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Assault/Limbus Gear priority - need some advice

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  • Assault/Limbus Gear priority - need some advice

    OK, my Nyzul Static got shitcanned due to the leader quitting and is girlfriend taking an extended break, so that means I'm rather free to to Assaults again. Well, Foobar was always free, Kitten was the one tied up with Nyzul.

    Anyway, I've also set endgame aside (again) so it seems as though I have lots of room to do Assault and seek out a Limbus shell before diving headlong into the rest of endgame. Might not hurt to finish RDM and BST to 75 after I get Foobar's SCH there. DNC is next on the plate for Kitten, followed by BLU.

    So Foobar Jobs are SCH, RDM, BST and BRD in order of priority.
    Kitten's jobs are COR, RNG, DNC and BLU in order of priority.

    OK, SCH is my favorite job on Foobar, far and away the #1 in the pack. Yigit Gages and Crackows seem like what I should be going for first. Seems like Scholar's Gown would trump Yigit Gomlek, though, Gomlek seems better for +hMP build and maybe as a BRD body piece, if I had 4 million laying about, I'd soon spend it toward and Osode that both BST, BRD or RNG could use instead of a luxury piece like Sha'ir manteele. Seraweels don't seem too hot and turban doesn't really seem to add much to RDM, SCH or BRD.

    BST's selection of Assault gear is just plain underwhelming, Pahluwhan is not what a job like that deservers, the shoud have gotten Amir, but SE clearly thought otherwise. Potent Belt, Chivalrious chain for BST, then worry about Osode and Haidate later from Sky.

    Moving on to Limbus, oddly enough, I'd consider BRD AF my top priority upgrade, especially hands. I don't see anything that stands out as priority for BST or RDM and SCH is just SOL on AF upgrades. Loquacious and Musical earring seem look like good pick ups, Brutal earring is a natural choice for BST.

    BST I don't really even see anything great about from Dynamis, particularly when contrasted with the AF+1 from Limbus. I could be overlooking something, but seems like less work to just to the AF+1 and get improvements than worry about. Seems Dynamis would put RDM and BRD on priority, probably RDM moreso, most of the BRD AF2 is kinda meh after the roundlet.

    COR is clearly Kittens #1, but there's really not much to gain from Assault on that job. I could get the Paluwhan Sereweels, I've been slacking on that one. If I got those, then I could sell my Dusk Trousers on COR and spend the gil on a Vermillion Cloak for Foobar's SCH and RDM. That or I could put them toward Dusk Hands or feet, which would also serve kitten well. Kinda attached to the trousers though, i do lots of Joytoy melee on COR and that +14 attack is nice. Already have the Paluwhan body.

    DNC is going to benefit from a lot of the same gear COR presently has and could gain, pushing the issue of Dusk hands and feet again. So don't really need Paluwhan hands or feet. Paluwhan head is pure garbage.

    DNC could get some great pieces of gear from Campaign of the Cobra Unit gears follow the form of the first two pieces, which I already have.

    RNG's pretty much needing Sky and Dynamis gear in places. I have the upgrade Items for the AF+1 hands, but I don't seem much to want from the rest of the limbus upgrades. DNC and COR could benefit from Brutal. Could get a Boxer's Mantle for DNC.

    BLU I'm still iffy on. Dunno if I'm gonna go all the way with it or not, but the job's clear priority would be limbus gear. Some LSes would be iffy about letting somone get Homam for BLU without having a PLD or THF job to back it. I'll see how I feel after DNC is 75 I guess. I don't think I'm too keen on taking up THF or PLD as mains. Maybe I'll leave Kitten with a free space to level a new job with the next expansion.


    All that aside, I'm left with one quandry. I'm probably only ever going to be able to take one character all the way through assault ranks. Foobar's just starting them out, Kitten is superior private. I see Foobar gaining a lot more from the missions in general than Kitten, though I could be overlooking some of the potential drops from the various areas.

    By the same token, it seems like Kitten would be better suited to do Nyzul Isle and Salvage down the road. Kitten already has the tokens and knows the strategies for Nyzul. I'm just too irked by the fact that WotG are totally cast aside for Salvage to even care about Morrigan's, especially since it would only benefit RDM and nothing more. Skadi and Denali are big goals for Kitten. Given SCH's AF and the Yigit Gages and Sereweels, I don't see much to gain from Goliard for RDM and SCH.

    However, Askar for BST... that's very lucrative.

    I actually find Nyzul to be a lot of fun, so maybe I would n't mind the journey x2 on that one, but really, I only think I can stand to take one character to max assault rank.

  • #2
    Re: Assault/Limbus Gear priority - need some advice

    Assault ranks take forever and a day to get. Until and unless the drops change, I'd definitely go into main assaults with your Taru, who can benefit more from stuff like Yigit, much more so than your Mithra.

    As you noticed, most of the really amazing pieces for RNG come from Zilart stuff (sky, Dynamis), not WotG.

    Even though the Mithra is higher rank, I'd stick with Nyzul there and go with your Taru into the main assualts. Better use of your time and assault points.

    Of course, S-E could decide to change the gear selection for DNC and/or COR, which could impact your decision at some point.



    • #3
      Re: Assault/Limbus Gear priority - need some advice

      Seems we're thinking along similar lines then, but out of curiosity, do you think theres anything from RDM AF+1 that I might want to prioritize over BRD AF+1?


      • #4
        Re: Assault/Limbus Gear priority - need some advice

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        Seems we're thinking along similar lines then, but out of curiosity, do you think theres anything from RDM AF+1 that I might want to prioritize over BRD AF+1?
        No, most of the RDM AF+1 is rather a weak, upgrade. The body and the head are the only ones really worth it for most RDM, the former which is just a sidegrade (lose +5 CHR for some MP and +5 HMP). The hat has some more MP and +2 add INT, making it a the best nuking head for RDMs.

        BRD on the other hand has 3 really awesome pieces. The Hands are hands down (forgive me) the best hands for BRD in the game. The Legs give a whooping +8 Wind skill and the Body is a good substitute for Kirin's Osode if you want to wait on that (+10 CHR and +10 VIT).

        Also, Goliard Hands are not a bad thing for SCH. +4 MAB and +4 Macc makes them pretty good for nuking and Helix.

        PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


        • #5
          Re: Assault/Limbus Gear priority - need some advice

          Well only thing is that Goliard hand is a Nyzul and that's one piece of that set versus the full sets of Askar and Denali I'd rather have. I'd probably have to hop on a few separate runs for Nyzul with someone that had the floor access and do the rest on Kitten in a static.

