Apparently SE didn't intend for Automations, Avatars, Beasts and Wyverns to get effects from Haste, Drain or Aspir Sambas like they currently are, it was listed in "Current Known Issues (Mar. 14th)." Personally I thought it was kinda cool. Not so much for Haste Samba, but getting Drain Samba effects was probably very nice for DRG, PUP and BST pets since our pets require a bit of maitenence.
It didn't seem too overpowered to let the pets get the effect, at any rate.
I say pet jobbers should cry "nerf" and demand this one back >.>;
It didn't seem too overpowered to let the pets get the effect, at any rate.
I say pet jobbers should cry "nerf" and demand this one back >.>;