Hey guys ive just received my FFXI Copy and its updated and ready to play. As i know nothing at all, i.e what mobs to kill first + quests etc and the majority or keys i was just wonder if anyone was looking for someone to play with from level 1 i can make a char on any realm.
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New player
Re: New player
Lionna's New Player Guide - FFXIWiki
That might help out a bit As to what to do and where to go, outside of the front gate of any town is a good place to learn how to fight, just look through your menu and get a feel for the world
I'd love to say come to quetz and i can help you out but I have little to no time to play as it issigpic
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Re: New player
FFXICLOPEDIA has a really great quest guide just look for the ones that dont require a fame level and you can do them. They are seperated amongst the 3 starter nations so chose the guide for the nation you chose.
As for mobs to hunt
Sandoria Start
Start with rabbits/worms right outside the gate, focus on them till about level 4-5
then move on to the stronger rabbits and worms(called teir 2 mobs). 5-8
bettles, sheep, goblins, orcs (with care ) 8-12
Windurst Start
Start with Tiny Mandragora, Bees, outside the gate 4-5
Work in rarabs, teir 2 madragora 5-8
Crawler, Gob, crow, yaguado (with care) 8-12
Bastok Start
Bees, Worms 4-5
Teir2 Worms, Teir 2 Bee, Sapplings, Vulture 5-8
Lizards, Sheep, Qudav, Goblin 8-12
Basically what you do in any area is start near the city, kill the mobs for a few levels and fan out, targeting slightly stronger mobs. Generally what I do is kill all the mobs in the 4-5 range, until im level 8, then the 5-8 mobs till im lvl 10.
ALWAYS be sure to get signet from the gate guard (I.M.(bastok),R.K(Sandoria),W.W. (Windurst). This will alow you to get a boost to stats, as well as earn Conquest Points, and more importantly collect crystals.
sig courtesy tgm
retired -08
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