Re: Rough Draft: Q&A 2008 Thread.
Jotting these questions down before I forget them:
Jotting these questions down before I forget them:
- When SCH was introduced to the game, the development team stated that they felt SCH wasn't a mage, but yet, as of the March 2008 update in which SCH was completed, it pretty much can assimilated any mage role quite capably sans Summoning, Haste and Refresh. What are your plans for WHM, RDM, BLM and SMN now that SCH can assimilate most of thier supportive and offensive aspects and how do you plan to make these jobs more unique?
- SCH and PUP are the only jobs that do not have questable weaponskills due to thier low ratings in weapons. Are there any plans for another questable spell for SCH or an automation frame for PUP so they both can have a similar quested ability or Weaponskill that other jobs presently enjoy?
- Will DNC and SCH be getting unique JSEs akin to CoP level 72 JSEs or perhaps be added to one of the existing CoP JSEs? Similarly, are there any plans for these jobs to be added to existing abjuration gear?