 2 am friday is what she said
                    SER Gene: There you go.
                    Michael Young: so you are telling that at 2 am on friday i can log onto my account in the game find out what the hell is going on?
                    SER Gene: Correct.
                    Michael Young: so, officially, my account will let me in at 2 am, and i can contact a GM?
                    SER Gene: A GM will contact you before you can enter the game.
                    Michael Young: how will that work?
                    Michael Young: i cant get pass the screen that asks me for my password
                    SER Gene: At that time you will.
                    Currently experiencing network delays, one moment please....
                    SER Gene: You can not right now because the account is suspended.
                    Network connection re-established.
                    Michael Young: thank you, that is all i have been wanting to find out
                    Michael Young: so what happens after he contacts me?
                    SER Gene: That is up to them. They will inform you of what you did.
                    Michael Young: but i havent done anything!
                    SER Gene: That is what you will discuss.
                    SER Gene: We do not suspened accounts for no reason. They are investigated.
                    Michael Young: fine, thank you for at least answering one of my questions
                    Michael Young: and yes you do, you have that power according to the terms of service, people have already stated to me that they have been suspended/banned for bs reasons
                    SER Gene: Thank you for visiting PlayOnline Chat support, Michael! Take care!
                    Thank you for visiting our PlayOnline Chat line. Take care and hope to see you online.

                    so, what does everyone think of this? frankly, im kinda pissed more because i am guilty, at least that is what they keep implying, without any real proof. oh, and customer support SUCKS, i work at a collection lawfirm, ppl hate us because we harrass the **** out of them to get their bills paid off! i can say out of 70 employees, i know we have maybe 1 this ******

                    thank you all for your help, lets see what happens tomorrow


                    • #11
                      Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

                      Originally posted by Pheliont View Post
                      im kinda pissed more because i am guilty, at least that is what they keep implying, without any real proof.
                      So you're implying you lied about reading and agreeing to the ToS when you signed up?

                      PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                      Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                      When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                      • #12
                        Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

                        Originally posted by Pheliont View Post
                        im kinda pissed more because i am guilty, at least that is what they keep implying,
                        The presumption of innocence is not universal.

                        And anyway, you should be able to contact a GM through the POL viewer.


                        • #13
                          Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

                          Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
                          So you're implying you lied about reading and agreeing to the ToS when you signed up?
                          i read very little of the ToS

                          and Feba's quote "The presumption of innocence is not universal.

                          And anyway, you should be able to contact a GM through the POL viewer. "

                          i cant get passed the login screen, is there anyway to get to it without having to login?


                          • #14
                            Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

                            Originally posted by Feba View Post
                            And anyway, you should be able to contact a GM through the POL viewer.
                            QFT. It's pretty stupid that he can't at least find out why he's been suspended until after the suspension is over.
                            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                            ~I has a blog~~
                            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                            • #15
                              Re: Problem with SE's methods, Please read and post

                              I'm not talking in theory, Aksyanni. I'm saying there's a GM chat option in POL viewer.

                              It should be under the POL chat options, or in the help/support section.

                              Originally posted by Pheliont View Post
                              i read very little of the ToS
                              You agree to read the rules when you log in. You obviously broke that agreement, why should we believe you didn't break other ones?

