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The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

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  • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

    Thank you all for answering my question about reducing and/or removing enmity from a character. I think that will be very helpful once I start playing, I wont be the one running around screaming that the monster is trying to devour me!


    • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

      Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
      some WHMs resort to /DRG for High Jump in the past
      Yup. Did it killing Mamoo Jas while ToAU was still new. Dmg, skill up and enmity down, talk about 3 birds 1 jump.

      Gear swap: There are people who don't use it? Burn the nonbelievers!

      NA clinet with jp input: I fail to see how NA being able to type in japanese if they know it would pose a problem. Far as I'm concerned, just means less dependency on the auto translator.

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
      Yellow Mage doesn't want to accept that the game evolves past his present level. Where he is, gear swaps are less of a necessity, and yet a lot of us here, in the 50+ game especially, gear swaps are a way of life. I can't hit one macro on any job without something getting changed. So pardon the rest of us if our intelligence isn't just a little insulted when one person criticizes the effective tactics of other players just because he's not where they are yet.
      I don't know if I want to agree or lol with that statement.
      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


      • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

        NA clinet with jp input: I fail to see how NA being able to type in japanese if they know it would pose a problem. Far as I'm concerned, just means less dependency on the auto translator.
        You can type assian things if you change your default OS setting to unicode.. Umm.. I did this once, I can find out exactly how to do it again if you'd need it, but I wouldn't do it because all the letters on your pc end up being all messed up and such.

        PiNG (who is asian himself, and knows japanese) told me how to do it.

        War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


        • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

          Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
          You can type assian things if you change your default OS setting to unicode.
          Not in FFXI, at least not without third party programs. SE has stated, very clearly, that if you're typing in JP on an NA client, it is third party tool usage, and they can/will ban you.

          This isn't a matter of installing JP language packs and software on the user's computer, it's a problem with FFXI's client.


          • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

            I'd love to keep divulging in discourse with Feba, but as with so many of his own original threads, I'd like to point out he's not really reading the OP at all and discussing things that are more generalized complaints from the outsider's perspective than he is the lesser issues the topic specificied.

            From what I've observed, those that honestly care enough to have JP client for typing in japanese get the JP client. There are just some things SE doesn't do - US releases never gets the same features JP release does, not even language options when the technology as been there for over a decade now. I guess my attitude comes from the acceptance that SE just won't do it. I'm not thrilled they don't do certain things, I just accept it.

            The PvP complaint is a common one from an outsiders view - its not really up for discussion because (1) its not an "issue", its clear by now SE wants a different kind of PvP and each new kind they develop proves that and (2) a lack of a mainstream form PvP, like griping the state of RDM or SMN, is commonly complained about.

            Lack of PvP was not a complaint before FFXI, as it was not mainstream for all MMOs, it was a complaint that came after the release of World of Warcraft - a vastly different game with completely different balancing. People's views of MMOs might have changes, butt hat doesn't mean the games that pre-date WoW have to.

            And not every job in FFXI is a true hybrid like they are in WoW. We have hybrids and in respect to those hybrids, SE does an admirable job balancing them for PvE - which is the vast majority of FFXI's content. The problem is that for the PvP we have, those jobs are too strong or too weak and then you have the non-hybrids caught up in the middle.

            One could argue that the subjob system tries to make all jobs hybrids, but its not always the case since the design of the subjob system halfs the level of the subjob. Not all of these great tastes taste great together. Yeah, a SAM/SMN could skillchain with Carbuncle, but SAM really isn't a mage, what else is he going to do with Carby? SAM/DNC on the other hand would be a completely transition from DD to hybrid since DNC plays off and benefits from skills SAMs have.

            But that's one of 20 jobs, /DNC works out well for some and not for most. This is consistant with other subjobs. How do we get a really fair PvP game without a serious overhaul.

            Instead of making SE more like WoW, SE simply adds things similar to other MMOs in a PvE context. Assault mildly reflects some aspects of DDO and ToA content brought in a lot of instances that FFXI liked about other MMOs. The Besieged and Campaign content is a a PvE take on large raid-like content.

            Now, here we get into a little something that might actually qualify under my disclaimer. See, my biggest complaint about this raid-like content is that its the beastmen coming to us most of the time and not enough of the other way around. In both Besieged and Campaign, there is a lack of incentive to raid the beastmen fortresses. There's really only a handful of reasons to go into any of these fortresses. The reward is seldome worth the risk.

