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Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

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  • #46
    Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

    The thing is, laws aren't going to help the problem, short of prohibition; which history has shown actually tends to make things worse. If the legal drinking age is 50, and some 20 year old has a drink, and goes out for a drive and kills someone, it's going to have the same effect as if the drinking age was 18. It's still some reckless idiot endangering other lives.

    Restricting access to something tends to make it more valuable. I mean, how many kids over the years have done drugs because they were illegal, and thus cool? How many people have died because drugs are illegal; whether it be shooting by police or people they deal with?

    Stricter penalties for drunk driving, I will agree with. DWI should not even be an offense, it should simply be considered extremely reckless driving. Revoke the license the first time. If they hit anyone, even a fender bender, consider assault with a deadly weapon. If anyone is seriously injured, attempted murder. If anyone dies, murder. Once someone has actually done something to endanger others like driving drunk, yes, make them reearn their right to drive; if they do it again, bar them from the roads for life. Same goes for any other drug, be it prescription or recreational. Restricting things for no other reason than that they could lead to trouble, despite any other benefits (see medical marijuana, doctors recommending a glass of wine; and entertainment and artistic value), is pointless and leads to a nanny state. I mean, how many ways could you figure out how to kill someone with an Xbox controller? I can personally think of three or four instantly. But would you ban video game controllers for the sake of public safety, or charge the idiot that's thawping people across the face with Xbox controllers with assault?


    • #47
      Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

      Some arrested for DWI decry 'Wall of Shame' -- --

      Yea, I lol'd
      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


      • #48
        Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

        Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
        If you don't want kids drinking, then stop letting people have kids.

        Problem fixed.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #49
          Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          If anyone is seriously injured, attempted murder. If anyone dies, murder.
          That seems like cruel and unusual punishment. I think you're looking for man-slaughter in this case.

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          Same goes for any other drug, be it prescription or recreational. Restricting things for no other reason than that they could lead to trouble, despite any other benefits (see medical marijuana, doctors recommending a glass of wine; and entertainment and artistic value), is pointless and leads to a nanny state. I mean, how many ways could you figure out how to kill someone with an Xbox controller? I can personally think of three or four instantly. But would you ban video game controllers for the sake of public safety, or charge the idiot that's thawping people across the face with Xbox controllers with assault?
          People around the world find it so much easier to demand legislation to ban activities than to take responsibility for their (or their children's) actions. This is how democracy is failing. People keep demanding more and more laws to "protect" people that before we know it, what little freedoms we had left are going to be restricted.

          I do think it's sad when someone intoxicated knowingly or unknowingly hurts an innocent person, however, you can't place the blame on the substance only. The bottle of J.D. didn't force you to drink it. Somewhere along the line the decision to drink it was your own choice, and only your own choice. Continuing to ban and restrict substances because some people are really retarded to begin with is anti-democracy as far as I'm concerned.

          PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
          Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
          When ignorance reigns, life is lost


          • #50
            Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

            Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
            That seems like cruel and unusual punishment.
            Not one bit. Manslaughter implies that the person wasn't fully capable of controlling their killing. If you honestly can't keep yourself from having a drink, or one more drink, it might be eligible for an insanity defense as a mental illness caused by a drug addiction; but anyone with their head screwed on properly has more than enough self-control to A- Not drink too much and B- Not drive after drinking. If murder requires an intent to kill, drunk driving definitely meets that. There is practically zero reason to drive while under the influence of any drug unless you want to kill someone.


            • #51
              Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

              Where's the Ether? The Elixir? The Hero's Drink?

              To hell with it, I'll have an Ultima.


              • #52
                Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

                Have to agree with Feba on all those points. Only way things would come close to improve with the system as it is.
                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                • #53
                  Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

                  Maybe this will make some people think about the drink driving issue. 2 Incidents I attended 2 years ago....

                  Drink Driving - the effects


                  • #54
                    Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

                    And your point? Yes, people drive drunk, get into crashes, and die. That happens even when people aren't drunk. If anything, those show that cars and roads need increased safety measures.

                    Again, nobody is debating that drunk driving is bad. Just that taking another step towards a nanny state is a bad thing.


                    • #55
                      Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

                      Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                      Maybe this will make some people think about the drink driving issue. 2 Incidents I attended 2 years ago....

