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Fastest claiming JA?

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  • #16
    Re: Fastest claiming JA?

    Seriously matey if you want to ask for peoples opinions and thoughts on a job to see what they think try to be a bit more accepting of the answers they give rather than "Ha! j00 liez! Teh rngr skllz! is teh bestest!" Might go a long ways for starting a discussion rather than you just trying to claim your point is the only way after asking others for opinions. Common courtesy y'know?


    • #17
      Re: Fastest claiming JA?

      Originally posted by Jaice View Post
      Seriously matey if you want to ask for peoples opinions and thoughts on a job to see what they think try to be a bit more accepting of the answers they give rather than "Ha! j00 liez! Teh rngr skllz! is teh bestest!" Might go a long ways for starting a discussion rather than you just trying to claim your point is the only way after asking others for opinions. Common courtesy y'know?
      I can see so many real world applications though.

      'Which of these looks better to you, the red or the blue?'
      'Well, I prefer the red.'
      'Wrong! The blue looks better.'


      'What do you feel like having for dinner tonight? Steak, tacos or pasta?'
      'Oooh... tacos sound good.'
      'Wrong! You want steak.'

      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


      • #18
        Re: Fastest claiming JA?

        Really all i said is i think Shadowbind is faster then provoke and it has nothing to do with me being a ranger and then i was told i needed proof or, then i said i used both voke a shadowbind before, thats really all i said. lol no need for hissy fits. I'm Sorry!

        But if i was certain that Shadowbind was the fastest way to claim something i wouldn't of made this thread, again all i said was i think its faster then provoke...thats it. Sheesh! guys are quick to try and attack someone.


        • #19
          Re: Fastest claiming JA?

          Originally posted by Caspian View Post
          However, if you take into account lag and the whole 'being locked out from trying to claim too early', then sometimes a very quick spell can work better than an instant JA.
          Basicly thats what i would say if Caspian hadn't already said it =p
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #20
            Re: Fastest claiming JA?

            Originally posted by Ill Poet View Post
            Really all i said is i think Shadowbind is faster then provoke and it has nothing to do with me being a ranger and then i was told i needed proof or, then i said i used both voke a shadowbind before, thats really all i said. lol no need for hissy fits. I'm Sorry!

            But if i was certain that Shadowbind was the fastest way to claim something i wouldn't of made this thread, again all i said was i think its faster then provoke...thats it. Sheesh! guys are quick to try and attack someone.
            Originally posted by Ill Poet View Post
            I don't think alot of you have even seen a RNG using shadowbind to claim a NM before >.>;; I know for a fact thats its faster then provoke.
            Uh huh.

            Nothing to see here, folks.

            Topic Closed until the OP can figure out what question he actually wants answered.

            FFXIonline Forum Super Moderator