            And really, Only Castle Oztroja (S) offers decent incentives (such as Vicious Mufflers pop item) and its also a good merit camp - the other two past fortresses do not, even better is that a lot of the same scrolls drop there that do in present day. The present day mainland fortresses serve their purpose well enough for missions, NMs, BCNMs coffers and quests. The Besieged fotresses are a complete mess. There are a bevy of NMs in each one, but thier drops are a joke because they are latent gear and most of it only activates during Besieged.

            Besieged is three times a day, with all three beastmen armies taking 16 hours to regroup and raid again. I'm not gonna get much use out of this stuff.

            I'd love to see real reasons to take linkshells into these places and tear up the fortresses from top to bottom, but SE needs to add reasons to go there. But perhaps they're not done with the WotG ones, its possible there could be new BCNM content within them in the future. Wait and see.


            • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

              Originally posted by Feba View Post
              Not in FFXI, at least not without third party programs. SE has stated, very clearly, that if you're typing in JP on an NA client, it is third party tool usage, and they can/will ban you.

              This isn't a matter of installing JP language packs and software on the user's computer, it's a problem with FFXI's client.
              I'd love to prove this to you, but since I can't right now and it's probably better not to do it, i'll just say you're right.

              War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


              • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                I'd like to point out he's not talking about the things I WANT TO TALK ABOUT, but is instead talking about WHAT THE TOPIC IS ABOUT. Waaah. Waaaaah.
                If you want to start a topic about your concerns, start a topic about your concerns; don't start a topic under the guise of seeing other people's opinions if you don't want to hear them.

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                I don't know anyone who wants to type in Japanese, so I'm going to assume that those that honestly care enough to have JP client for typing in japanese get the JP client.
                Wrong. I already gave you plenty of examples; and there are multiple people here who would like to see this in this thread. There's also very little in reason against it (last I heard, the reason SE didn't add it was a licensing fee-- given the amount of money they make on this game, I have a very very hard time believing any IME license would cost a significant amount of money)

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                The PvP complaint is a common one from an outsiders view
                That's nice. Just because it's a common complaint doesn't mean we discuss the matter often.

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                Lack of PvP was not a complaint before FFXI, as it was not mainstream for all MMOs, it was a complaint that came after the release of World of Warcraft
                This is just plain wrong. I remember plenty of people complaining about the lack of PVP outside of Ballista long before WoW hit. I also remember there being plenty of MMOs before FFXI that had PVP, although I'd have to ask friends for specifics, as FFXI was the first one I played. People like to be able to fight; and fighting with other people was one of the first uses of online gameplay.

                Once again, you're making a strawman argument-- the fact that people think that SE could add something else does not mean that they think they're going to bend over backwards to add it. For example, right now, most people would agree that PVP works. It has it's kinks to iron out, but it works. Brenner and Ballista, however, are team sports; and neither Diorama is well suited to 1 on 1, or other small combat. You also do not win purely by beating the snot out of the other team.

                Nobody is asking for a huge change, just a decent way to fight. Hell, three steps: Take the PVP code of Ballista/Brenner, change it to reward kills instead of scores, take out the rooks/flamenbrenner and petras, and change the colorscheme on a BCNM. Diorama-Throne Room would work nicely (since it doesn't require the run up most do)

                Then just toss it in, maybe upgrade the reservation system some (since it's a BCNM and not a full area, it could be shared by multiple parties without trouble), and go. We aren't asking for nation versus nation combat, we aren't asking for BLMs to be made into great tanks, we don't want World of Warcraft, we just want a way to smack the crap out of our friends; in a way that Ballista and Brenner don't satisfy.

                Unless you honestly think that Ballista and Brenner are bad for FFXI, you can have nothing bad to say about adding something like this. Hell, it's getting about time for them to add a third type of combat anyway (only two country's pasttimes are represented now), they could squeeze this in with it.

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                I'd love to see real reasons to take linkshells into these places and tear up the fortresses from top to bottom,
                Well, fun. I remember my old LS kicking the crap out of the places when we went there for R4. But other than that, I agree.