                      Drink Driving - the effects

                      you can show that to people all you want, it wont stop them from being stupid....

                      Feba's idea is very true, and would help alot more then anything else.
                      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                      • #56
                        Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

                        We've all seen it, and you're not the only one who has seen it first hand.

                        The issues you're talking about are personal responsibility issues, they are not things that making laws or changing laws will change.

                        Lots of countries have the legal drinking age at 18. Lots have liquor that is just as easy if not easier to buy then it is in the UK. They do not have the same problem with drunken idiots that the UK does. Laws that are being proposed are treating (poorly) the symptoms, not the problem. By removing personal responsibility, you exasperate the problem.
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • #57
                          Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          And your point? Yes, people drive drunk, get into crashes, and die. That happens even when people aren't drunk. If anything, those show that cars and roads need increased safety measures.

                          Again, nobody is debating that drunk driving is bad. Just that taking another step towards a nanny state is a bad thing.
                          Try telling that to the families of the deceased. It is a big problem and it needs sorting out, wouldn't something to save lives be a good thing? Or are you so concerned about your freedom to drink as much as you want and stumble into a car and hope to get home in one piece? I beleive in zero tollerance when it comes to drink driving, draw the line there and anyone that crosses it is punished.

                          Cars these days have masses of safety features and the roads here in the Uk are having more and more safety features added i.e. rumble strips close to junctions, non slip surfaces at traffic lights, speed restrictions and cameras etc etc.

                          In the last week of thefire service we attended a serious RTA between a 2007 volvo estate (one of thesafest cars in the world according to the manurfacturer) and a lorry. Lorry won car was compeltely mangled. Its not the cars, its the drivers, and incidently that was another drunk driver.


                          • #58
                            Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

                            Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                            Try telling that to the families of the deceased.
                            Appeal to emotion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                            It is a big problem and it needs sorting out, wouldn't something to save lives be a good thing?
                            Sure, saving lives is good. Not at the expense of personal freedoms, however. Again, I could find a way to kill you with an Xbox controller. In fact, playing Halo might even get me angry enough to want to injure you. Should the government outlaw gamepads to save lives?

                            Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                            Or are you so concerned about your freedom to drink as much as you want and stumble into a car and hope to get home in one piece?
                            Are you reading what people are saying?

                            Originally posted by Feba View Post
                            Again, nobody is debating that drunk driving is bad. Just that taking another step towards a nanny state is a bad thing.
                            Nobody has a problem with stricter laws and harsher punishments for drunk driving.

                            Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                            Its not the cars, its the drivers, and incidently that was another drunk driver.
                            No, it very much is cars. They are very dangerous machines. While there is obviously the driver as a factor, the driver can only serve to make things safer than a car would be by itself. Luckily, with increases in AI, camera tracking, and computing power, the driver won't be part of the equation anymore. As unreliable as a computer driver may be, it's still a helluva lot better than a human. Plus it allows us to get rid of pesky things like glass and windows which have a tendency to cause problems in crashes.

                            But anyway, if the car wasn't there for them to drive, the problem wouldn't be nearly as large. I mean, really, how many drunks manage to get themselves killed by stumbling into a tree?


                            • #59
                              Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

                              Doing something for the sake of doing something ALWAYS makes it worse.

                              Too many in the UK have a problem stopping drinking, the government can not change this.

                              Raise the drinking age? Who cares, under age drinkers already exist and do stupid things.
                              Tougher penalties? They didn't care about killing someone, so again, big deal.
                              Increase the cost? Moonshine. Cheap, effective, and more available as the costs of legal sources goes higher.
                              Ban supermarkets from selling alcohol? Ya, I mean you wouldn't believe the number of drunk idiots I tripped over on the way to work because every grocery store sells liquor ... oh wait.

                              Not a single one of those does a damn thing about the problem.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                              • #60
                                Re: Get drunk. With Final Fantasy!

                                Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                                Tougher penalties? They didn't care about killing someone, so again, big deal.
                                Mm, in some ways. Personally, I view prison as being one of two things: A way to rehabilitate those who can be rehabilitated, and a way to keep those who can't from harming anyone else. Ignore things like terms, time served, good behavior. Run them like mental institutions (which really, anything which should be a crime would require some form of mental disorder anyway); you get out when you're damned good and ready, no sooner.

                                So I mean, yeah, current system, not very effective.

