I've got 3,000,000 after teleporting people(nonstop, no leveling, boring sitting, final destination) for a few months and now I'm wondering what I should do with it? I've been noticing an influx in gil between newer players and mid-leveled players and on my server it seems like the prices of items are going to go insane again. It's about 700,000 for an Okote, 600 for an emp hairpin, 600 for fuma kyahan, 200-250 per sniper rings, 1650 peacock Anyway, I guess the question is:
Should I buy a bunch of expensive items and wait for the prices to go insane, or should I hold onto my gil because the price is going to drop soon?
Should I buy a bunch of expensive items and wait for the prices to go insane, or should I hold onto my gil because the price is going to drop soon?