                Could be made pretty fun too-- have different quests/missions, kinda like Eco Warrior, except instead of being weakened to the point where you almost have to sneak through the place, the point would be to kill as many as possible on your trek through. Then you could enter the BCNM at the end (or for the second teir strongholds or campaign, some other market), and kill a boss. That could be great fun, with an 18 man alliance, to just knock the crap out of the place.
                Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
                I'd love to prove this to you,
                There's really nothing to prove. If this were possible (or still possible, it does sound vaguely familiar), there would be no need for a Windower IME plugin, or any of the third party programs that have been made for this purpose. Those people would've just said "here, do this", it would've been a far better use of their time. And I mean, when you ask a GM if it's ok to use third party tools to type in Japanese, and they say "No, we'd still ban you for that", there's not really much room for interpretation.
                Last edited by Feba; 04-24-2008, 12:02 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

                  Originally posted by Feba View Post
                  There's really nothing to prove. If this were possible (or still possible, it does sound vaguely familiar), there would be no need for a Windower IME plugin, or any of the third party programs that have been made for this purpose. Those people would've just said "here, do this", it would've been a far better use of their time. And I mean, when you ask a GM if it's ok to use third party tools to type in Japanese, and they say "No, we'd still ban you for that", there's not really much room for interpretation.
                  No, you obviously didn't read all my post. I did it, and my window titles and start menu and such were full of weird letters, shortcut's didn't work etc. You can still type normal roman letters though.

                  But lets just drop it then, I already said to just say you were right. That's better than a long yes/no discussion.

                  War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                  • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

                    Originally posted by Kittyneko View Post
                    I did it, and my window titles and start menu and such were full of weird letters, shortcut's didn't work etc.
                    That... has nothing to do with FFXI. That's a problem with the language pack. And there's really no reason installing language support should cause those problems; that sounds more like you tried to change your OS langage, but without having proper support for the character encoding.


                    • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

                      Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                      and eliminate the absurd memory constraints for the poor PS2 at the same time.
                      Only way to do that would be to pull PS2 support altogether.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        Only way to do that would be to pull PS2 support altogether.
                        Is that really a viable option for Square-Enix to do? If they pull support from the PlayStation 2 client, will they not lose quite a few subscribers? It would be wonderful to say that everyone could afford to go out and buy a PlayStation 3, but you cannot really expect that. It is going to become quite the dilemma, because eventually I can see the PS2 being unable to support Final Fantasy XI. Perhaps they could introduce a new hard drive or some way to update you PS2, but even then you are looking at money a lot of people cannot or are not willing to spend.


                        • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          that sounds more like you tried to change your OS langage,

                          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                          • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            The PvP complaint is a common one from an outsiders view - its not really up for discussion because (1) its not an "issue", its clear by now SE wants a different kind of PvP and each new kind they develop proves that and (2) a lack of a mainstream form PvP, like griping the state of RDM or SMN, is commonly complained about.
                            First, I still play this game and I want an additional form of PVP (not an outsider opinion).

                            Secondly, Anything anyone has said in this forum is not up for discussion then. If SE wanted it how we want to see it then It would be like that. So as you would put it deal with it.

                            What new form of PVP their hasnt been an update to it since brenner, that was so long ago I don't even remember it happening. People don't even participate in the game anymore. I went and did some brenner last night, know what I did. Sat on the beach beating the crap out of people. Not one of use did the game.

                            Lastly, now its ok for RDM's and SMN's to complain about things? I thought this was a thread about Issues we don't often discuss. Not RDM complains about melee, and SMN whines because he can't keep an avatar out.

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            . more jiberish
                            Seriously bud make a new thread and title it. "BBQ explains why you are wrong and I am right". Every single time someone has a thought to add you refute with that wont work, it's not how they want it. This whole thread is useless on that assumption you make. They have the game how they want it. Once again BBQ you show how much of an attention seeking troll you are. (hell Im begining to think your worse then me, at least I only spout off in the RDM forums and disagree with everyone.) Its a discussion and you seem to think only your side holds water. Since it is based on opinions on the issues we rarely talk about, they all hold water.(even your snide comments every 3 posts.) so BBQ deal with it.

                            Anyhow back to the topic, In PVP last night I realized 2 things. 1. They seriously need a reward system, even if it was trophies to put in your MH. I went 6-0 last night and survived an onslaught of NIN,PLD,WHM. (I Aspir). I should get a trophy called last man standing or something. Cuz seriously I owned PVP and all I got was 30K (40K but 10 was mine). Secondly they need to make a bland area, even if it was just a section of desert, fighting peole who have so far to run away is lame, not to mention sometimes the draw you into those stupid detector things. A square arena about the 4 mog houses in a square would be perfect.

                            In addition to that they need a spectator area where people can bet on the winner, an npc where the duelists can bet on the winner, and a set of trophies or something.

                            It would let people make some gil, and would also take gil out of the system.

                            sig courtesy tgm
                            retired -08


                            • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

                              Oh hai this is ffxio where people argue about things not happening in game. Please check reality at the door.
                              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                              • Re: The issues with FFXI that we don't often discuss

                                sig courtesy tgm
                                retired -08

