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Hey Everyone, got the game yesterday. I'm a noob :(

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  • Hey Everyone, got the game yesterday. I'm a noob :(

    Hello everyone! I bought this game yesterday and it seems pretty sweet. My name is Zach on the Ifrit Server in San d'Oria. So if you see me, give me some advice, because I'm a noob. I play on the 360 and if you want, send me a friend request, my gamertag is K4RN4GE Xx. I don't know if theres anyway to say thanks to anybody but I'd like to say thank you to Jammer because he spent atleast and hour with me last night telling me where things are and how they work, so Thanks Jammer!

    I'll be on these forums alot and I'm hoping to get better at this game.

  • #2
    Re: Hey Everyone, got the game yesterday. I'm a noob

    Hello Zach_In_Ifrit and welcome to the forums. ^^
    Feel free to check out the various helpful guides on the forums, here are a few links to some beginner guides that may help you out.

    FINAL FANTASY XI New Player Guide

    And there's more on this board:
    Frequently Asked Questions - Final Fantasy XI :: Dreams in Vana'diel :: Community

    Also, since you play on Ifrit, make to say hi on this board:
    Ifrit - Final Fantasy XI :: Dreams in Vana'diel :: Community
    You might be able to find yourself a nice social ls there. ^^

    Good luck on your adventures

    War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


    • #3
      Re: Hey Everyone, got the game yesterday. I'm a noob

      Links for new players^^ I'm a fan.

      Here's just a couple more:


      FFXIclopedia - quite possibly the best cross-referenced database covering all things FFXI. Get into the habit of using this or something similar.

      FFXI-Atlas - A database of all the maps in Vanadiel. Useful for having all maps in one place as well as their great map overlays (showing Notorious Monster spawns, Elementals, Treasure Chests and Coffers, etc).

      FFXIAH - This is a site displaying up-to-date information from the Auction House shared by Jeuno and Whitegate (ie. not the starting cities). Very useful, especially from level 20 onwards when you should actually be heading to Jeuno.

      FFXI-Bestiary - A database of enemies (mobs). The best thing on this site are the two tools on the left, showing EXP Mob Search and Skill-up Mob Search. Not infallible, though both are a nice starting point.

      In-game terminology - This is a great list of all those peculiar terms that regular players take for granted.

      Campsitarus - Fantastic database of popular (and not so popular) partying locations, right from level 10 through to 75.

      Campsitarus on VB - The same info as above, but laid out in a different format. Be sure to put whichever you prefer into your Favourites.

      Pyogenes FFXI timer (all GMT) - Especially useful for finding out whose RSE quest is currently active and where, but also has a bunch of other cool stuff.

      MithraPride FFXI timer - More of the same, preferred by many.

      Firefox FFXI Helper plug-in - Another timer - this time in plug-in form - specifically for Mozillaphiles.

      Vana'naVi 3 - A great tidy, compact timer tool. This newest version is mainly in JP however.
      Direct download

      Vana'naVi 2 - Same as 3, but en anglais.
      Direct download

      Aden's Renkei Chart - Renkei is the JP term for Skillchain. This skillchain chart is typically the most well-used. It's designed well and is as up to date information-wise as any chart that I'm currently aware of.

      Revelin's FFXI Calculator - A neat little application that has a bunch of cool uses.


      Some of these FFXIclopedia guides are still Works In Progress at the time of posting, I think. Still nice for newbies to browse through however:

      New Players
      New Players in San d'Oria
      New Players in Windurst
      New Players in Bastok
      New Players in Valkurm Dunes
      New Players in Jeuno
      New Players in Kazham

      Somepage's Food Guide - Probably the best introduction to the world of food usage. Yummy info.

      Signet - New player? Read up on Signet. Then never leave town without it.

      /check - New player? /check will save your life!

      Outpost Warp Quests - These are a means of warping instantly between your home nation and the various Outposts located throughout Vana'diel. Of particular importance is Zulkheim (Valkurm Dunes). Be sure to pick this up at the earliest opportunity. Its goodness is large.

      Which Job Should I Play? - A very concise and neat overview of FFXI's jobs by DiV's own IfritnoItazura.

      Official Sites:

      SE's Playonline/FFXI site

      SE's Linkshell Community Site

      FFXI Podcasts:

      Pet Food Alpha

      Limit Break Radio

      The Mog House
      Last edited by Deeke; 04-07-2008, 08:02 AM. Reason: size=16 was a LOT bigger than I thought it would be.. o.o;
      Oh, Warp. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...


      • #4
        Re: Hey Everyone, got the game yesterday. I'm a noob

        nice guides...if you want to send me a POL firend message(from POL) and my FFXI name is Shadowneko on Midgardsomr. You can just type a few questions that way. I like to help rookies like yourself but I like my server...

        and boo! it's a lame spammer!
        Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
        (have fun MMO players ^^)
        Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


        • #5
          Re: Hey Everyone, got the game yesterday. I'm a noob

          Originally posted by Shadowneko View Post
          and boo! it's a lame spammer!
          What spammer?

          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


          • #6
            Re: Hey Everyone, got the game yesterday. I'm a noob

            It's good to see new faces here. Welcome!

            Please feel free to PM me if you have any more questions, but you should be okay thanks to the very useful links already posted.
            PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
            Rockman - Fairy

            WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
            Currently Playing:
            FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta

