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What is your fondest noob memory

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  • #16
    Re: What is your fondest noob memory

    I love the stories you are all posting and can relate to so many of them. Esspecially the first trip on a boat, i got brutally slaughterd by a sea monk and was raised by a friendly WHM, damn i miss being a noob so much, the closest thing i have is finding my own noob to show the ropes to, their astonishment and clumsy play bring joy to my heart, as it reminds me of my first steps into the game.

    sig courtesy tgm
    retired -08


    • #17
      Re: What is your fondest noob memory

      It's funny. So many people's newbie memories involve dying to various things a lot of the time. I guess I was an overly cautious new player, because that really didn't happen to me, like, at all.


      • #18
        Re: What is your fondest noob memory

        Getting war to lvl 15 without an empress or chariot band, I didn;t know they existed in teh very early days.

        Oh yeah taking on Carnero solo at lvl 7 (instant death) becuase in the first 2 days of playing I didn't know about the check function.


        • #19
          Re: What is your fondest noob memory

          Duoing Doppelganger Gog with my ex-girlfriend, me as Lv.24 WAR/MNK and she as Lv.24 THF/WAR, while camping Bomb King. Opened the fight with SA Fast Blade -> Sturmwind -> Reverberation. We were expecting that to leave it nearly dead, but we were very wrong. It still had about half its HP left, and it was pounding me VERY hard. I was starting to get low on HP and Suzanne did Provoke -> Perfect Dodge. I waited for it to wear, then I waited for her HP to drop to buy time before finally voking it off of her, popping Mighty Strikes and dropping another Sturmwind. Two or three crits later it was dead, with the both of us in the red.

          Got a Cruel Spear for our troubles. Absolutely worthless, but we fought tooth and nail for it.


          • #20
            Re: What is your fondest noob memory

            Poor cruel spear. Never gets any .


            • #21
              Re: What is your fondest noob memory

              My fondest noob memory had a prolong effect.
              When I gotten sneak on my WHM, my RL friend(DRK/WAR IG) told me that if I wanted sneak to last longer to removed my boots and any heavy armor. I did that until level 50BLM/WHM when my entire party let me know the truth after I told them all to remove their boots and any heavy armor or I am not casting sneak on them...yeah, good times
              PSN ID: Kelshan
              Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
              Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


              • #22
                Re: What is your fondest noob memory

                Getting my Skull for sj...

                My hubby got me into the game when he was about 40 or so... he was dragging me around here and there... and for some reason we were in the maze.. I was maybe 10 or 12. I wish I remember why we were there... maybe a mission or quest? anyhows... he kills a skellie that aggros me and the skull drops... so he yells at me "Lot that!!" and I'm like "huh? wha? how?" so he walks me thru how to lot that. Once the skull is in my possession he tells me "Don't ever drop that, I don't care what else you have to drop, never drop that" I remember being afraid to even give it to my mog to hold until I got to 18 so I could turn it in


                • #23
                  Re: What is your fondest noob memory

                  Oh man. There are so many awesome memories. Noob or otherwise.

                  I'd have to say that my single fondest noob memory would be the surprise friendship that sprung from someone who saw my war/whm and decided that it was good enough to trio w/ another war and his rdm. We learned the game together, leveled jobs together, quested together, laughed together, and vented on each other as well. He started a linkshell. He sacked me. ...but even though it was always his shell, he never really saw it like that. It was our shell. The other war that was in the shell faded out, like many others that have come and gone. Over the last year, we've picked up several members who are all really good people. We helped each other out, quested, leveled, and generally just had a good time. Lately, people have been drifting away as their interests change. I can only hope that they keep in touch. These people are my fondest noob memories.

         runner up would be after I changed from war/whm and adopted a more proper whm/blm.

                  I was out soloing on my young whm in La Theine Plateau when I got a /tell from a 75whm/blm. I found that interesting, as I didn't know who this person was. He asked me various questions, like: "Did I like my job" and "How long have you been playing the game", etc., etc. Out of the blue, he asked me what my position was, told me not to log, and that he'd be there in a couple of minutes. He rode up, dismounted, talked to me for a bit, and asked me to accept a trade from him. He gave me 1 million gil, waved, remounted his bird, and trotted off. I was absolutely floored. When I asked him why, he replied that he "..had played this game for 4 years and it was time to move on." and that "I can't take it with me." ...all I could manage was a "Thank you very much!" and to wish him the best in his future endeavors. That day I vowed to return the favor. Nearly a full year later, I still plan on looking for my noob when I retire.


                  • #24
                    Re: What is your fondest noob memory

                    Ya me too im comming up on an important step in my life i have graduated law school and am now in an electronic industrial controls course (figure i may as well tackle blue and white collar so i have some fall back) I currently have employment as an intern legal assistant in a respected law firm, however i am not as pleased as i thought i would be. Sooner or later im going to retire and need someone to drop my stuff to. My sights are set on a RDM who will stick with the job. I dont see the point in giving my stuff to LS mates as they are able to do most of it themselves, i just need to find a noob when i plan my retirement.

                    sig courtesy tgm
                    retired -08


                    • #25
                      Re: What is your fondest noob memory

                      I remember my first few days playing FFXI more clearly than pretty much anything else in my life. Which is horribly saddening. But I digress...

