Re: /anon farmers 
Personally, if I'm going out to farm, I don't want to be bothered ... by anyone. I'll sometimes take off my linkshell and just rip through mobs until my inventory is full. The exception is, of course, my boyfriend, but he really pretty much knows that if I'm out farming I'm not to be bothered.
I'm one of those people who goes /anon more and more these days. I sit in Port Jeuno on WHM waiting for Limbus and I get at least 15 tells asking for teleports. It's gotten ridiculous. And of course, waiting for events we're not supposed to /anon so people know what jobs we have available, but who can blame me for not wanting to be badgered with tells?
The second I take /anon off sometimes on RDM, I get invites. I have gotten invites in sky, Dynamis, Apollyon, BCNM zones, even while already meriting. It's in-fucking-sane. You're right it doesn't take long for me to reply to someone but since it annoys me so much, I'm just going to take the easy way out and prevent it from happening in the first place.
There's also the issue that I like to /DRK. I don't farm /THF. I can kill much faster with /DRK and faster kills = more drops. Well, people think /DRK is gimp, even though it's clear that I'm soloing. People will "educate" me when they see this SJ choice, unless they see that I'm in Dynamis-Xarc or something. Although chances are, I'm /anon anyway. My LS knows what job I'm on, pretty easy. But my point is, I don't need people to educate me as to what subjob choices are best. I already fucking know. Leave me alone.
My favorite are the /tells asking me if I have /WHM. As though they can't believe I wouldn't be using it all the time. And when I reply that I do, they then proceed to ask me to merit with them. Even if I'm soloing, /DRK, with a /seacom, I get hassled. I don't need that kind of aggravation.
Maybe I should level a job no one wants to invite, like PUP, and no one will bug me, but honestly it's just easier for me to make my name blue and be done with it. People have grown increasingly rude, you turn them down and they turn into complete pricks. Doesn't take a genius to see why mages these days have turned to being /anon when they're busy.

Personally, if I'm going out to farm, I don't want to be bothered ... by anyone. I'll sometimes take off my linkshell and just rip through mobs until my inventory is full. The exception is, of course, my boyfriend, but he really pretty much knows that if I'm out farming I'm not to be bothered.
I'm one of those people who goes /anon more and more these days. I sit in Port Jeuno on WHM waiting for Limbus and I get at least 15 tells asking for teleports. It's gotten ridiculous. And of course, waiting for events we're not supposed to /anon so people know what jobs we have available, but who can blame me for not wanting to be badgered with tells?
The second I take /anon off sometimes on RDM, I get invites. I have gotten invites in sky, Dynamis, Apollyon, BCNM zones, even while already meriting. It's in-fucking-sane. You're right it doesn't take long for me to reply to someone but since it annoys me so much, I'm just going to take the easy way out and prevent it from happening in the first place.
There's also the issue that I like to /DRK. I don't farm /THF. I can kill much faster with /DRK and faster kills = more drops. Well, people think /DRK is gimp, even though it's clear that I'm soloing. People will "educate" me when they see this SJ choice, unless they see that I'm in Dynamis-Xarc or something. Although chances are, I'm /anon anyway. My LS knows what job I'm on, pretty easy. But my point is, I don't need people to educate me as to what subjob choices are best. I already fucking know. Leave me alone.
My favorite are the /tells asking me if I have /WHM. As though they can't believe I wouldn't be using it all the time. And when I reply that I do, they then proceed to ask me to merit with them. Even if I'm soloing, /DRK, with a /seacom, I get hassled. I don't need that kind of aggravation.
Maybe I should level a job no one wants to invite, like PUP, and no one will bug me, but honestly it's just easier for me to make my name blue and be done with it. People have grown increasingly rude, you turn them down and they turn into complete pricks. Doesn't take a genius to see why mages these days have turned to being /anon when they're busy.