                      Let me add another ram related story.

                      Shortly after my first log in I was offered a pearl to a newbie LS, Traveling, created by a helpful bilingual JP. The shellholder was incredibly nice and patient, but the newbies he was trying to help were... well, noobs. The very day the shell fractured she got me my subjob items in Buburimu. An hour later I'm standing at the dock as a level 1 RDM/BLM, on his way to San d'Oria to finally meet the San d'Orian friends I'd made in Traveling (now in NotAGuild) character to character. Sea Horror spawned but did not aggro me. Seeing it reminded me to set homepoint in Selbina which was fortuitous. I crossed most of La Theine without issue. Then the screen started shaking. Suddenly I was standing a bit farther back up the road and a shaggy, horned mountain was head butting me.

                      So yeah, TLDR: I got killed by Bloodtear Baldurf too.


                      • #26
                        Re: What is your fondest noob memory

                        My fondest memory was my very first quest: the Gustaberg Tour. It was the day after the PS2 release, so newbies were abundant at that time. I was exploring Bastok when I saw a /shout about a group doing Gustaberg Tour, and that they needed a few more players. I debated whether or not to take the opportunity, since I wasn't sure whether I wanted to mess with joining a party yet or not.

                        I decided to do the Gustaberg Tour with the group. And as it turned out, I didn't even have the quest flagged, so I didn't get the reward. But all 5 of the other players wound up on my friends list. My first social LS was started by one of the players later that week, and that group became the start of that LS. I even found new friends though subsequent runs of the Gustaberg Tour. To this day, my 3 closest in-game friends were all in that LS, and 2 of them went on that very first Gustaberg Tour with me.

                        Thinking back to that first day on the game makes me think a bit about .hack//GU. I posted a thread about the game, but it turned into more about introspection regarding how your early player-to-player interactions in an MMO could have a profound effect on how you play and view the game.
                        lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                        Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                        Fishing 60

                        Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                        Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                        Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                        Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                        • #27
                          Re: What is your fondest noob memory

                          Walking into gusgen mines. Have a pretty good memory so I thought I could just back track. Never thought that If I opened one of 3 doors, someone else could close them. Spent 30 mins shouting for someone to open door. Spent another hour and a half wandering aimlessly. Finally a monk passed and I attached myself to him while he farmed. He eventually led me to daylight. Then I found out about ffxi-atlas. Now I'm questing all maps. Halfway done with Crawler's nest and I solo bombs in uleguerand range so might as well get it as well


                          • #28
                            Re: What is your fondest noob memory

                            my crazy memories go back to the first NA beta test. The thing I recall the most is running ito the crag in the highlands for the first time. I aslo recall getting abit too close to Steelfleece Bardich as a lvl 17 THF(that ram owes me one still!)

                            In retail I remeber getting XP off this gobbie I was running from in the dunes(he blew up!) and one shotting a sheep(darn lucky shot!) with a bow while leveling my Warrior sub!
                            Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
                            (have fun MMO players ^^)
                            Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


                            • #29
                              Re: What is your fondest noob memory

                              I've got three noob memories, and I them!

                              I started playing the game right at the time the CoP expansion came out. My first memory was while I was running around in Windy as a level 4 or so Thief. I didn't know what in the heck I was doing, and I was mostly getting caught up in corners, or in buildings, or wherever. This guy by the bonecrafters shop stops me, and we have about an hour conversation about our real lives, who we were, how we started, etc. He gives me 50k, and until he stopped playing the game, helped each other out when we needed it. Then, later that day, I was in Saruta leveling, when this giant Galka Paladin came and cast Protect on me. He pl'd me (which I didn't realize what that even meant) until his friends got on, and then gave me 25k. People were so damn generous back then.

                              My second memory is of my husband and I. With our handy Brady guide (that had so many errors!) in tow, he was a MNK12, I was THF12, no subs. We wanted to get our subjob items, but since we had no ls, we had no idea how in the heck to get them. So we looked it up, and found out that they dropped from crabs. Well we looked at the closest crabs near us, and they were in Burburimu. We were like, with the two of us, OF COURSE we can handle them! So we made it out to the water with no aggro. Started attacking a crab and just got completely annilhated. We didn't even understand parties or anything back then.

                              Oh! And the time we paid money for a Tele-Dem from Windy Woods, without knowing you needed to have the crystal before you could get teleported. LOL!

                              Fun times...*sigh*
                              Originally Posted by Neosutra
                              Jesus Christ guys, no one will get banned from this Salvage dupe. It isnt trackable, it isnt traceable, and you dont alter any game mechanics to do it. Anyone thinking people will get banned is a fucking moron.
                              Bard 75 ~ Bard Relic: 4/5 ~ Windy Rank 10


                              • #30
                                Re: What is your fondest noob memory

                                Not knowing what a subjob was until ... level 18, to which me and a friend duoed to in like a month, that was probably the most fun times I had.
                                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

